What happens if you get too much vitamin d3

Regardless of the season, a daily dose of vitamin D is always important in staying healthy.

Vitamin D’s main job is to regulate our calcium and phosphate levels, which keep our bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. A vitamin D deficiency can result in some people developing bone deformities - so it’s only natural to want to top up.

But is it possible to have too much Vitamin D?

Skip to:

  • Where do we get vitamin D from?
  • How much vitamin D do we need?
  • Can you overdose on vitamin D?
  • Vitamin D side effects
  • What happens if you have an allergic reaction to vitamin D?
  • The final say

Where do we get Vitamin D from?

You can find it in some food, but this isn’t the primary source of vitamin D.

We get most of what we need from the sun. Sunlight acts on chemicals under the skin and helps turn them into vitamin D.

Unfortunately, getting enough vitamin D daily can sometimes be pretty difficult in the UK…

Wearing an SPF product (which is highly recommended to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays) can also affect our body’s ability to absorb vitamin D. It’s still recommended that you use an SPF product of 30 or higher every day, though - no matter the weather.

It’s also widely reported that it can take people with darker skin longer to boost their vitamin D levels in the sunshine.¹ The main reason for this is that the pigment (melanin) in dark skin does not absorb as much UV radiation.²

How much vitamin D do we need?

According to the latest NHS guidance, adults and children over the age of one need 10μg (micrograms) of vitamin D per day.³

They recommend that everyone takes a daily 10μg supplement between October and March.

This applies to everybody, including people at risk of having a vitamin D deficiency and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Babies under 1 year require a little less; they need 8.5-10μg of vitamin D per day.

Handpicked content: 12 of the best vitamin D supplements

Can you overdose on Vitamin D?

We all need enough Vitamin D - but it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

Luckily, it’s almost impossible to get excessive vitamin D from your diet or from sunlight.³

Food sources can only deliver a limited amount of the vitamin, and your body is great at regulating its own vitamin D. Any extra produced by exposure to sunshine is stored in your body fat.

Many people turn to taking vitamin D supplements, especially in the winter months when they feel they are not getting enough exposure to sunlight.

For most of us, this is great - a huge 1 in 5 of us in the UK have low vitamin D levels.⁶

However, it is possible to have too much vitamin D, so you should always be responsible when taking supplements.

The most extreme levels of overdosing on Vitamin D in supplement form is called hypervitaminosis D.

Vitamin D side effects

Vitamin D toxicity can lead to a build-up of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause:

  • Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain
  • Weakness
  • Frequent urination

In some cases, excessive vitamin D can also cause bone pain and kidney problems, such as the formation of calcium stones.

This is because a high level of vitamin D in the body can also raise your calcium levels. Too much calcium can make you urinate too much, which in turn makes the body lose too much water.⁷

In some cases, this could cause the kidneys to calcify (form calcium deposits). If these deposits become particularly large, they could interfere with the way your kidneys function.

Toxicity is rare, but it could be serious. But it is easy to avoid: be aware of your supplement’s dose, and only take the recommended daily amount.

The latest Government guidelines from Public Health England suggest 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D for adults and children aged 12+ months.⁸

If you stay within these guidelines, you are unlikely to experience any side effects from vitamin D. The only warning to this would be if your body lacks the ability to absorb or utilise vitamin D.


  • It is highly unlikely that you can overdose on vitamin D via sunlight or diet
  • It is possible to take too many supplements containing vitamin D, so always follow the dose guidelines

What are the risks of taking too much vitamin D?

If you take too much vitamin D from a supplement (or from large doses of cod liver oil), you are at risk of high levels of calcium in your blood.

The medical term for this is hypercalcemia, which could result in nausea and constipation.

It could also affect your mental capacity, leaving you feeling fuzzy-headed and confused. In extreme cases, it could lead to kidney stones.

What happens if you have an allergic reaction to vitamin D?

Some people might be allergic to synthetic forms of vitamin D. These can include calciferol, ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol and calcitriol.

You can’t be allergic to vitamin D in its natural form - only when you take it through supplements. Allergies to synthetic vitamin D are rare (affecting approximately 1 in 300 people), but it’s best to look out and consult your GP before taking any new vitamins.⁹

You might be having an allergic reaction if you’ve taken any of the above and:

  • You’re having difficulty breathing
  • Your face and hands are swollen, itchy, or have come up in hives
  • You’ve got a rash on your skin
  • Your tongue or lips are swollen
  • You’ve got a headache
  • You’re experiencing bone pain
  • Your urine is cloudy
  • Your heart is beating abnormally (arrythmia), or
  • You’ve got an upset stomach¹⁰

If you think you’re having an allergic reaction to your vitamin D supplements, seek medical care immediately.

Be confident in your vitamin D dosage

Choose a vitamin D supplement that is clearly labelled with information you understand.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Take a look at our vitamin D supplements for a daily dose you can trust.

Finally, it’s best to speak to your GP before beginning any new vitamins or supplements, as they’ll know what’s healthy for you.

Last updated: 1 September 2022

The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Before taking any supplements or minerals, it’s best to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients through your diet first.

Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

What is the maximum amount of vitamin D3 you can take per day?

Take-home message Generally, it's not recommended to exceed the upper limit of safe intake, which is 4,000 IU (100 mcg) per day.

What are the symptoms of too much vitamin D3?

Symptoms and treatment of vitamin D toxicity Early symptoms of hypercalcemia include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and weakness ( 27 ). Excessive thirst, an altered level of consciousness, high blood pressure, calcification in the kidney tubes, kidney failure, or hearing loss may also develop ( 4 , 28 ).

Can you take too much vitamin D3 supplement?

Vitamin D is important for your bones, muscles, nerves, immune system, and more. But if you get too much, it could lead to a rare and possibly serious condition called vitamin D toxicity. You may hear your doctor call it hypervitaminosis D. The condition can bring symptoms like weakness and vomiting.

Can I take 5000 IU of vitamin D3 daily?

In summary, long-term supplementation with vitamin D3 in doses ranging from 5000 to 50,000 IUs/day appears to be safe.


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