What flavor does Red Bull taste like?

With its reasonable caffeine content and sweet taste, you can count on Red Bull to provide you with a boost whenever you need it.

That said, despite its benefits, until now nobody has been able to answer this question: what exactly is its flavor?

Red Bull’s flavor range generally has a candy-like sweetness. The original flavor is similar to a sweet-and-sour soda mixed with some medicine while other flavors are more fruit-inspired and tangy. The presence of guarana is also dominant in the drink’s taste.

Of course, that’s not all to it. For a more in-depth look, read on as I do a deep-dive on Red Bull, from the ingredients it has to what’s supposed to taste like.

But, if you’re more interested to find out how Red Bull could affect your health, check out the article I’ve written on whether Red Bull is bad for you for an in-depth discussion.

  • Red Bull Energy Drink Nutrition Facts
  • Red Bull Energy Drink Calorie Content
  • Red Bull Energy Ingredients
  • How Much Caffeine Does Red Bull Have?
  • How Much Sugar Does Red Bull Have?
  • What Is The Taste Of Red Bull?
    • Red Bull Flavors
  • Does Red Bull Actually Contain Bull Sperm In It?
  • Is Red Bull Energy Drink Alcoholic?
    • Can Red Bull Make You Drunk?
  • Is It Ok To Drink Red Bull On An Empty Stomach?
  • How Many Red Bull Energy Drinks Should You Drink Each Day?
  • Side Effects Of Red Bull Energy Drink
  • Alternatives To Red Bull Energy Drink
    • REIZE (10 Out 10)
  • Other Articles

Red Bull Energy Drink Nutrition Facts

The typical values of Red Bull.

First off, let’s go through the nutritional values that Red Bull has:

Typical Values Red Bull (8.4 fl.oz)
Energy 110 calories
Fat (Of Which Saturated) 0g (0g)
Carbohydrate (Of Which Sugars) 28g (27g)
Sodium 105mg
Caffeine 80mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 22mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 5.05mg
Vitamin B6 5.05mg
Vitamin B12 5.1μg
The nutritional standards of an 8.4 fl.oz can of Red Bull.

Red Bull Energy Drink Calorie Content

A single 8.4 fl.oz can of Red Bull contains 110 calories.

Given that the recommended daily caloric intake for healthy adults is between 2000 to 2400 calories for women and 2400 to 3000 for women, a can of Red Bull won’t take up much of your daily intake.

That said, if you don’t limit your consumption, the calories from Red Bull will eventually affect your overall diet.

While Red Bull can definitely give you some workable energy to burn, it isn’t good for you in the long run, especially if you don’t working out or are on a diet, as the calories from the drink would pile up, leading to a number of health issues later on.

Red Bull does offer a Sugar-Free option – Sugarfree Red Bull, which has the same caffeine content and benefits without the unnecessary calories.

Looking for more calorie-free options to complement your lifestyle? Feel free to head over to my article on the best zero-calorie energy drinks for a list of handpicked recommendations.

Red Bull Energy Ingredients

Ingredients in a can of Red Bull.

Here are the ingredients in a regular can of Red Bull, with a further explanation on the more interesting ones below:

  • Carbonated Water
  • Sucrose
  • Glucose
  • Citric Acid
  • Taurine
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Magnesium Carbonate
  • Caffeine
  • Niacinamide
  • Calcium Pantothenate
  • Pyridoxine HCl
  • Vitamin B12
  • Natural and artificial flavors

For a more in-depth run-through of Red Bull’s ingredients, have a look at my Red Bull Caffeine and Ingredients article for the full details.

How Much Caffeine Does Red Bull Have?

An 8.4 fl.oz can of Red Bull contains 80mg of caffeine, a moderate amount.

The must-have ingredient of energy drink is perhaps caffeine, the ingredient that supplies you with a boost of energy drink, and even improves your cognitive functions. 

With 80mg of caffeine, Red Bull is definitely one of the more reasonably-caffeinated energy drinks out there, almost equivalent to a cup of coffee (96mg of caffeine).

For me, I prefer my beverages to have a range of 50mg to 100mg of caffeine, and as such, Red Bull is one of my regular favorites considering its moderate caffeine content.

That said, if your caffeine metabolism is relatively high, one can of Red Bull not be enough to pack a punch, so you probably would have to go for another.

While the boost from Red Bull definitely feels great, it’s important to keep in mind that the FDA approves a daily caffeine intake of 400mg for healthy adults. If you intake more than this, and you might face unpleasant effects such as:

  • Restlessness and shakiness
  • Anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

In any case, make sure to moderate your Red Bull intake, and limit your overall consumption of energy drinks to prevent yourself from having more caffeine than you can handle.

How Much Sugar Does Red Bull Have?

Sugar in moderation isn’t worrying; but too much is harmful to you.

Each 8.4 fl.oz can of Red Bull has 27g of sugar, which is a pretty large amount for an energy drink.

While it’s completely okay to have some sugar every now and then, since it provides a good boost to your mood and dopamine levels, a high intake of it would lead to some serious health problems.

Considering that the AHA recommends a daily sugar limit of 25g for women and 36g for men, it’s safe to say that Red Bull has pretty high levels of sugar.

Sure, the sugar content of Red Bull won’t impact your health if you have it once in a while, but if you consistently consume Red Bull, you may want to consider limiting your consumption.

A diet fairly high in sugar could lead to a number of health issues, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Aging skin

Plus, sugary energy drinks tend to lead you to sugar crashes, which isn’t something you want when you’re busy with something.

Therefore, make sure to moderate your Red Bull intake to a tolerable personal limit, and also try not to include too much sugar in your overall diet.

No one really know what Red Bull is supposed to taste like.

Personally, Red Bull seems to taste like a sour soda mixed with some cough syrup that also has a sweet tang to it. Though, perhaps to others, it might taste differently.

There are many speculations about the real flavor of Red Bull, from liquid bubble gum candy to a tangy sweet-tart with an almost metallic taste usually associated with caffeine.

Until now, no one has been able to determine what Red Bull tastes like, just that it definitely has that signature energy drink-like taste. In short, Red Bull seems to be an acquired taste, and you either grow to love or hate it.

But, if you find yourself still not becoming a fan of the Original flavor, Red Bull has released a wide selection of fruit-inspired flavors that might be more familiar to your taste buds.

In the section below, I’ve listed the flavors that Red Bull has released, though some might have been discontinued.

If you want to know more about what each flavor taste like before making your purchase, check out the video

Red Bull Flavors

Red Bull offers an extensive variety of flavors, which include:

  • Original
  • Sugar-free (reduced calories)
  • Total Zero (no calories)
  • Red (cranberry)
  • Ruby/Red (grapefruit)
  • Blue (blueberry)
  • Yellow/Tropical (tropical fruit)
  • Orange/Mandarin (mandarin/orange/orange-kumkvat)
  • Green/Kiwi (kiwi-apple)
  • White/Coconut (coconut berry/acai)
  • Peach (peach-nectarine)
  • Pear Sugar-Free (pear)
  • Lime Sugar-Free (lime)
  • Purple/Acai Sugar-Free (açai)
  • Purple/Acai (acai berry)
  • Lime (lime-lemon)
  • Orange Sugar-free (orange)
  • Yellow/Tropical Sugar-free (tropical)
  • Winter Edition (plum-cinnamon/rumtopf)
  • Summer Edition (beach breeze)

Does Red Bull Actually Contain Bull Sperm In It?

While there were many claims and rumors that the taurine in Red Bull originated from bull sperm, it turned to be false. Red Bull has since debunked those claims, releasing a statement that the taurine in the drink is produced synthetically in a lab.

Taurine is a type of amino acid commonly found in energy drinks due to its benefits in improving exercise performance. Now, while taurine was originally extracted from bulls and oxen in the past, it can be also found in a number of dietary foods, as well as produced synthetically.

The taurine that you consumed through energy drinks is made in labs and is suitable for those who wish to avoid animal products.

Red Bull might have obtained its name from bulls, but it definitely doesn’t contain any ingredients originating from bulls.

Hence, Red Bull is certified free from animal products, and its taurine are created synthetically.

Is Red Bull Energy Drink Alcoholic?

Red Bull Energy Drink isn’t alcoholic, though it’s often combined with alcohol to create an alcoholic concoction.

If you go through the list of ingredients for Red Bull, you won’t find any mention of alcohol, or traces of it.

Thus, Red Bull is alcohol-free, but in certain settings, especially at parties and clubs, it’s often added to alcoholic drinks to create a different beverage, leading to a state called ‘wide awake drunk’, which I will elaborate on in the section below:

Can Red Bull Make You Drunk?

Red Bull won’t make you drunk, but drinking it with alcohol would make you ‘wide awake drunk’, a state whereby you’re actually intoxicated but you can’t feel the effects due to the caffeine.

Mixing alcohol with energy drinks has become a common trend among youths nowadays, as the concoction prevents them from becoming drunk, allowing them to continue drinking without any noticeable adverse effects.

This state is called ‘wide awake drunk’, as the caffeine from the energy drink masks the sensation of intoxication, inducing more drinking and cloudy judgment, leading to risky behaviors such as binge drinking and drunk driving.

It’s becoming a common occurrence among many young people that the CDC has cautioned against it since it can lead to injuries, loss of lives, and perhaps even property damage.

Plus, having too many energy drinks and alcoholic beverages is harmful to your health, which leads to a number of health problems in the future. 

Is It Ok To Drink Red Bull On An Empty Stomach?

I wouldn’t recommend drinking Red Bull on an empty stomach since caffeine is acidic, which could lead to gastric and a number of stomach-related problems. You might also experience the side effects of the caffeine on a more intense level compared to when you had food to cushion the effects.

Caffeine is a naturally acidic ingredient and could lead to gastritis, acid reflux along other problems if you drink Red Bull on an empty stomach.

Plus, it’s also carbonated, which could lead to gas, bloating, and other stomach-related discomfort.

I would recommend having Red Bull with something substantial to cushion the effects of the caffeine and other ingredients in the drink. After all, you wouldn’t want to deal with a stomach ache when you’re expecting a boost instead.

How Many Red Bull Energy Drinks Should You Drink Each Day?

Use Red Bull energy drinks sparingly or only when really essential. For instance, some people drink energy drinks to keep them from nodding off behind the wheel.

In addition to being mindful of how often you consume an energy drink like Red Bull, moderation is key when consuming it on a daily basis. 

Side Effects Of Red Bull Energy Drink

Sure, Red Bull has pretty sensible caffeine content, but having too much of it can still lead to plenty of side effects, which include:

  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Shaking
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue and sugar crashes
  • Stomach Irritation
  • Caffeine addiction
  • Dehydration and weakness
  • Poor dental health
  • Kidney stones
  • Respiratory problems
  • Miscarriage
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Allergic reactions

Therefore, make sure to keep your Red Bull intake to a moderate level, and also interchange it with healthy drinks on a daily.

Alternatives To Red Bull Energy Drink

While Red Bull is a good energy drink, its taste can be off-putting to some people. Rest assured though, as there are plenty of other delicious alternatives to choose from:

  • Monster
  • Bang
  • 3D Energy
  • Celsius
  • Raze
  • C4 Energy
  • Reign
  • Adrenaline Shoc
  • Aspire

If you prioritize convenience instead, consider powdered energy drinks since they’re usually more affordable and easier to carry:

  • G Fuel
  • Advocare Spark
  • Zipfizz
  • REIZE (my favorite)

REIZE (10 Out 10)

REIZE – the energy drink for all of your daily energy needs.

While the previously mentioned energy drinks are great, but REIZE definitely ticks all the boxes with its low calorie and sugar content along with its affordable price tag.

It can be found in light and fitting 4g sachets, REIZE is a powdered energy drink that has a rational 50mg of caffeine and consists of 11 calories in each serving.

REIZE is sugar-free and an equal blend of useful ingredients like taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins is available that, when it is combined into a single drink, helps get you the perfect boost of energy boost without suffering from any sugar crashes.

The best part is that REIZE ships to your home for only $1 per sachet, which is amazing value for money.

Give REIZE a try, and I’m sure that you’ll find it to be a smarter choice than Red Bull.

Other Articles

  • Red Bull: Coke or Pepsi?
  • Red Bull Energy Drink Nutrition Facts
  • How Many Red Bulls Can You Have a Day?

Have other questions about Red Bull?

I’ve put together this epic Red Bull resource directory where you’ll find everything you could ever want to know about Red Bull energy drink.

What flavor is the red redbull?

Red Bull Red Edition This version is cranberry flavored. Same Energy Formula as original. Sweetened with sugar.


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