What is Lucifers secret from Maze?

When last we saw our intrepid group of angels and humans, Lucifer and Chloe had gotten together, finally. It was as satisfying as anyone could've hoped, although Lucifer stops short of telling her he loves her. On the shocking revelations front, Amenadiel learned that his son is human, Linda located the daughter she gave up for adoption years ago working as a realtor in L.A., Ella discovered that she's dating a serial killer, and Dan found out that he's been working with the literal devil for years.

Lucifer's evil twin Michael convinced Dan to gun Lucifer down in order to save his own soul, but our favorite angel shook off the bullets because he's invulnerable to harm even with Chloe around now. Speaking of souls, Maze embarked on a quest to get one of her own, and she sided with Michael against Lucifer to do it. After all, Lucifer lied to her about stashing her mother's immortality in the ring he always wears. And amid all that chaos of the mid-season finale, God himself appeared, clad in a cuddly sweater and wearing Dennis Haysbert's face.

And that's where we pick up. With their father in L.A., his angelic sons waste no time in reverting to form. Lucifer gets all shouty, Michael whines, and Amenadiel tries to take responsibility for everything.

Now let's dive right into the binge recap for the final eight episodes of Lucifer season 5.

Episode 9: "Family Dinner"

While God (Dennis Haysbert) takes the opportunity to coo over his grandson — as he should; baby Charlie is truly adorable — Lucifer (Tom Ellis) flees to Lux, where he's showboating on the piano when Chloe tracks him down.

Chloe (Lauren German) practically sprains something trying so hard to be the chill girlfriend. She tells Lucifer to take all the space he needs, which is why she's surprised when he shows up at their newest crime scene.

She's also surprised to see both Dan (Kevin Alejandro) and Ella (Aimee Garcia) there, too, since the former recently shot Lucifer after discovering his true nature, and the latter's boyfriend was recently outed as a serial killer. But they've all converged on the Kingdom, an amusement park run by the Peterson family, to solve the murder of the episode.

The bludgeoned and burned victim is Chris Peterson, one of the adult children, and Lucifer immediately projects his own issues onto the siblings, who are all suspects. (Ella offers to point out which one she's most attracted to. "If I've got a broken picker, might as well use it for the greater good, right?" Bless, Ella. Bless, and getcha some therapy, stat.)

Although the siblings insist that they were a close-knit family, Juan, the owner of rival amusement park Hole in Juan, confides that Chris came to him looking for a job because he couldn't stand his family.

At this point, the Peterson siblings fall all over themselves to accuse each other, and before long patriarch Peter Peterson (John Glover) confesses to killing Chris. He's swiftly arrested, although nobody in the precinct or watching at home believes for a second that he did it.

And now we get to the heart of the episode: family dinner. All God wants is to make a nice roast chicken to share with his sons and the mother of his grandbaby, who reluctantly gets roped into this awkward affair.

Episode 509 of LUCIFER

Episode 512

Episode 513 of LUCIFER


Lucifer season 5 hits the pause button in episode 4 to bring to life a story about Mazikeen. Season 5, episode 4, titled “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken,” digs into the past the mother of demons, aka Maze’s mom.

Episode 4 is the much-talked-about noir episode that sees our favorite cast go back to the 1940s! When images for the episode first surfaced, we all had so many questions! What are they doing in 1946 and what’s happening?

Needless to say, when Lucifans reach episode 4, we were all ears! Let’s break down the episode.

Lucifer season 5: Why is the cast in 1946?

Episode 4 sees Trixie, Chloe Decker’s daughter, visiting Lucifer. It’s supposed to be game night, but Chloe fails to show up. It seems she’s still upset about learning she was a gift from God.

Trixie asks Lucifer for a story, but not just any story! Trixie wants to learn about Lucifer’s ring and where it comes from. Lucifer reluctantly begins to tell Trixie about the first criminal case he investigated back in 1946 in the heart of New York.

Lucifer season 5: Who’s who?

The episode focuses on Lilith, Maze’s mother, who is also portrayed by Lesley-Ann Brandt. Lauren German takes on the role of Jack Monroe, who is a male detective in Lucifer’s story, but gender-swapped after Trixie asks why there can’t be a female detective like her mother.

The best portrayal in the story is Aimee Garcia playing a New York crime boss (another gender-swap). This is the best character, Garcia has a lot of fun portraying the big-time criminal. It’s too much fun to watch!

The most emotional portrayal, though, is Tricia Helfer’s, who returns to the series as Jack’s wife. You may remember her as Charlotte. It’s great seeing her face again! She’s missed.

Lucifer season 5: The secret about Maze

It turns out Lilith, Maze’s mother, left her children with Lucifer to make them stronger. All Maze knows is that she was abandoned, but never understood why. In reality, Lilith just wanted her children to be tough, so she gave up her immortality to live on Earth.

All this time Lucifer has known this and known where Lilith is but has kept this from Maze. This isn’t good timing.

Maze is already in a bad place, so this may be what pushes her off the edge. And it’s all thanks to Michael, who told Maze about this, but she didn’t believe him so she tasked Trixie with getting the story about the ring.

Is Maze Lucifer's daughter?

She calls Eve 'auntie' but Maze just by her nickname. The duo are confused until she again explains that she's Lucifer's and Chloe's daughter.

Why does Maze want Lucifer's ring?

Lucifer's ready to give up and repay his debt to Lilith (with a castle, private island, or gold), but she wants her ring back. It reminds her of who she is and why she's done what she has, she explains. She sent her children to hell, giving Lucifer an army, without which he would have been alone in hell for eternity.

What kind of demon is Mazikeen?

She is one of the lilim, a child of Lilith. She first appeared in The Sandman (vol. 2) #22 (December 1990), and was created by Neil Gaiman and Kelley Jones. Her name comes from the term "Mazzikin", invisible demons which can create minor annoyances or greater dangers according to Jewish mythology.

Did God give Mazikeen a soul?

Due to being a demon created from Hell, Maze didn't have a soul like the other characters, and that was something she tried to change in the latest season. While Maze turned to God to ask Him to give her a soul, the Almighty Father denied her wish, claiming He couldn't do that.


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