What is happening in this brief scene scene 4

Notice Romeo’s punishment for killing Tybalt. The Prince claimed in Act 1 Scene 1 that anyone who disturbed the peace would pay with their life so why do you think he banishes Romeo instead of having him killed? What effect does this have on the play?

  • Take a look at Juliet’s reactions and behaviour in Act 3, Scene 2. What different emotions does she experience in this one scene? Can you find any directions in her lines that might help an actor playing the role, or show them how to respond?

  • Take note of Lord Capulet’s plan to marry Juliet to Paris. Why do you think he has changed his mind and now wants the couple to marry that same week, when he wanted to wait two years in Act 1? What does this change of pace do to the plot? This is the first time we see Juliet disobey her father and mother. Does this change how you view her character?

  • Act 3 is important because Romeo and Juliet are separated – with Romeo being banished and Juliet’s proposed marriage to Paris being brought forward. Why do you think Shakespeare does these at the same point in the play?

    In her bedchamber, Juliet asks the Nurse to let her spend the night by herself, and she repeats the request to Lady Capulet when she arrives. Alone, clutching the vial given to her by Friar Lawrence, she wonders what will happen when she drinks it. If the friar is untrustworthy and seeks merely to hide his role in her marriage to Romeo, she might die; or, if Romeo is late for some reason, she might awaken in the tomb and go mad with fear. She has a vision in which she sees Tybalt’s ghost searching for Romeo. She begs Tybalt’s ghost to quit its search for Romeo, and toasting to Romeo, drinks the contents of the vial.

    Read a translation of Act 4, scene 3 →

    Summary: Act 4, scenes 4–5

    Early the next morning, the Capulet house is aflutter with preparations for the wedding. Capulet sends the Nurse to go wake Juliet. She finds Juliet dead and begins to wail, soon joined by both Lady Capulet and Capulet. Paris arrives with Friar Lawrence and a group of musicians for the wedding. When he learns what has happened, Paris joins in the lamentations. The friar reminds them all that Juliet has gone to a better place, and urges them to make ready for her funeral. Sorrowfully, they comply, and exit.

    Left behind, the musicians begin to pack up, their task cut short. Peter, the Capulet servant, enters and asks the musicians to play a happy tune to ease his sorrowful heart. The musicians refuse, arguing that to play such music would be inappropriate. Angered, Peter insults the musicians, who respond in kind. After singing a final insult at the musicians, Peter leaves. The musicians decide to wait for the mourners to return so that they might get to eat the lunch that will be served.

    Read a translation of Act 4, scenes 4–5 →

    Analysis: Act 4, scenes 3–5

    Once again, Juliet demonstrates her strength. She comes up with reason after reason why drinking the sleeping potion might cause her harm, physical or psychological, but chooses to drink it anyway. In this action she not only attempts to circumvent the forces that obstruct her relationship with Romeo, she takes full responsibility for herself. She recognizes that drinking the potion might lead her to madness or to death. Drinking the potion, therefore, constitutes an action in which she takes her life into her own hands, and determines its worth to her. In addition to the obvious foreshadow in Juliet’s vision of Tybalt’s vengeful ghost, her drinking of the potion also hints at future events. She drinks the potion just as Romeo will later drink the apothecary’s poison. In drinking the potion Juliet not only demonstrates a willingness to take her life into her own hands, but she also goes against what is expected of women and takes action.

    In their mourning for Juliet, the Capulets appear less as a hostile force arrayed against the lovers and more as individuals. The audience gains an understanding of the immense hopes that the Capulets had placed in Juliet, as well as a sense of their love for her. Similarly, Paris’s love for Juliet seems wholly legitimate. His wailing cannot simply be taken as grief over the loss of a wife who might have brought him fortune. It seems more personal than that, more like grief over the loss of a loved one.

    Read more about the tone of the play.

    Many productions ofRomeo and Julietcut the scene depicting Peter and the musicians. Productions do this for good reason: the scene’s humor and traded insults seem ill placed at such a tragic moment in the play. If one looks at the scene as merely comic relief, it is possible to argue that it acts as a sort of caesura, a moment for the audience to catch its breath from the tragedy of Act 4 before heading into the even greater tragedy of Act 5. If one looks at the scene in context with the earlier scenes that include servants, a second argument can be made for why Shakespeare included it. From each scene including servants, we gain a unique perspective of the events going on in the play. Here, in the figure of the musicians, we get a profoundly different view of the reaction of the lower classes to the tragedy of Juliet’s death. Initially the musicians are wary about playing a happy song because it will be considered improper, no matter their explanations. It is not, after all, for a mere musician to give explanations to mourning noblemen. As the scene progresses, it becomes clear that the musicians do not really care much about Juliet or the tragedy in which she is involved. They care more about the fact that they are out of a job, and, perhaps, that they will miss out on a free lunch. In other words, this great tragedy, while epic to the Capulets, is still not a tragedy to everyone.

    What is happening in this brief scene Act 4 Scene 4?

    Act 4, Scene 4 Summary: Capulet, Lady Capulet, and the Nurse are rushing through wedding preparations. Capulet stays up all night with his servingmen to finish everything. Seeing Paris approach, he sends the Nurse to wake up his daughter.

    What is happening in Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet?

    The day begins to break, and Capulet hears music signaling that Paris is approaching the house. He orders the Nurse to awaken Juliet. The Capulet house bustles with activity as the family feverishly prepares for the wedding ceremony. Banter with the servants is frenetic and excited.

    What happens in Act 2 Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet?

    Synopsis: Mercutio and Benvolio meet the newly enthusiastic Romeo in the street. Romeo defeats Mercutio in a battle of wits. The Nurse finds Romeo, and he gives her a message for Juliet: meet me at Friar Lawrence's cell this afternoon, and we will there be married.

    What is Act 3 Scene 4 about in Romeo and Juliet?

    In Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 4, the Capulets discuss Juliet's marriage with Paris. They promise Paris that Juliet will be ready to marry him in four days' time and apologize for the delay that Tybalt's death has caused.

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