What is the best time to do yoga for weight loss?

While yoga is meant for complete physical, mental and spiritual transformation, it is the only form of exercise which is not rigorous and strenuous. Even if it will make your body drained, it helps in rejuvenating your mind and lifting your spirits, in order to make your day better.

Are you wondering, what is the best time to do yoga for weight loss? Well, to begin, BEGIN. While most of us have believe that morning time is the most effective time, it is simply not the only case. You can practice yoga whenever you want, by being efficient and sincere.

Let’s get into this article to know the best times to perform yoga in a day for weight loss.

Early Morning Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga works best when you have an empty stomach, which is usually possible early morning. If you are an early riser, you should definitely practice yoga in the morning amidst the calm and quiet of the nature. After waking up, give your body a 20-minute rest, have a detox drink and perform your morning exercises to get energized and refreshed throughout the day. People who have work full day come back home tired and do not have the energy for any physical activity, therefore to do yoga early morning when you have the most energy is the best option and helps in effective bowel movement and activity for weight loss.

Advantages of Early Morning Yoga

  • Improves strength, energy and resilience
  • Increases metabolism and helps in burning calories
  • Better for heart conditions and blood flow
  • Promotes better digestion and detoxification of body and mind
  • Reduces blood sugar levels
  • Reduce mental illness such as stress and anxiety
  • Improves flexibility and agility
  • Reduces injuries to muscles and stiffness/soreness

Disadvantages of Morning Yoga

  • If you are sleep deprived, you might feel more fatigued after yoga, so a complete deep sleep is the best way to reap maximum benefits.
  • Your body should be fully hydrated.

How to Improve Early Morning Weight Loss Routine?

You need to feel committed to the activity firstly. It should become your mandatory appointment of the day and you should take it up with utmost priority above anything else. You should make sure it is the first activity you perform after waking up, before any other distractions cross your mind.

Practicing yoga in your sleep dress, pyjamas or simply, go to bed wearing something comfortable to wake up in the morning to perform yoga instantly. It helps you save your time and energy from changing your clothes, which might hold you back from exercising.

Afternoon Yoga for Weight Loss

Performing yoga between 11 am to 3 pm helps you reduce calories and easily burn fat as it reduces your body’s insulin levels. Exercising after lunch might make you feel heavy and take a toll on your body, so make sure you wait for 45 minutes to 1 hour after having a heavy meal. The body needs to take proper rest to rejuvenate itself after proper digestion of the body and for the metabolism rate to go back to normal.

Evening Yoga for Weight Loss

While exercising in the night could be a big no for people who come back home after a long day of work. But performing yoga in the evening might be a good option to release stress from the body but with caution. Make sure you perform yoga before dinner time and the digestive system does not permit you to do so. During the evening, the body has more adrenaline rush and produces more melatonin which makes you sleepless, so avoid performing yoga right before bed time. If you wish to get a deep sleep, you must meditate and focus on your breathing and mind few hours before bed time, to completely rest your body. It is a great time to burn calories and lose some pounds.

Advantages of Evening Yoga

  • You feel more relaxed and warmer in the evening, allowing you to perform even the intensive postures.
  • You are more energetic in the evening sometimes, as compared to early morning when you might feel lousy.
  • It helps you digest the food completely you have been eating since morning and throughout the day.

Disadvantages of Evening Yoga

  • Performing an intensive routine of yoga in the evening can disrupt your sleeping pattern and it might make you feel more energized and difficult to sleep deeply.
  • As yoga charges up you mind and body, you might feel hyperactive late in the evening, which makes you think about other things rather than focusing on your mind and breathing.

How to Improve Evening Yoga for Weight Loss?

Step on your yoga mat early and sit in a comfortable position or lie on your back in order to draw attention to your breath. Learn to be present by accepting that this is the time of the day when you need to let go off all the stress and chaos you have been through throughout the day. Make it a priority to follow this routine.

Try having a longer cooldown such as meditate for 20 minutes after performing yoga or end your session with Savasana to feel more relaxed and to get a better sleep at night.

It depends totally on your availability and will to perform yoga. Whatever time you choose, it is important you keep your mind calm, composed and relaxed to focus better on your inner self. The only time you should avoid it is immediately after meals. Rest for at least t 2 hours after having your food.

Making time for physical activity is the best way to motivate yourself for weight loss. Also, you need to remember, exercise constitutes to only 30% of the routine, so you need to fuel and nourish your workouts with calories in order to lose weight.

Involve yoga as a part of your daily routine and yoga will never disappoint you in making your body look perfect. Practice to your own preference and according to your timings, to reap the best and most effective benefits in order to lose weight.

Cheers to getting the best results!

Is it better to do yoga in the morning or at night?

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, it is recommended you wake up in between 4 and 6AM when the world is still asleep, and practice meditation and asana. From a modern world perspective, it's recommended that you practice yoga either first thing in the morning or in the early evening.

What is the perfect time to do yoga?

Iyengar advises doing yoga early in the morning or late in the evening, noting that there are advantages to each. "Practice in the morning makes one work better at one's vocation. In the evening it removes the fatigue of the day's strain and makes one fresh and calm," he said.

Is 1 hour yoga enough for weight loss?

Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more active, intense practice at least 3 to 5 times per week for at least 1 hour. On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle class. Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options.

Can I do weight loss yoga at night?

Weight loss A consistent yoga practice is related to weight loss and quality sleep. Doing yoga before bed may help you to sleep better, which has a positive effect on weight maintenance and weight loss. It may also help you to be more mindful of your eating habits.


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