What is the sweetener in Werthers sugar free?

Each serving of Sugar Free Werther's (5 pieces) contains 1 g of net carbs, though their sweeteners are not ideal. They contain isomalt, which is an iffy sweetener due to its effect on blood sugar.


The primary sweetener in Sugar Free Werther's is isomalt, an artificial sweetener that has a glycemic index of 2. This means that isomalt raises your blood sugar, but the impact is only only 2% of the impact of sugar. Be careful of overconsuming Sugar Free Werther's, as studies have found that people who consume more than 20 g of isomalt in a day are more likely to experience gastrointestinal distress, such as flatulence and diarrhea.

A small number of people have found that isomalt can interfere with their ketosis. If you're not sure whether your body reacts negatively to isomalt, experiment with Sugar Free Werther's in small portions before integrating it into your normal diet.


When it comes to keto-friendly hard candies, the options are pretty thin. Virtually every low-carb or low-sugar candy achieves its low carb count through non-keto sweeteners, like maltitol or sorbitol.

One notable exception is Dr. John's Healthy Sweets Sugar-Free Fruit Hard Candy. Dr. John's uses only keto-friendly sweeteners: erythritol, xylitol, and stevia. Best of all, they're only 1 g of net carbs per serving.

Venturing a bit outside candies, dark chocolate is a classic keto sweet. Varieties that are 80% cacao or higher tend to run between 4 to 6 g of net carbs per serving. Specialty brands like Lily's Chocolate sweeten their chocolate with erythritol, making it even easier to eat on keto.

Last Updated on October 12, 2021 by Anne-Marie

A review of Werther's Original Sugar-Free candies.

Why you should try Werther's Original Sugar Free Candies

Dealing with a sweet tooth is hard when you're trying to eat healthy or lose weight. However, if you’re diabetic, it’s a matter of life and death when it comes to managing your intake of candy and other sweet treats.

That’s why I tried out Werther's Original Sugar Free candies and share my experience with my diabetic and sugar free readers.

Werther’s Originals Sugar Free caramels are made with the sugar alternative Isomalt and the sweetener Acesulfame-K.

If you’re concerned about artificial sweeteners, Acesulfame-K is considered safe by both the US FDA and the equivalent agency in the EU.

These sugar free candies have zero sugar carbs (3g of total carbs) and only  8 calories per candy, 40% less than Werther’s Original caramels.

According to Werther’s Originals Sugar Free Satisfaction Survey of 1,000 adults with diabetes, 66% of them found it hard to change their diet and avoid sugary treats.

In fact, 39% of the survey respondents said that their enjoyment of eating sweets had taken a hit since they began watching their sugar intake.

That’s why I hoped Werther's Original Sugar Free candies were going to be as good as their original candies!

Does Werther’s Originals Sugar Free pass the taste test?

To give these sugar free Werther’s candies a test drive, I tried samples of all their sugar free flavors – Caramel Apple, Caramel Coffee, Caramel Cinnamon, and Classic.

I wanted to see if they tasted as good as the regular Werther’s Originals. I’ve tried sugar free candies, mints, and cough drops before, and often they’re pretty awful.

It’s not fun being sugar free, so I was keeping my fingers crossed that Werther’s had it figured out.

My family and I tried out all the varieties of Werther’s Originals Sugar Free, and frankly we can’t tell the difference between regular Werther’s Originals and the sugar free ones. Score! (My favorite was the Caramel Coffee.)

One thing I did notice is that I was able to stop eating Werther’s Originals Sugar Free caramels after just a couple of candies. I cannot do that with regular Werther’s candies.

That’s a really, really good thing especially since Isomalt can cause tummy distress like gas and diarrhea when eaten in large quantities. (That’s because the body treats it like fiber.)

You can purchase Werther’s Originals Sugar Free online on Amazon.

What is the artificial sweetener used in the Sugar Free Werther’s Original caramels? The primary sugar substitute used is Isomalt and the artificial sweetener used is Acesulfame – K (ace-k) The acesulfame K does not contain aspertame. There is no aspartame in Werther’s Original Sugar Free Caramels.

  • What are the ingredients in Werthers sugar-free candy?
  • Are Werther’s sugar-free OK for diabetics?
  • Are sugar-free Werthers good for you?
  • Is Werther’s Original really sugar-free?
  • Do sugar free Werthers have carbs?
  • Do sugar free Werther’s have carbs?
  • Can sugar-free candy raise blood sugar?
  • Are Werthers unhealthy?
  • Does Stevia raise blood sugar?
  • Does sugar-free candy make you poop?
  • Can I eat Werther’s on keto?
  • Is sugar-free worse than sugar?
  • How many calories in a Werther’s sugar free candy?
  • How many carbs are in sugar free caramels from Werthers?
  • What flavors are Werthers?
  • What is the best natural sugar for diabetics?
  • Does erythritol have sugar alcohol?
  • What kind of candy can a diabetic have?
  • Are Werther’s a laxative?
  • What happens when you eat too much sugar-free candy?
  • Can Werthers originals give you diarrhea?
  • Is sugar alcohol keto friendly?
  • Can diabetics use stevia?
  • Which is better for diabetics stevia or Splenda?
  • Is peanut butter good for diabetics?
  • Can eating sugar free sweets cause diarrhea?
  • What are Werthers originals made of?
  • Why do Jolly Ranchers stick to my teeth?
  • What can a diabetic put in their coffee?
  • Which sweetener does not spike insulin?
  • Can diabetics use Splenda?
  • What does aspartame do to the body?
  • Why do sugar cookies give me gas?
  • What are the signs of aspartame poisoning?

What are the ingredients in Werthers sugar-free candy?


Are Werther’s sugar-free OK for diabetics?

Made with real butter and fresh cream, each candy is only 8 calories! If you are a diabetic, or if you just want to cut down on some sugar and calories, I encourage you to try Werther’s Sugar Free Candy.

Are sugar-free Werthers good for you?

Werther’s Originals Sugar Free caramels are made with the sugar alternative Isomalt and the sweetener Acesulfame-K. If you’re concerned about artificial sweeteners, Acesulfame-K is considered safe by both the US FDA and the equivalent agency in the EU.

Is Werther’s Original really sugar-free?

WERTHER’S ORIGINAL Sugar Free Caramel Hard Candies These irresistible hard candies are sweet, creamy, and delightfully sugar free.

Do sugar free Werthers have carbs?

Werther’s Original Caramel Hard Candies Sugar Free (5 piece) contains 15.1g total carbs , 0.1g net carbs, 1.6g fat, 0.1g protein, and 44 calories.

Do sugar free Werther’s have carbs?

Werther’s Original Sugar Free Caramel Coffee Hard Candies (5 pieces) contains 14g total carbs , 3g net carbs, 1.5g fat, 0g protein, and 50 calories.

Can sugar-free candy raise blood sugar?

Artificial sweeteners are many times sweeter than sugar. Because of this, it takes only a small amount of artificial sweeteners to sweeten foods. This is why foods made with artificial sweeteners may have fewer calories than those made with sugar. Sugar substitutes don’t affect your blood sugar level.

Are Werthers unhealthy?

Hard Candy Hard candies such as Jolly Ranchers and Werthera s Original are bad for your teeth in more than one way While much of the pleasure of these tasty treats is derived from the fact that you get to enjoy them over an extended period of time, one of the key problems stems from that as well.

Does Stevia raise blood sugar?

Stevia contains high quantities of diterpene glycosides, which cannot be broken down or absorbed by the digestive tract. Therefore, intake of stevia sweetener does not affect the blood glucose level.

Does sugar-free candy make you poop?

Sugar substitutes: Sugar substitutes can cause laxative effects , especially when paired with other triggering foods. For example, adding a sugar-free sweetener to your coffee might result in an urgent bathroom visit.

Can I eat Werther’s on keto?

Werther’s Original Sugar Free Caramels Keto Friendly Recommendation. Werther’s Original sugar free caramels are all rated 1 Star in keto friendliness and we don’t recommend them.

Is sugar-free worse than sugar?

Natural sugar substitutes may seem healthier than sugar But their vitamin and mineral content isn’t significantly different. For example, honey and sugar are nutritionally similar, and your body processes both into glucose and fructose.

How many calories in a Werther’s sugar free candy?

There are 8 calories in 1 peice of Werther’s Original Sugar Free Hard Candy.

How many carbs are in sugar free caramels from Werthers?

Werther’s Original Chewy Caramels Sugar Free (6 pieces) contains 29g total carbs , 0g net carbs, 6g fat, 0g protein, and 110 calories.

What flavors are Werthers?

One 7.7 oz resealable bag of Werther’s Original Sugar Free Hard Caramels featuring Classic Caramel, Caramel Chocolate, and Caramel Coffee flavors.

What is the best natural sugar for diabetics?

In general, there is no reason not to choose one of the natural sweeteners that don’t affect blood sugar – Stevia, monk fruit, or allulose They are all great for people with diabetes and you can choose whichever one you think tastes the best.

Does erythritol have sugar alcohol?

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol used as a low calorie sweetener. It provides only about 6% of the calories found in an equal amount of sugar.

What kind of candy can a diabetic have?

When managing diabetes, experts agree that, at least based on current evidence, sugar-free candy is a better choice than candy made with regular sugar. “Having the option of sugar-free candy to satisfy a sweet tooth without causing a spike in blood glucose can be very helpful,” Rizzotto says.

Are Werther’s a laxative?

Today, people can also enjoy the delicious creamy taste of Werther’s Original in sugar free. Excess consumption may have a laxative effect.

What happens when you eat too much sugar-free candy?

“When you have a bunch of sugar alcohols, a bunch of water rushes to your stomach and intestines, you get diarrhea ,” she says. The leftover sugar alcohol gets fermented in your gut, which causes gas, bloating, and gastrointestinal sounds, Zolotnitsky further details.

Can Werthers originals give you diarrhea?

On the very bottom of the back of the box it warns about “laxative” effect.. that’s like saying a stick of dynamite may have a explosion effect. It’s the worst diarrhea I’ve had on my life to the point I had to call into work.

Is sugar alcohol keto friendly?

Sugar alcohols are low calorie sweeteners that generally have little to no effect on your blood sugar levels. As a result, they’re a popular keto-friendly option for sweetening foods and beverages.

Can diabetics use stevia?

The researchers concluded that stevia is safe for people with diabetes to use as a substitute for sugar and other sweeteners. A 2013 study in rats reported that using whole stevia leaf powder as a dietary supplement led to lower blood sugar levels.

Which is better for diabetics stevia or Splenda?

The science suggests that neither stevia nor sucralose disrupt blood-glucose levels in the same way that sugar does. As such, both are relatively safe options for individuals who have or are at risk for developing diabetes.

Is peanut butter good for diabetics?

Peanut butter contains essential nutrients, and it can be part of a healthful diet when a person has diabetes However, it is important to eat it in moderation, as it contains a lot of calories. People should also make sure their brand of peanut butter is not high in added sugar, salt, or fat.

Can eating sugar free sweets cause diarrhea?

Sugar alcohols, including sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and erythritol, are commonly used to sweeten foods labeled “sugar-free” or “no sugar added.” These sugar alcohols are not well absorbed by the body and can cause diarrhea in some people, especially if consumed in large amounts.

What are Werthers originals made of?

What are Werther’s Original products made of? Werther’s Original products are made of the finest caramel We use real butter and fresh cream to make every piece something worthy of being wrapped in gold!.

Why do Jolly Ranchers stick to my teeth?

Edward L. Loev, DMD. Jolly Ranchers are sticky and hard and contain 3.6 grams of sugar per little piece and 11 grams per serving size, which is three pieces. These candies are so hard that they are sucked allowing the flavoring and sugar to thoroughly saturate your mouth and gums.

What can a diabetic put in their coffee?

Some experts suggest that decaffeinated coffee is the safest option for people with diabetes because it provides the benefits of other coffee components without the potential risks of caffeine. It is also important to note that adding sugar or creamer to coffee increases blood sugar levels.

Which sweetener does not spike insulin?

Aspartame : The oldest and most studied sweetener, aspartame has zero grams of sugar and won’t spike insulin levels after it’s consumed.

Can diabetics use Splenda?

Artificial sweeteners like sucralose are marketed as sugar substitutes that don’t raise blood sugar levels, making them a safer choice for diabetics.

What does aspartame do to the body?

Authors of a 2017 review concluded that aspartame may affect the immune system and, as a result, it may lead to oxidative stress and inflammation Their findings suggested that aspartame could affect the cells of various body organs, including the brain, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys.

Why do sugar cookies give me gas?

Too many carbohydrates and sugars Most foods with carbohydrates will cause gas and some bloating. In general, carbohydrates like sugar and fiber are fermented as they’re broken down in your large intestine The process creates a buildup of gas in your colon, causing that bloating that is so uncomfortable.

What are the signs of aspartame poisoning?

Breathlessness, elevated blood pressure and skipped or racing heartbeat are all symptoms of aspartame toxicity. Gastrointestinal Symptoms. People often experience an upset stomach, diarrhea (possibly bloody), abdominal pain and painful swallowing when using aspartame as a sweetener.

Can diabetics eat sugar free Werther's?

If you are a diabetic, or if you just want to cut down on some sugar and calories, I encourage you to try Werther's Sugar Free Candy.

What ingredients are in sugar free Werther's?


Are Werthers Sugar Free Healthy?

Be careful of overconsuming Sugar Free Werther's, as studies have found that people who consume more than 20 g of isomalt in a day are more likely to experience gastrointestinal distress, such as flatulence and diarrhea. A small number of people have found that isomalt can interfere with their ketosis.

What kind of sugar alcohol is in Werther's Original?

Contains Maltitol Maltitol is a high-glycemic sweetener that can raise your blood sugar level and prevent you from reaching ketosis.

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