What is asl in audio

Have you ever been driving your car and noticed an ASL control? While not all cars come with this ASL button the abbreviation could mean one of two things.

What does asl mean for a car? ASL can either mean automatic speed limiter or automatic sound level adjustment. Depending on what your manual says the abbreviation for it can determine what the button does.

What does ASL mean when talking about driving options

When you see the ASL button it can mean Automatic Speed Limiter. This feature which is available in some Jaguars and other cars limits the maximum speed the car can go. When the driver sets the limit the car will have the ability to accelerate until it reaches that limit. Afterwards, it will not allow the car to go any faster until ASL is turned off.

This can be used when you are driving a long distance. If you have a maximum speed that you don’t want to exceed you can set the Automatic Speed limiter and your car will never go faster than that speed. You can save yourself from getting tickets by limiting your max speed.

Depending on your make and model your ASL button can be in a couple of places. Sometimes it’s on the steering wheel and other times it can be near the shifter. Either way, your car’s manual should be able to tell you if you have this feature and give instructions on how to use it.

What does ASL mean when talking about audio options.

When referring to audio ASL means Automatic Sound Leveling. This feature automatically adjusts your stereos volume level depending on a few variables. If you are driving at higher speeds this can increase the sound in your car.

As the noise increase, the ASL automatically accounts for the excess noise and it increases the sound of your stereo. As your car gets louder the ASL increases the volume. On the other hand, if your car gets quieter the stereo follows suit.

While this isn’t a very common feature you can find it on some luxury models. Instead of having to adjust the volume when your car is loud the ASL feature does everything for you. Sometimes the ASL will allow you to preset your volume. You may be able to choose from low, medium or high. Other times it may just be an on or off switch. Check your owner’s manual to see if your car is equipped with this option.

In closing

ASL isn’t a commonly used abbreviation. It can either mean Automatic Speed Limiter or Automatic Sound Leveling. Depending on where your button is can determine which one the ASL button stands for. If it’s near your audio controls odds are it’s for audio. If the button is near your cruise control then it’s probably for limiting your speed.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bgdrewsif @ Oct 4 2006, 09:51 PM) [snapback]328336[/snapback]</div>

Good question! I have wondered this also, and the owner's manual does not yield very detailed answers about the ASL function... I have tried all three settings and am unable to tell what it does...

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The manual in my 06 (just acquired about three weeks ago) is a little more helpful, which reveals it is a feature I was looking for but thought the Prius didn't have. IIRC, it stands for Adaptive Sound Level, and is designed to boost the volume as road/engine/wind noise increases. A nice feature indeed. Now you don't have to constantly adjust the volume as you get on/off the freeway, etc. However, in mine, it doesn't seem to have a low/med/high setting (which my Civic does). This setting usually changes how much boost the sound gets to adjust to your liking. In mine, it seems to be fully "automatic". Perhaps because I have package 6 with the hands-free cell phone, it may tap into the built-in mic to gauge noise, eliminating the need for different settings. Or, perhaps I just missed it.


Works ok for me - better than the version on my previous Seat Ibiza which only turned the sound up appreciably once you hit about 85mph. I do find though that it doesn't work if the source is quiet. Radio 4 in the UK is always broadcast at really low levels which is damned annoying, I have to crank it up to volume 20 or higher to hear what's being said (it's talk radio) whereas I usually listen to CDs on 5 or 6...

I want one that works on interior noise levels not speed. That way when the road surface gets noisy, it'd increase subtly. You'd have to make it clever enough to filter out itself and also other human voices in the car though, otherwise any conversation with passengers would turn into a shouting match with the stereo. Come to think of it, it'd be nice to have the volume dip a little, when you want to talk to people in the car...

Incidentally, the stereo in the Camry we hired did a much better job. Bass was better to begin with, and when you accelerated it ramped up the bass and a bit of treble, rather than just increasing volume all round. Sounded much better as you changed speed.


What does ASL mean on car?

Automatic speed limiter (ASL) AUTOMATIC SPEED LIMITER (ASL) CONTROLS. The Automatic Speed Limiter (ASL) feature is a driving aid only. The driver remains responsible for driving with due care and attention, in a manner which is safe for the vehicle, its occupants and other road users.

What is ASL Lexus audio?

Automatic Sound Levelizer – this can be turned on or off (but should always be on). When ASL is on, the system automatically adjusts the volume and tone quality according to vehicle speed in order to continually deliver a crisp sound regardless of ambient noise.

What does automatic sound levelizer mean?

Auto sound levelizer (asl) the automatic sound levelizer (asl) controls the volume and frequency of the sound system according to noise levels from the vehicle's speed. The sound quality level is adjusted individually the treble, mid and bass levels can be adjusted for each audio mode separately.

What does ASL mean on a Scion radio?

*includes Scion Sound Processing [SSP], Automatic. Sound Levelizer [ASL] and Advanced Sound Retriever [ASR] 6 Speakers.

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