What is the most valuable tarot card?

TAROT_CARD By Institute of Vedic Astrology Apr 29 2020

Tarot cards the most powerful divination tool 

Tarot cards are probably the most popular and powerful tool for divination. Many people think that they are just like other normal cards with different characters but it’s not true tarot cards are the true storybook of our life. They tell us about our wisdom and help us to find inner peace. Tarot cards exactly show us what to do and when to do. They suggest solutions to our problems regarding every aspect of our life. The 78 tarot cards are crucial as well as important to understand. Each one of them reveals a different story of life. In this article, we will cover one of the most valuable cards among all these and understand its role in our life. The fool is the first card in the row and also known as 0 number card. It brings happiness and joy into our life. Many peoples saw the sign but by understanding it deeply we can understand how important fool matters in our life.  

What are the tarot cards? 

Tarot cards are the ancient form of playing cards in most of Europe. They meant to be the true divination tool. There is a total of 78 cards that have been divided into two arcana. The first one is a major arcana that includes 22 major cards and the second is a minor arcana that holds 56 cards. Cards of the major arcana are treated as more important because they impact life and give more lessons, while the cards of minor arcana indicate the specific events of life. The fool is the major arcana card that means it has a significant effect on our life. 

Fool the most valuable card- 

The fool card is one of the interesting cards among 22 cards. It seems that it refers to unconditional love and happiness in life. It seems that if a person has a fool card, they might start with 0 but ends with the 22. For example, if you start work and your card is a fool then you might take it to the end or achieve higher success in it. The person with the fool card never bothered from anything and solved it with a great smile. This type of peoples is determined and creative in their respective fields. 

Importance of the fool card -

The fool is one of the strongest and powerful cards that indicates the new beginning of something into life. It can be anything to get rid of the bad past or starting of a great future. The journey of fool cards starts with 0 and ends with 22 that shows you unexpected and new adventure into your life. 

If you receive a fool card while starting some new job or business it is a great sign of success and honor. You will be fully devoted to the new direction of your life unless you doubt yourself or start being more enthusiastic. 

The fool card is also important from a love and relationship point of view. If you haven't got your partner yet, that means you will get a loving, charming, and genuine partner in your life very soon. If you are already into a relationship that indicates you both are ready to start a new phase of your life. 

Lastly, the fool card is also treated as an effective card for health. If you are sick of something that means you will recover from it very shortly and it also prevents you from any type of disease. 

The fool also seems to be a positive concern to finance. It removes the obstacles from the way of inflow of money. It can also be a sign of getting repayment and advancement of some project work. 

Want to learn more about it... 

If you want to know more about tarot cards and its importance, keep updated with our blogs and articles, or if you want to learn about tarot cardsyou can learn it from the best platform THE INSTITUTE OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY, INDORE. The institute is best known for its online distance learning course. You can also contact us on our websites.


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      Shanti Puja can be done for those natives who have lunar eclipse yog in their horoscope. That day 5:39 am the sutak ( A period when ritual purification is prohibited) will start. Expert advise to keep Tulsi leaves in food and drinking water. One should avoid eating during this time. Mandir or prayer places are kept closed in sutak period. Kitchen and Pooja room must be clean and the natives should take bath after completion of eclipse. Donations brings auspicious results after eclipse. The time of sutak for children and aged people is 11:39 a.m. on 8th  November 2022.

      In Indore, the time of lunar eclipse is expected from Tuesday 2:39 pm noon to 6:19pm evening. As the sun must have been already set so The grahan  will be not visible. During this time Mantra Jaap is suggested, it is 24 lakhs times (1 purush charna) more effective then normal days. The auspicious place for jaap is the bank of river, but if it is not possible then it can be done at home.

      The natives who have solar eclipse yog in their house of are suggested to chant using sandalwood beads mala, while who have lunar eclipse yog should chant with pearl beads. The native should sit on the kush aasan. Taking bath immediately after the completion of eclipse is must.

      Mantra for moon – Om Som somaya namah, ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः ( chant it 11000 times)

      Mantra for Sun – Om ghrni suryaay namah. ॐ घृणि सूर्याय नमः (chat it 7000 times)

      One or more family members or Pundit can join the chanting, if it is not possible for one person. If chanting is performing by pandit Ji on the behalf of native then before sutak mala and aasan must be given. After taking bath next day dakshina should be given to pandit ji.

      For accurate information about lunar eclipse check the morning newspaper.

      Suggestion for unmarried and pregnant women.

      Solar eclipse is not auspicious for pregnant women and unmarried boys and girls. They must not see the grahan. A closed room with dark curtains will be good place for women. To avoid the effect of negative energy produced in the atmosphere by eclipse pregnant women should keep a coconut with them.

      The recommendations during eclipse.

      1. Avoid travel.
      2. Do not eat Anything .
      3. Don't use Scissors.
      4. Don't make hair, clean clothes or brush teeth.
      5. Don’t take out milk from buffalo.
      6. Don’t speak Harsh language.
      7. Sleeping is prohibited during eclipse.
      8. Do not Pluck flowers from plants.

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    • Lost your valuables? find them through numerology

      It's always a nightmare when you lose your valuables. Whether it's your phone, wallet, or keys, it's always a significant inconvenience. And, of course, there's always the worry that you won't be able to get them back. Here are a few tips that will guide you with the steps you need to follow if you lose your valuables. Losing your valuables is always a significant pain. But, with the help of Numerology, you can increase your chances of getting them back and one can learn about it through plenty of online numerology courses.

      Numerology is the science of numbers, and it is believed that these numbers directly correlate to different life events. This belief says one can use their name, birthdays, and other significant numbers to calculate destiny. One can use Numerology to make decisions, understand our personalities, and predict the future.

      Numerology can be a helpful tool when you've lost something essential and are struggling to find it. By looking at the numbers associated with your lost possessions, you may get clues about where to look or what to do next. For example, if the number of your missing item is 4, this could represent stability and security. Therefore, checking safe places like your home or office would be a good idea. Alternatively, if the number is 8, this could symbolize power and success. In this case, you should look in places where you're likely to succeed, such as your place of work.

      Numerology is inclined toward numbers and their meanings. Each number has its vibration and energy. When you connect with the energy of a certain number, it can help you to find what you're looking for. Here we are sharing valuable tips on how to use Numerology and find out your lost things:

      How to Find Valuables Using Numerology Science?

      1. Write down where and when you lost the item.
      2. Look up the meaning of the number corresponding to the month and day you lost the item.
      3. Focus on that meaning and connect with the energy of the number.
      4. Visualize yourself finding the lost item.
      5. Ask the universe or your higher self to help you find the lost item.
      6. Be open to receiving guidance from your intuition or other signs.
      7. Trust that you will find what you're looking for.
      8. Take action steps to find the lost item.
      9. Be grateful for what you find.
      10. Repeat the process as needed.

      Different Numbers and Their Meaning in Numerology

      The first five numbers, 1-5, aren’t used in numerology, and the number afterward, 5 till 81, holds a different meaning and indicates where you can find your missing valuables. The vital meaning and signs that these number resembles are as listed below.

      • Six: It indicates the presence of your lost valuables around cleaning materials or door mats
      • Seven: Number 7 indicates that you can find it nearby clothing items
      • Eight: Number 8 will reveal that a person you won't like will bring you lost things.
      • Nine: Number 9 says someone is keeping it purposely; however, once they admit and realize their mistake, they will give it back to you as a present.
      • Ten: Number 10 suggests you leave the items at the place where you spend most of your time outside the home.
      • Eleven: Maybe you lost it somewhere near to water bodies you come across
      • Twelve: You will find it when you are looking for something else; instantly, there is no gain in searching for them.
      • Thirteen: The object is lost in the safest place.e, almirah, wardrober, or an organizer
      • Fourteen: The object disappears underwater, and you need a plumber's help to get it back.
      • Fifteen: You will get the things back with the help of the child as it somewhere near their toys
      • Sixteen: Oops! You have lost the item permanently.
      • Seventeen: Find the items in a place where you keep all your expensive pieces of stuff.
      • Eighteen: It will be close to the things you use daily; once you find it and lose it again, you are not getting your things back.
      • Nineteen: Find your belongings in a dry area nearby house.
      • Twenty: Look in the bathroom or area close to the water for your valuables.
      • Twenty One:Try to search for your lost item in small storage cabinets or briefcases
      • Twenty Two:You will get the sign that locates the object in dreams
      • Twenty Three: It might be lost nearby the furniture
      • Twenty Four: You might keep and lost in the place where you used to keep it earlier
      • Twenty Five: It is nearby and is covered with some source of light
      • Twenty Six: May any older person might get the item but wasn’t aware that you are searching for it
      • Twenty Seven:The items have accidental damage; you can still find them near the garage or car
      • Twenty Eight: The one who found it is the new owner
      • Twenty Nine: Someone close to you will find it and return it to you
      • Thirty: You will find it near children’s art and drawing things
      • Thirty One: The object is closer to you, and you will find it
      • Thirty-Two: You can find it in a place with some heights
      • Thirty-Three: You might find it nearby your pooja room
      • Thirty Four: You might be left it in the workplace or your house near the source of light
      • Thirty-Five: You can find it nearby running water bodies in the house
      • Thirty-Six: You can find it in the wardrobe and storage place of other people you share your home or room with
      • Thirty-Seven: Find the eastern religious spots to look for missing items.
      • Thirty-Eight: It is lost at the place where you often visit
      • Thirty-Nine: The item is nearby the things that are related to art & craft
      • Forty: You can find it safe in some soft packaging material
      • Forty-One: You might find it under the space of your wardrobe where you keep footwear
      • Forty-Two: You will find it in the kitchen of the cafe & restaurant that you visit most often
      • Forty-Three: It is under the furniture where you rest most of the time
      • Forty-Four: You might get lost in the dirty and dusky place of the house
      • Forty-Five: You might pass through the way daily where the item is
      • Forty-Six:You can find it with the help of your co-worker.
      • Forty-Seven: Question people around you and observe the person around you as someone know about your whereabout
      • Forty-Eight: You can find it with stored alcoholic beverages.
      • Forty-Nine: There might be only a 1% chance of getting your things back safely, so it would be helpful if you stop bothering about it.
      • Fifty: You can find your lost items in vehicles.
      • Fifty-One: You might find it in a spiritual or healing place like a temple or hospital.
      • Fifty-Two: Someone whom you don't know but close to your known has your lost items
      • Fifty-Three: You won't be able to find the object, but you will get it back soon
      • Fifty-four: The thing isn't nearby and carried, which makes its recovery more time consuming
      • Fifty-Five: You will find it where you least expect it
      • Fifty-Six: You need to observe the place you visited as you cross the area where the object is now
      • Fifty-Seven: You will find it your sports clothes or the field where you play
      • Fifty-Eight: You lose your valuable items because of someone's greed
      • Fifty-Nine: You will find things easily in a dry place
      • Sixty: You lose your valuable items permanently

      There are various understandings and predictions for other numbers that one can learn by completing a numerology certification course or opting for the best numerology course online. These reveal much about the science and working of numerology that allows you to learn numerology online and predict different things with its help. 

      Summing Up

      Numerology connects with numbers, their meanings, and how they affect our lives. It is an astrological science that can be used to help us understand ourselves and our lives better. One can use it to learn about our past, present, and future and help us make better decisions and choices. Numerology courses can be taken online or in person, and one can learn about it quickly in a local community college or university; many books and resources are available online that reveal the secrets of Numerology. Numerology can be a fun and exciting way to learn more about yourself and your world.

      Numerology also plays a vital role while making decisions in your life. However, there is no correct or wrong way to interpret things through Numerology, and it is essential to remember that it is just one tool in your toolbox and should not be relied on to make significant life decisions. Numerology is a great way to find things that may be hidden from you. Using numbers to look for clues, you can often find what you are looking for. Using Numerology to find lost things, you may be surprised at how well it works. Give it a try and see whether it comes out beneficial for you or not.

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    • 11th house in astrology- where your desires are fulfilled!

      Different houses on the birth chart play different roles in influencing a person's life. Here we are discussing the 11th house of astrology and how it will affect our future. The 11th household is of great significance in astrology, and one can learn more about it by attending the Vedic astrology Institute. It lets the person know whether they will lead a charmed life, what income source, and how much they will achieve. In this article, you will get the answer to all the questions and can easily house how the 11th house will affect your Kundli. If you are curious to learn about it and can’t able to reach any institute for any reason, there are various institutes that provide distance-learning astrology courses in India.

      The 11th house of Vedic astrology is the house that fulfills all your wishes. The amount of wealth, satisfaction, and worldly things you have in life can quickly measure with the help of the 11th house. A person's birth chart or a kundalini reveals all the secrets and aspects of their life. Astrology is capable of displaying different aspects of everyone's life. Most people are working hard to make their life more lavish and materialistic happiness through it, and astrology can indicate and tells a lot about them in a precise way. The position of the 11th house in a person's birth chart tells about all the spiritual and financial gains that one is getting in life.

      The 11th house of Vedic astrology is in an astrological or local term known as labha sthaan that lets you know the profit and future endeavors in an individual's life. Another name for the 11th house of Vedic astrology is known as the kama siddhi house. Kama siddhi house refers to pleasure related to sexual desires and their fulfillment. The word in kama siddhi indicates a person's wishes, hopes, and desires, whereas siddhi means fulfillment and gains of people's desires. One can learn more about it by attending Vedic astrology classes online that give in-depth knowledge about all the different aspects. You can search for Vedic astrology courses in India and enroll in them to get in-depth knowledge. It would be advisable to choose the best online Vedic astrology courses among the plenty of options available online.

      Ekadashi bhava, or the 11th house of astrology, is synonymous with fame and wealth earned by a person. It symbolizes the achievement or accomplishment of one's life. Some people see the 11th house as bad /black as it shows temptation and materialistic gains in one's life. If the placement of the planet is vital and the 11th house is prominent in a person's life, it means the person will lead a wealthy life and can make spiritual progress; that is the last conclusion or goal of a human's life.

      The Importance of the 11th House in Vedic Astrology

      Labh bhava and kama siddhi are the other meaning of the 11th house in Vedic astrology, as discussed earlier. The house tells about earnings, wealth, and reputation. Accordingly, this house shows the income we can make for the duration of exceptional stages of our life. However, it isn't just about personal ambition – it indicates our mindset towards society and the concept of teamwork and more.11th house will show what we need from inside or our strongest desire. More so, the manner the 11th house manifests is determined by the energies of the tenth house. As our potential to impact modifications grow within the 10th residence, so do our ambitions inside the 11th residence. The 11th residence represents the general nature of the people and the want to undergo and stand tall amidst the tremendous pressures of life (tenth residence) and the final differences (12th house). Determining the position of the 11th house establishes how you'll manage everything socially and financially and whether you have the potential to reach those spheres or not.

      Because the 11th house relates to labha or gains, it's essential to decide what will carry you success and what will not, whether your hopes and goals are in sync with each other, whether you may reach your endeavors, and so forth. The 11th residence additionally governs over the element of satisfaction. Except it shows a profit, prosperity, progress within the attempts made, peace after the aspirations have been realized, and the everlasting bonding of friendship. The desire to wait for reunions is indicated by using the eleventh residence. The cause for analyzing the aspects of this house is to recognize the kind of emotional attachments you're likely to have. The eleventh residence additionally tells about human nature, discipline, friendship, teamwork, networking, and hobbies. This house additionally represents our collective dreams and aspirations for the betterment of humanity.

      Why the 11th House of Astrology is Known as the Triangle of Desires

      The 11th house in Vedic astrology is all about fulfillment, wishes, and desires. Here we will learn everything in detail about it. Here we are mentioning three different aspects that the 11th house reveals and which make it name a triangle of desires


      The eleventh house is known as the residence of goals. It is the strongest residence of goals and indicates the success of needs and dreams. The situation and position of the eleventh house, its lord, and the planets in it investigate the possibility of achieving the goals of an individual's life.

      Friend Circle & Social Interaction

      The Eleventh House in Astrology also indicates your social circle and reveals the people with whom you are making most of your connections. It is likewise possible to evaluate your community's scale with this astrological house's assistance. It also indicates the nature of the relationship. Whether they assist you or you will help them is shown from this house. In short, it's miles the indicator of your involvement in social circles and networks.

      Advantage and Earning

      Profits and gains also are associated with this astrological house. Your assets and quantity of profits can be seen from the eleventh house. Gains also can be from any supply aside from that of your profession. The planets inside the 11th house and the location of the eleventh lord suggest the sources of gains.

      What Details a Person Can Know By Investigating 11th House Astrology?

      Gains are the focus of the eleventh house. It involves the crucial element of everyone's life, such as your schooling, occupation, career, spiritual journey, or marriage. It may provide a realistic indication of how well you will succeed in various areas of your life. If your eleventh house is strong, you may become well-known and have a strong and shiny future.

      1. If you participate in an election, the eleventh house would decide whether you won or lost it.
      2. By looking at the eleventh house in your horoscope, you may accurately predict whether you will win a law exam or any other competition.
      3. How well-paid, healthy, wealthy, and connected will you be?
      4. Will you get praised for your writing and communication abilities?
      5. You learn about your older siblings' relationships with, support, and gains.
      6. A favorable eleventh house also shows how satisfied you are.
      7. A strong 11th house guarantees success, rapid life advancement, caring companions, and life growth.
      8. Gaining wealth, profits from business, additional income streams, the strength of your luck and influence, your spirituality, your ability to create, your attitude toward elders in the home, your ability to learn, your advanced intelligence, the longevity of your mother, and your left ear and knee.
      9. 11th house tells about the potential for love in marriage and the happiness that comes from it.
      10.  One can determine the seriousness of a romantic relationship.
      11. The tenth house decides your social status.
      12. When the eleventh house is in Shubha Kartari yoga, the native receives various uplifting advantages from this house.
      13. The eleventh house is a great place to start when analyzing a marriage because children are the rewards that result from marriage.
      14. We all want a social network we can rely on upon through good times and bad. Whether you'll have one or not? You will get to know about it through your eleventh house.
      15. There are two ways in which the eleventh house functions. First, it shows you the results of your past actions, which may take the shape of rewards or penalties. Second, it ensures the native's well-being thanks to good karma throughout the eleventh house's activation.
      16. The eleventh house in astrology determines how much mental stability you experience in life.
      17. It's not uncommon to see someone in a position of authority suddenly lose respect for no apparent reason; it can happen when the eleventh house in your Kundli is poorly positioned.
      18. The eleventh house in your kundali helps to find information about your daughter-in-law.
      19. A powerful eleventh house stops the suffering and shields you from enemies and health issues.
      20. The eleventh house can determine your father's egotistical inclinations.
      21. The eleventh house may also reveal information regarding your mother's longevity and her final journey. It also highlights her spiritual achievements.

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    • Astrology for job – facts, insights, and the importance

      Astrology is beneficial in knowing the different aspects of life, and one can predict the future and career prospects through which they flourish. You can learn all about it if you have searched about it online or have in-depth knowledge by learning from different Vedic astrology courses online. The tenth house of the horoscope plays a vital role while deciding any person's job prospects and career insights. It doesn't only tells about the job or career prospects but also lets you know about the growth of the business. The job market and opportunities are growing exponentially with the introduction of digitalization in the new era. However, getting a job is not easy nowadays because of so much competition and hurdles like inflation, recession, economic fluctuation, and more. The prediction of a job and its insight are other sides of the coin with Vedic astrology. If the science of astrology attracts you and if you wish to learn more about it, you can apply for the distance learning astrology courses in India, or they can simply search about the Vedic astrology online courses at their convenience.

      Job Prospects & Its Prediction According to Its Astrology

      If you are confused about your future and want your job prospect's answers, then what's better than astrology? It gives you all the answers. Astrology provides you with valid reasons for the different hurdles you are facing. Astrology and predictions will let you know the issues and limitations that are stopping you. It also solves your query about promotion, change in location, or job position, and the 10th house of astrology will resolve all your doubts and answer accurately.

      The movement of planets is responsible for the person's character and professional growth. Let's learn why planetary motions affect a person's livelihood. Astrology can be a deadly weapon and the best guide to making your career the right way. It will let you make choices that empower your career growth and ultimately allow you to be prosperous and progressive in your job. There might be chances that one can have great career opportunities waiting in an astrology career. They can simply search for astrology courses in India and enroll in the best online Vedic astrology coursesto flourish in their career.

      Astrology and Its House Calculation for Jobs

      According to Vedic astrology explanation, the 10th house is responsible for the growth of career and job in a person's life. Many people restrict themselves or another person from checking the 10th house, which sometimes comes with an untimely or late conclusion.

      • Not only in the 10th house but in the combination of the 2nd house you get to know about the earnings and income of other's person.
      • It is also necessary that people must take care of the eleventh house along with the 2nd house & 10th houses. The 11th house in the birth chart reveals gains through different sources, birth chart, and how your professional life is ahead in your business and jobs.

      So here we are mentioning different houses and the nature of the information it holds about the particular person

      • 2nd House: It tells about the source of income
      • 7th House: It means business partnerships and planning for business in professional life.
      • 10th House: It will let you know about the job's nature
      • 11th House: It gives different sources of gains in their livelihood

      Different Planets that Explore Different Professions

      All the planets govern some of their own features and conduct different areas of life. Every planet rules some of the other characters that help them to regulate and influence the individual's life. For the same, we have compiled a list of the houses mentioned, i.e., 11th,7th,10th, and 2nd, respectively. These houses will let you know what profession is favorable for a person's career growth. Let’s explore the different professions with the help of sign that different planet indicates:


      The planet mercury explains about different career prospects of a person. It explores the career options like bankers, accountants, journalists, publishers, engineers, and more. It plays an essential role in career choices, but the actual results can be observed with different planets or others.

      Sun, Mars, and Moon:

      1. These altogether indicate a sign of public sector/government services
      2. Sun is responsible for getting a job in the administrative sector, and Moon is responsible for people services and placements.
      3. When it comes to mars, it ensures military and police-related services.


      The person governed by the planet venus is creative and can flourish in such a career.

      For example, people from the zone of venus can go for the job of architects, automobile owners, artists, and fashion designers.


      The planet Jupiter is responsible for those who can excel in the career of teachers, philosophers, astrologers, judges, lawyers, and more.

      Rahu and Ketu: It is responsible for everyday work or daily jobs

      Saturn: The job for people governed by planet Saturn can go for the job that involves hard work and labor.

      Effects of  Planetary Transition: All You Need to Know

      Different planets and their movement transit individual career choice and influence their growth. As mentioned above, a total of 5 planets help people with their career choice and give the desired direction to their career outgrowth. The action of these planets influences the jobs prospect, facts, and insights according to their position in the natal or birth chart. Lets us know about each of them in detail:

      Uranus transit

      The signifying thing in astrology for a dynamic or new role is making way for a whole alternative in your career. These are exciting times with masses of freedom best to start a new commercial enterprise or a new activity. However, a crisis can strike at any moment, and you need to be greater cautious and make releasing modifications to welcome new stories.

      Saturn transit

      All the tough paintings can pay off handsomely, and a massive promotion comes your way. Your business enterprise will examine your performance. A viable crisis pushes you to trade your task and push aside unproductive factors affecting your expert life.

      Jupiter Transit

      It is a first-rate sign of having a fruitful time in your expert sphere. It's the time to flourish and, additionally, to land a brand new task or business. You will find folks willing to hear your thoughts, and networking enables you to scale greater heights.

      Pluto transit

      Pluto transition predictions pull you toward enhancing people's lives with business or entrepreneurship. You will most ignore or haven't been involved in any task that doesn't serve this reason. This period is prolonged, and you want to understand your career choices. You can change jobs pretty frequently in the direction of discovery. However, you have the drive and strength to peer through, assume the duty, and acquire honors.

      Neptune transit

      You can begin a career that allows you to serve society and provide your professional existence with a reason. Neptune transit lets you enter a larger sphere of factors, and there are probabilities you can sense dilemma regarding your selections. You may probably encounter the company of cheaters, which ultimately results in false impressions. You need to believe your instinct completely to peer thru those intricate instances.

      Is Government Job or a Private Job Career Option Available?

      Most people are curious to learn whether they will move toward the private sector or get a government job through astrology predictions. These two sectors are extensive and widely accepted by job prospects. However, government jobs are considered secure, but now people are enjoying the benefits of private sector jobs, and lay off are not a concern anymore as they are regularly working for employee benefits.

      The position of the planet sun and the 10th house of Vedic astrology not only give insight about jobs but also let people know about the transfer of jobs. To have a government job person needs to have a ruling planet and the sun in the 10th house, whereas the sun isn't placed firmly in the people's birth chart who flourish in private jobs. That is why someone doesn't stay happy in private jobs, and many others quit government jobs and flourish in their careers.

      Know About the Different Effects of the Planet in Astrology

      As discussed earlier, the planet's position in different houses plays a vital role in understanding people's job prospects. Like they can also let people learn about their business and contract prospects. The mercury planet needs to be more vital to make you successful with your business dealing and targets. In the same way, other planets affect the career aspect and job insight of individuals.

      Both planet Mercury and the sun are good signs for success and conditions that let you flourish and have a rewarding future. Meanwhile, Saturn and mars, along with Rahu and Ketu, will let you know the job's success.

      Actions of Saturn: The person can enjoy success in business after they attain the age of 35 if the planet Saturn is situated in the 3rd house, and that's why Saturn is symbolized as the slow-moving planet that connects with hard work only

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q: How can one tell whether a person will work for the government or a business?

      A: The primary goal of astrology for careers is to make future career predictions for individuals. The two primary sectors are the public and private ones. Despite the perception that government jobs are secure, people choose private jobs over them.

      Astrology for job transfers considers the sun's position and the 10th house. If you desire to work for the government, the 10th house and the ruling planet should be in that sign. On the other hand, the sun's position matters. When the sun and the 10th house are not in a strong place, it is best to flourish in the private sector.

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    • 10 top most feared yogas in astrology

      Astrology is a branch that requires careful and in-depth study to claim anything accurately. There are plenty of planetary movements and astrological yogas because of their position and the Kundli chart of a person. These several yogas and positions are, in reality, regulate the key to anyone's life. However, many of these yogas give you growth and prosperity, while others worsen the situation. However, some people with good yogas are blessed and born to rule, leading wherever they go. E.g., our minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, has powerful raj yoga, and his position is evident about astrological yogas power.

      In PMO Lagna, lord Mars is in a strong position and resides at their own house. It destroys the moon responsible for neech bhang yoga making the person more powerful and having the power to make people the elected PM of the largest democratic country in the world. However, some yogas and planet positions are extremely unfavorable and make your life full of stress, tension, and problems and affect an individual's life.

      One can learn about its details by getting into a Vedic astrology institute. Afterward, they can quickly attend Vedic astrology classes online with the option of distance-learning astrology courses in India. Alternatively, for a quick solution, one can talk with their astrologer and follow different remedies suggested by them. However, astrologers who have deep knowledge and have completed Vedic astrology courses in India from reputed institutes can analyze the details of your kundali chart and yogas. They will recognize which planets are imparting positive energy and which ones are harmful with the help of your birth chart.

      In astrology, yoga is the name given to various combinations of planets in a horoscope, which are believed to produce specific results or events. The planets involved in yoga can be beneficial (helpful) or malefic (harmful), and the effects of yoga can be either positive or negative. There are many different types of yoga, each with its own planet combinations and derivatives. Here in this article, we are discussing the 10 Top Most Feared Yogas in Astrology. So let's move quickly to the next section.

      Top 10 Yogas in Astrology That One Should Know

      Kemadruma Yoga: Kemadruma yoga is among one the most feared yoga in astrology. The reason behind this yoga formation is the moon's placement on the birth chart. It can be observed when the moon resides in its own house or if only the sun is situated in the 2nd and 12th house where the moon is. In simple words, the formation of kemarduma yoga takes place if no other planet is available in the 2nd and 12th house concerning the moon's position. You can also observe this yoga if Rahu or Ketu are present in these houses. The impact of kemarduma yoga makes your life situation worse, and the person with such yoga becomes stressed, unhappy, and meets various difficulties in their life. However, there are remedies to avoid the effect of it, and you can learn about them by contacting the best astrologers.

      Chandal Dosha: This dosha can be found in an individual kundali if Jupiter and Rahu are positioned in the same house or may be interrelated in a person's Kundli. This dosha is highly harmful and inauspicious. It can also cause a downfall in your career; however, it is suggested that you contact your astrologer and eliminate the problem of Chandal dosha. The effect of this dosha is broad and influences a person's mind and knowledge, leading them towards negativity, which ultimately surrounds them with failures.

      Visha Yoga: This yoga has been observed because of the placement of the moon and planet Saturn in Kundli. They might be seen conjoint with each other in the same house or maybe be closely associated with a degree that creates adversely impacts Kundli. It will weaken the person emotionally and turn them into a cruel or arrogant personality. It might result from bad karma in your past life; however, if the moon's position is strong, it will be easier to cope with this situation.

      Amavasya Dosh: The sun and moon position is responsible for this yoga formation. The sun and moon are situated in the same house in Amavasya dosha. On the day of the Amavasya, the moon loses power, and the whole Amavasya dosh is influenced by the sun. The native could experience both financial and emotional difficulties. According to many astrologers, the sun overpowers the moon. It occasionally may lead to issues with the mother. 

      Raja Yoga: Raja yoga involves the benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus. This yoga is said to bring wealth, success, and fame. It is considered the dreaded and auspicious yoga that helps individuals achieve success in life. The person with raja yogas has leadership qualities and offers a way to lead them. It shows that the person will lead a luxurious and peaceful life along with a reputed social status. However, there are a total of 32 different types of  Raja yoga; only some can be analyzed by seeing the person's birth chart.

      Kalsarp Dosh: Kalsarp dosh is one of the feared yogas because of the placement of Rahu and Ketu in a person's natal chart. The position of Rahu and Ketu is usually on opposite side of each other. However, in Kalsarp dosh, all the other planet's placements are in between these two planets. In contrast, if a single planet comes out of this two-planet axis, the dosh can get canceled, or the person might suffer through anshik KalSarp dosh.

      It is one of the most dangerous and severe yoga of astrology that indicates life-threatening danger to a person. They will not get a positive outcome for their hard work, and they will feel the ease of putting in more effort than any other ordinary person. Bad dreams are also an indication of Kal Sarp dosha.

      Saraswati Yoga: Saraswati yoga involves the benefic planets Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus. This yoga is said to bring knowledge, wisdom, and artistic talent. The combination of these planets in a strong position indicates the Saraswati yoga in an individual's birth chart. If Saraswati yoga is in person kundali, the native personality reflects the intelligence and skills that let them stand out in the crowd. Most people with this yoga are creative and can be seen in different careers like speakers, writers, poets, and other literary professions.

      Buddha Yoga:  It involves the benefic planet Jupiter and the malefic planet Saturn. This yoga is said to bring spiritual enlightenment. Mercury is the planet of communication and is crucial for making judgments under challenging circumstances. Jupiter is the planet of luck, fortune, abundance, and happiness. In Vedic astrology, "Buddha guru" yoga develops in a birth chart when Jupiter and Mercury are in the same house.

      Mercury and Jupiter are enemies; therefore, a chart can forecast what will happen in that house. Different outcomes will occur depending on which planet is more powerful in between them.

      Shiva Yoga: It involves the benefic planets, Mars and Jupiter. This yoga is said to bring power, strength, and courage.

      Manglik Dosha: It is a common dosha found in individuals and raises numerous problems in a person's marital life situation. The formation of Manglik dosha depends on the position of the planet Mars. In Manglik dosha, the mars are situated in the 4th,7th,8th, or 12th house. It delays a person's marriage and indicates the financial, mental, and physical losses in the person's life.

      One can find many other yogas in their Kundli, each with its specific combination of planets and results. Some yoga is more powerful than others, and others are more optimistic (lucky) than others. The strength of yoga is determined by the planets involved and the position of those planets in the horoscope. The most powerful yoga is those that involve the most benefic planets in favorable positions. The results of yoga can also be influenced by the planets influencing the planets involved in yoga.

      Summing Up

      Yoga can be a crucial factor in astrology and can help predict specific events or outcomes in a person's life. There are many rumors, understanding, and questions as there is much debate surrounding the topic. Some people believe that astrology and yoga are interconnected and can complement each other, while others believe they are two completely different practices. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what they believe and whether or not they think astrology and yoga can work together.

      The study of astrology is an ancient practice that was available years ago. In India, the research and practice of astrology is a well-established and respected pursuit. Many astrology courses are available in India, ranging from introductory classes to more advanced studies. Astrology courses in India typically cover a wide range of topics, including the history and origins of astrology, the planets and their influence, the zodiac signs, and how to interpret a birth chart. Students of astrology in India also learn about the use of astrology for prediction, forecast, and guidance in personal and professional life. Whether you want to deepen your understanding of astrology or learn how to interpret birth charts, an astrology course in India is right for you.

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    • Career predictions in kp astrology

      A career is an essential aspect of everyone's life, and people are more concerned about it. However, it becomes more challenging if you are the only person earning in the house. Here it becomes crucial to take wise steps that help you create a better life for yourself and choose a better career option that will give you great benefits. But it becomes problematic when you are already facing different problems and obstacles in your life due to face-off planets and horoscope situations. The KP astrology course can inform you about these obstacles and various aspects hindering your growth.

      If you think about growth and the future, the 1st thing that sticks in your mind is a career and which career options can help you grow and flourish. If you are still confused and want to learn what career option will be the best for you, we suggest you take help from astrology. Astrology helps you find the correct path by using its own evaluation process. If you are interested in learning more about astrology, you can easily find different KP astrology courses online that have different benefits.

      Not only Vedic or Western astrology can predict the right career path for you. People are going for KP astrology as it gives more accurate results and reveals a career path that will let you grow and is best for you. As everyone has different perceptions and choices, it becomes challenging to choose the right career for themselves. Still, through KP astrology, it is now possible to get the right career for your life, which will be long-term and stable. If you aren't aware of the term, you can learn KP astrology's meaning & its uses if searching online.

      KP System of career prediction system is proven to be the best astrology option that helps you to grow. It has its own system of foundations and calculates the career option according to it, which many people in society have accepted. One can learn KP astrology online in the comfort of their home with the renowned institute offering the course.

      Every student undergoes pressure and confusion in choosing the right career option and up lacking guidance. KP astrology helps in finalizing your professional destinations with the help of a birth chart along with some definite indicators.KP astrology is related to a career; it will not just guide you to choose the right and fruitful career, but it will also help improve the existing career by knowing your actual skills.

      What is KP Astrology and its Different Aspects?

      The idea and science behind KP astrology are taken from both the Vedic and western systems of astrology. So, in this reference, KP astrology can give you the perfect career option for your future.

      • KP astrology can study different nakshatras and planetary movements and easily determine a good or a heavenly sign.
      • Students should also know about the Mahadasha of different planets, which can also affect their career in many ways, so if you have an auspicious Mahadasha of any planet, you can create a career in that particular field that the specific planet is indicating.
      • For example, if venus is your beneficiary planet or you are placed in a position that is good for you, then you need to go for the career options related to venus.
      • Suppose there is any antardasha or mahadasha on any planet. In that case, you must avoid choosing such an option for your career, as it will ultimately let you into a problematic situation.

       There is a lot about KP astrology, commonly known as career astrology. We can enroll in KP astrology classes to know which career option is right for you.

       For people who are interested in astrology, there is some good news for you. One can learn about KP astrology online with the help of online KP astrology courses that provide a deep understanding of the subject. It lets you understand the concept in the simplest ways.

      Career Predictions With KP Astrology

      Career plays an essential role in maintaining a certain lifestyle and proper status in society as it is in astrology the deciding factor of your karma, kshetra. Before deciding on any career, one needs to properly analyze every aspect based on skills, profits, and work interests. Here we will be sharing in detail about the career analysis of KP astrology.

      Rules & Regulations of KP Astrology

      • The planet is the main source and sign for choosing anything
      • Star lord will give all the outcomes
      • The quality of the result depends on the state of sub lord only
      • 2H is responsible for increasing the effects, whereas 12H give negative outcome to any house

      If star lord supports, even if there is denial from star lord, the result will be delayed, but you will get the results; however, in the reverse case, it is difficult to say about the results. The dasha sequence is important in KP astrology.

      Know About the Favorable Combination and Different Careers related to KP Astrology

      11H: Desire fulfillment and profits

      10H: It is for work, fame, and social status

      7H: It is for businesses

      2H: It is for wealth

      7H,10H,11H,6H,2H: It is for the best Career script 

      6H: It is for the job

      Unfavorable Combinations for Career

      • 5H, 8H, and 12H – Worst
      • 5H is the 12th from the house of service,
      • 8H is 2nd from the 7th house, so it favors the opposite party.
      • 12H is 6th from the 7th house

      KP Astrology: 12 Houses Significance

      There are 12 houses in KP astrology, and each house defines different career options that are as mentioned below:

      • 1st House: It signifies business or entrepreneurship
      • 2nd House: It signifies accounts and banking-related jobs
      • 3rd House: It relates to media communication and social media profile jobs.
      • 4th House: A career related to real estate
      • 5th House: It signifies the profession related to Politics or the entertainment sector
      • 6th House: Career related to the public sector
      • 7th House: Stock exchange business career
      • 8th House: Contractual or MNC'S Job
      • 9th House: Work related to social service
      • 10th House: It signifies positive outcomes for Administrative jobs.
      • 11h: Gains through the outside world
      • 12h: Distraction and dynamic profession

      One needs to have complete knowledge about the significance of planets, and for its detailed reading, you need to know about different planets and their sign regarding the different professions.

      To get a high-salaried job, individuals need to have determination, specific skills, dedication, and passion for the work. In Kp astrology, the 10th,6th, and 2nd houses are known as Artha houses. (Artha means meaning, goal, and purpose.)

      The 2nd house represents your possessions, things you possess or accumulated.

      This house thus represents your family, money in your bank and locker, the accumulated knowledge and goodwill.

      The 6th house represents your strength and capacity to work.

      This house represents competition, daily routine work, doing a job, and solving problems.

      The 6th house also signifies enemies, obstacles, and other things, but we are limited to things related to careers.

      The 10th house represents your status and respect in the world. The 10th house is the most crucial because it has the power to enhance your work life and influence your ability and capacity to work (the 6th house).

      The 6th house and 10th house both influence your career and ability to earn.

      What you earn finally becomes your 2nd house. A weak 2nd house means difficulty managing the money you make, and the reverse indicates that you can save money.

      The strength of houses based on their influence on your job and career: 2nd house < 6th house < 10th house

      If you wish to get a good job, rise in your life, win over your competitors and have respect in society, you need to have planets signifying the 6th and 10th house.

      Change of Job

      1st house in a horoscope represents you, your physical body because you exist in this physical world. 4th house represents the end of your physical body, and the 12th house represents loss or liberation. Then again, the cycle of birth and death continues if the soul has unfulfilled desires.

      Similarly, the 6th house is your job. The 4th from the 6th house is the 9th house, and the 12th from the 6th house is the 5th house.

      The difficulty in a job or laid off situation in a job is seen through the 5th and 9th houses.

      You have to wait for the period of a planet signifying the houses positive for the career (6th and 10th house) to get another job.

      If the same planet signifies the 5th & 9th house and the 6th & 10th house, it indicates the change or difficulty in your professional career (leaving the first job and joining the second).

      "If your horoscope reading gets such planets, then you can expect that job change is possible in the period of planets indicating these houses."

      Planning the Change of Job

      If you are planning to change your job, obviously you will wish to find a job at a place where the working environment is better, and the salary is higher.

      Summing Up

      KP astrology always gives an outcome that is beneficial and precisely correct every time. A Kundli can provide answers to all the questions related to your career and different aspects of the future. If you find these all exciting, you can enroll in an online KP astrology course to learn about them.

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    • Ace your exams with these easy vastu tricks

      Every student's life has a phase where they encounter many difficulties or obstacles, be it academically or elsewhere. Academic examinations have a lot of importance in a student's life. Sometimes the students work hard, yet they don't get favorable results. In such a situation, parents get tense and try to figure out the cause behind the unfavorable outcome.

      Vastu dosha might be the reason behind the architectural defect that can be either at the home, workplace, or somewhere else. Education can only help a bright future for a student (academically) but cannot develop a student's personality as a whole. Suppose the result is not up to the mark, despite adopting new and different studying patterns. In that case, Education Astrology or Education Horoscope could be the best option to count upon. You can learn about the Vastu course online from different platforms providing the free online Vastu course with a certificate.

      If a Vastu Consultant examines the student studies, there is a possibility of better results. The student's concentration and focusing power are enhanced, which results in more accurate outcomes. Every student's future depends on their academic qualifications. Lack of educational qualifications will affect the student's future and can be an obstacle to success in life. Despite being capable of achieving something in the future, a lack of education will be the reason behind the misguidance or failure. One should take care of the student's study room arrangement to avoid such a situation. It will help achieve a student's academic breakthrough with a great start and intelligent initiative. Vastu Shastra can give better results with less hard work, and there are various degree courses in Vastu shastra online that one can attend to know more about it.

      According to Shastra, the northeast direction is considered the best for studying. If the correct position or orientation is ignored, a student might experience problems while studying and give up on the subject or topic, leading to discouragement. However, if you are curious about Vastu, you can learn it with plenty of online Vastu courses, which make it easier to learn about Vastu. Vastu course online gives you the comfort of learning everything at your home without any hassle.

      Get Your Education Report Right with Vastu Shastra

      If the place where the student is studying has Vastu dosh, then it could be a challenge to concentrate and focus on their studies. The students willing to top the exam should consider their direction and the area where they sit for study, as per the Vastu Shastra. Instructions are as follows:

      • According to Vastu Shastra, studying in the east can also be fine if the study table is not in the northeast direction. If this is also not possible, then while studying, a student's face should be in the northeast direction.
      • Suppose the direction of the study table is in the west as per the preconstructed architectural structure of the room, which cannot be changed. In that case, the pupil should sit facing the east or northeast direction for studying, as it is considered the most effective direction to have the best study results.
      • According to Vastu, the northeast direction for studying is better than the north/east direction. If the aforementioned is not possible, then the west direction is the last option. It is worth noting that the study should not be done in the southwest and southeast direction to avoid any obstacles while learning.
      • While studying, a student should sit facing towards the door and avoid showing back to the door.
      • It is suggested that the student's position while studying or resting is good to be in the directions mentioned earlier. The study table should preferably be placed in the student's bedroom.
      • The door and the window of the room in which the study table is present should be in the north, northeast, east, the west direction. It is worth noting that both should not be done in the southwest and southeast direction.
      • To have a sound sleep, the head should face the south or west side to keep students interested in the study work. Also, it is good for health.
      • A study table, an idol of God, and drinking water should be there in the northeast direction of the room.
      • The bookshelf can be kept in the southwest direction, considered the best direction for its placement. According to Vastu, a bookshelf should never be placed in the northwest direction. If bookshelves are placed in the northwest direction, students start losing interest in their studies and might misplace the books.
      • After studying, books should not be left open. That might spread negative energy, resulting in students' poor health.

      This guidance will probably help you in having better results in your studies. Still, for faster results and proper surety, you can Consult Education Astrologer in India available at Indian Astrology. To know/ask anything about Vastu Shastra in detail, you can Talk to Astrologer. You'll be good to go with effective astrological remedies in no time!

      10 Powerful Vastu Shastra Tips to Increase Concentration and Score High in Your Exams

      1. Always choose the Southwest corner of your house or your room to sit and study. Additionally, face towards the northeast while studying.
      2. Make sure to remove all distracting paintings or pictures that are hung in front of you while studying. Additionally, keep away the Mobile phones, WhatsApp messages, video games, and all distracting things that can break your concentration. You can add soothing and calm pictures to be hung on the wall.
      3. Always create a positive atmosphere in your studying area by choosing a clean place for studying. Your study place needs to be free from clutter and with good sunlight and air, as this will keep your mind fresh and away from distractions while studying.
      4. Never choose to sit under a beam or a loft while studying, as it might spike your stress level.
      5. Always choose only East, North, and North-East directions for studying as they are the only favorable directions quoted by Vaastu Sastra.
      6. Choosing a study table made of wood is always better since it absorbs cosmic energies and helps you evade any negative thoughts that might arise while concentrating. Additionally, sitting on a wooden chair while studying will increase its benefits.
      7. Vaastu Sastra insists on Placing a study lamp on the left of your study table to enjoy increased concentration while you prepare hard for your exams.
      8. One can keep a small crystal pyramid, or another pyramid-shaped object can be on the study table. It enhances the positivity in your studying area since it has the power to attract universal cosmic energies. If possible, you can also keep an aquarium in the northeast direction of the study room.
      9. To increase your concentration power while studying, it is a better choice to cover the study table with a green color covering. Never choose too much dark or dull color wall paint for the study room. The best color choices for the study room are blue and green wall paints.
      10. Lastly, always inculcate a positive attitude by thinking you can study well and score well. Try to calm yourself by practicing meditation for a few minutes daily to face your board exams with a calm mind and without panicking.

      Summing Up

      Generally, concentration problems arise during exam times, and it influences the results adversely. However, practicing these robust Vastu Sastra guidelines allows you to quickly redirect your effort for good results.

      Apart from following these guidelines, one essential thing that each student needs to do is "loads and loads of Revision." Do as much revision as you can to Score well in your exams.

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    • Solar eclipse - dosh shanti puja 25 october 2022 (tuesday evening)

      Solar Eclipse will occur on Kartik month, Dark half (Krishna Paksha) on No Moon day (Amavasya) Tuesday 15th October 2022 on Swati Constellation and Libra Zodiac Sign. Those who have solar eclipse or lunar eclipse yoga in their horoscope can do Shanti Puja on this occasion. The Sutak (condition in which ritual purity has been reset) of Solar eclipse will take place on Tuesday early morning from 04:23 (early morning). Place Tulsi leaves and Kusha in food material and drinking water pot. Avoid eating during this time. Keep Puja Room closed from Sutak time. After the completion of eclipse, clean the kitchen and puja after taking bath. For old people and children the sutak to be followed from 13:23 PM on 25th October. This Grahan is not visible in Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Itanagar, Silchar and Andaman Nicobar islands, so no puja is to be done in those areas.

      The Solar eclipse will start at Indore on Tuesday evening 16.23 Hours and will complete at 18.32 p.m. Since the sunset will occur so the end of the Grahan will not be visible. Jaap has a very significant effect in this eclipse period. Doing mantra jaap during this time will yield 24 lakh times (1 Purushcharana) result of Japa. Doing this on the banks of river is very auspicious, but if this is not possible then chanting can also be done in the house.

      People who have Solar Eclipse in their horoscope should do the chanting using red sandalwood beads (mala) while people who have Lunar Eclipse yoga in their horoscope should do the chanting using Pearl beads. Sit on the Kush aasan while doing chanting. Take bath immediately after completion of eclipse.

      Moon Mantra – Om Som Somay Namah (Mantra Jap - 11000)

      ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः

      Sun mantra – Om Grhni Suryay Namah (Mantra Jap - 7000)

      घृणि सूर्याय नमः

      If it is not possible for a person to chant so much mantra then two or more people from his/her family or Pandit can chant for that person additionally. If Chanting is doing by Pandit ji on the person’s behalf, then Panditji should be given asana and mala before the Sutak of Grahan. Panditji's Dakshina also to be given after taking bath next day morning.

      Please see the morning newspaper in your city for accurate information about time in your city.

      Eclipse is not good for Unmarried and pregnant women

      Solar eclipse is not good for unmarried boys and girls and pregnant women. It should not be seen. Pregnant Women should stay in a room where the shadow of the eclipse is not seen. The window should be closed and heavy curtains should be placed in it. Pregnant women should also keep a coconut with them during the eclipse time so that the negative energy emitted from the atmosphere will not affect them.

      Avoid doing following during the Eclipse

      • Do not use scissors
      • do not pluck flowers
      • do not clean hair or clothes
      • do not brush
      • do not milk buffalo
      • do not eat food
      • do not use harsh words
      • Do not travel
      • sleeping is also not recommended during the eclipse time

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    • सूर्य ग्रहण दोष शांति पूजा २५ अक्तूबर २०२२ (मंगलवार दोपहर)

      कार्तिक कृष्ण अमावस्या मंगलवार को दोपहर दिनांक २५ अक्तूबर २०२२ को सूर्य ग्रहण स्वाति नक्षत्र तथा तुला राशि पर होगा। जिन लोगों की जन्म पत्रिका में सूर्य ग्रहण या चंद्र ग्रहण योग हो उसका निवारण इस अवसर पर ही हो सकता है। सूर्य ग्रहण का सूतक मंगलवार सुबह (ब्रह्म मुहूरत) ०४ बजकर २३ मिनट से लग जायेगा। परन्तु बच्चो, वृद्ध और बीमार लोगो को हो सके तो ग्रहण काल से एक प्रहर पूर्व १३ बजकर २३ मिनट से सुतक मानना चाहिए | यदि संभव हो तो सूतक में कुछ भी खाना पीना नहीं चाहिये। इससे पहले भोजन कर लें तथा खाद्य सामग्री व पीने के जल के अंदर कुशा तथा तुलसी पत्र डाल दें। (पूजा घर) के पट बंद कर दे | ग्रहण मोक्ष होने के बाद स्नान करके रसोई तथा पूजा घर की सफाई करे |

       सूर्य ग्रहण का स्पर्श इंदौर में सांयकाल ०४ बजकर २३ मिनट पर होगा तथा इसका मोक्ष सायंकाल १८ बजकर ३२ मिनिट पर होगा। इस ग्रहण काल में जाप का अतिविशिष्ट प्रभाव होता है। इस ग्रहण में किये जाने वाले जाप का एक पुरूश्चरण (२४ लाख गुना)फल मिलता है। नदी के किनारे यह करने का बहुत ही शुभ फल होता है किंतु यदि यह संभव न हो तो जाप घर में भी किया जा सकता है।

       सूर्य ग्रहण योग वाले लोग लाल चंदन या तुलसी माला (१०८ मनके वाली) तथा चंद्र ग्रहण योग वाले लोगो को मोती या रुद्राक्ष या तुलसी की माला से जाप करें । कुश के आसन पर बैठे | ग्रहण के मोक्ष के तुरंत बाद स्नान करे | स्नान के बाद मंदिर और पूजा घर की सफाई करे | उसके पश्चात शुद्ध भोजन बनाकर ग्रहण करे |

      चन्द्रमा का मंत्र – ॐ सोम सोमाय नमः  (११००० मंत्र जाप)

      सूर्य का मंत्र – घृणि सूर्याय नमः  (७००० मंत्र जाप)

      यदि एक व्यक्ति के लिए संभव न हो तो उस व्यक्ति के लिए उनके घर से दो या अधिक लोग या पंडित जी के साथ मिलकर ग्रहण काल में जाप करवा सकते हैं। यदि जाप पंडित जीसे करवा रहे हो तो पंडितजी को आसन, माला ग्रहण का सूतक लगने से पहले देवें। पंडित जी की दक्षिणा भी अगले दिन स्नान करके ही देवें। 

      कृपया आपके शहर में समय की सटीक जानकारी के लिए आपके शहर का सुबह का समाचार पत्र देखें।

      कुंवारों तथा गर्भवती स्त्रियों के लिए ग्रहण अच्छा नहीं होता

       चंद्रग्रहण कुंवारों तथा गर्भवती स्त्रियों के लिए अच्छा नहीं होता है । इसे नहीं देखना चाहिए | स्त्रियों को ऐसे कमरे में रहना चाहिए जहाँ ग्रहण की छाया {खिड़की इत्यादि बंद हो} | गर्भवती महिलायें ग्रहण काल में एक नारियल अपने पास रखें जिससे कि वायुमण्डल से निकलने वाली नकारात्मक उर्जा का प्रभाव उन पर नहीं पड़ेगा।

      ये ना करें

      ग्रहण काल तथा सुrक में निम्न बातो को न करे :-

      • कैंची का प्रयोग न करें
      • फूलों को न तोड़े
      • बालों व कपड़ों को साफ न करें
      • दातुन या ब्रश न करें
      • गाय, भैंस का दोहन न करें
      • भोजन न करें
      • कठोर शब्दों का प्रयोग न करें
      • स्त्री प्रसंग न करें
      • यात्रा न करें
      • शयन करना भी ग्रहण काल में वर्जित माना गया है।

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    • How can astrology help in growing your business?

      In this highly competitive world that today we live in, it is a difficult task to take your business to the desired heights. Forget about the desired level. It has become challenging to run your business smoothly without facing problems.

      Starting and expanding a business requires significant investments in terms of time, hard work, and money. Even after applying the best of these three, one is not sure about the success and expected growth in business. What are the reasons behind these disappointments? The reasons could be many, but the solution is one- astrology! The best online Vedic astrology course makes people quickly understand astrology's complex concepts.

      Astrology is an ancient science that may solve all problems of life with the help of the indications given by the planets in your birth chart. Business growth is the prime query of any businessman going to an astrologer seeking astrological guidance. The correct analysis of your Kundli can help you to determine the strength of the houses and planets related to the business perspectives of a native. After seeing your chart, the astrologer can suggest the most effective ways to carry on business activities to make maximum gains for a native.

      How can an astrologer help in business growth?

      An astrologer would help you choose the best suitable line of career or business as per the chart. An astrologer would suggest the most suitable time for any new business. The best astrologer in Delhi warns you against bad or inauspicious times based on your finance horoscope.

      An astrologer advises whether one should do business at home or foreign country. If you are confused, then an astrologer can also suggest the suitability of carrying a business in a partnership or sole proprietorship. Vedic astrology institute will help you to understand astrology, and you can read charts and predict actions.

      An astrologer also suggests the most appropriate approach to conducting your business activities. E.g., how one can advertise the business, whom one can select as a partner, what can be the marketing strategies for the growth, etc.

      Why should you consult an astrologer for your business?

      Doing business requires financial investments, which may be significant at times. Nobody wishes to risk their hard-earned money without calculating the outcome of the investments. If someone can help you that which line of business will surely get you the desired results, it can safeguard you against the risk involved in new business.

      Sometimes you are not good at business and may perform excellently in a job or profession. As per planet's placements, astrology determines whether a person should do a job or business. It saves the native from undesired losses and humiliation.

      The planets in your birth chart have considerably impacted your business choice. As indicated by the planets, the business will take the native to the heights of success. Astrology courses online in India make people understand astrology predictions and grow their businesses.

      Astrology uses the planets' placements, transitions, and the Dasha system to determine the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of a specific time for a particular business. Consultation with an astrologer can suggest what steps you should take to get very good success in your business. It is because different planets indicate different types of business. Based on their specifications and native chart, astrologers choose one.

      It is important to know which planet is influencing your business the most. Choosing your business as per these significations certainly grows your business manifolds. Business astrology may successfully find out the reasons behind failure in any business despite the best efforts.

      A deep horoscope analysis reveals the favorable and unfavorable Dashas to predict the good and bad times in business.

      Business astrology determines whether your business is going in the right direction or not.

      Incompatible business in terms of the native's birth sign or horoscope may bring disasters to the business and may cause major losses. It is considered a good step to talk to an astrologer before selecting any line of business. A piece of valuable advice may save your life.

      An astrological consultation helps to find out the root cause of business failure and get the most effective astrological remedies to overcome them to enhance business growth.

      The astrologer can also help you to ward off the negative or evil energy from your premises or office. They suggest suitable astrological remedies to keep away any negativity or jealousy from your business and to favor you. Vedic astrology courses in India will make people read a chart of their own and their business partners.

      Astrology goes deeper into our Karmas to take hints about this life and guide us accordingly. Following good conduct with a deep understanding of the planets can make the best business decisions to derive abundant profits.

      Thus, astrology helps us, from choosing the right business to knowing the best time to start a business based on our kundali.

      Few Effective Astrological Remedies For Business Growth

      One should visit an astrologer in case they face problems in business or their profits in business are not up to expectations. There might be some dosha or unfavorable planets in your chart.

      Astrologers will look into the native's chart and the positions of the planets in it. On the basis of that, he can suggest the best business to start, the best date, a lucky name, and an office location. He will also suggest a few practices for natives to perform daily to get blessings and to prosper in business. Vedic astrology classes online will make you understand astrology while staying at your place and help in business predictions.

      As everyone has different positions of the planets on the chart so the remedies will also be different for everyone.

      These are a few of the best astrological remedies for growth in business 

      1. One should buy small gifts for the kids while buying raw materials or any other required material for the business.
      2. The office surroundings should be clean. It would help if you immediately threw away unused old, broken, or rusted articles, as these bring negativity to the business.
      3. It is favorable to install Shree Yantra and Lakshmi Ganesh idols in the office and worship them daily. This would certainly help you in the growth of your business.
      4. Praying to Lord Shiva daily will bring overall prosperity. You can also visit Lord shiva temple to offer water on Shiva linga. This would help you in getting the desired results in business. Also, the planets of your Kundli will be pacified and give blessings in your life.
      5. Donate regularly to foster the growth of your business.
      6. It is suggested to keep an owl figurine in your drawer or where you keep your money. As the owl is the vahana of Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess will undoubtedly follow it to your home and business premises.
      7. Swastik is a symbol of prosperity. It would help if you made a swastika at the main door of your workplace or office. This brings good fortune and luck to your business.
      8. Sea salt removes negative energy from the place. Please keep it in a small bowl on your business premises. But do not forget to change it weekly.
      9. Worship your family devatas to receive their blessings—Devatas help to run your business smoothly. The best Vedic astrology course online will give you deep insight into astrology and ways to get blessings.

      With an astrology consultation, the native overcomes all troubles in the business. The information related to the conduct of business in the most suitable way certainly goes a long way in determining the success of a business.

      If there is any negative dosha present in the Kundli, it can be rectified immediately. The best astrologers at Indian Astrology will undoubtedly give a piece of valuable advice to take your business to immeasurable heights.

      They suggest to you the best astrological remedies overcome any business problem. After reading your chart, astrologers may suggest you a new business option or change in the present strategy. They do that by looking at the positions of your planets.

      Astrology can help you select the business as per your date of birth and also analyze what name is the right name for your business as per your horoscope, dissolve family disputes in business, expand the business, etc.


      Astrology predictions are based on charts and the position of the planets. Chart analysis can help you determine the main cause of the disruption and distraction that is stopping your business from achieving success. And it can effectively help in spotting all the root causes of not becoming successful in a specific business. Vedic astrology online courses are one way to understand astrology and will help to understand personalities.

      Finding and analyzing the reason behind the cause, an astrologer can help you with solutions or astrological remedies that will remove all the ill effects of it and assure good results. You can even get professional and experienced gemstones o, and you can get more help from gemstones as you will be able to get the suitable gemstone according to your stars and constellations-related information.

      The fundamental nature of astrology is to get out some necessary information and details about planets that are affecting us the most. And as the astrologer analyzes, you can get more information about the stars. In distance learning astrology courses in India, people can learn astrology at home.

      The planets are directly connected to our behavior. With astrology, many mysteries related to your business success will unfold. Based on this, you can form great strategies for business growth. But it would help if you were very cautious about chart reading. It is essential to consult a good astrologer because only he can provide you with the right and accurate information.

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    Monthly Archive

      What is the most famous Tarot deck?

      First published in 1909, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is known as the most influential. "It really helped popularize having accessible images on every card," tarot reader Aerinn Kolfage says.

      What are the oldest known tarot cards?

      The oldest surviving tarot cards are the 15 or so Visconti-Sforza tarot decks painted in the mid-15th century for the rulers of the Duchy of Milan.

      Can you sell your tarot cards?

      It's easy to start selling tarot cards directly to consumers, through your own ecommerce store, like a Shopify website. You can also sync your product and social media profiles, to expand your online reach.

      How old is the oldest Tarot deck?

      Named after the Cary Collection of Playing Cards, absorbed into the Yale University Library in 1967, it is also known as the Visconti di Modrone set, and has been dated back to around 1466.


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