What is yellow LED used for?

Yellow Light… Blue Light? Which one is right for you and which one will get you the best results?

LED Light Therapy is blowing up in popularity right now. While there are some big claims by at-home treatments, none are as powerful or will get you results like a professional, in-clinic skin treatment. Getting you more bang for your buck, let’s look at professional LED Light Therapy and decipher what Blue LED Light and Yellow LED Light Therapy mean and their differences.

Yellow LED Light Therapy

Best for:

  • Wound healing
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Rosacea and redness

Yellow LED Light Therapy is the deepest penetrating medical grade treatment that we offer in clinic. LED targets the light receptors on our cells which then converts the light into energy. The cells are then fuelled with all the energy that they need to be able to function at optimal ability.

The LED Light also triggers the lymphatic system, improving the removal of toxins from the treated area. Yellow Light Therapy is used to increase wound healing, collagen induction, skin hydration and the overall health of the skin.

Yellow Light Therapy is perfect to use after Cosmetic Injections, Microdermabrasion, Fraction RF or Skin Needling treatments to help speed up skin recovery and maximise the benefits from your treatments.

As a stand-alone treatment, Yellow LED is the perfect skin pick me up that will leave your skin looking healthier and radiant. It also works to reduce redness by increasing dermal blood flow.

Treatment time: 13 minutes.

Blue LED Light Therapy

Best for:

  • Subsiding active acne

Blue LED Light Therapy specifically targets acne bacteria that lives on the skin and causes acne lesions. By removing the bacteria, this treatment reduces active acne. Blue LED Light Therapy can be used to improve skin texture and reduce sebaceous hyperplasia or enlarged oil glands.

Treatment time: 22 minutes.

For your best results

Keeping the skin protected and hydrated with Skinstitut™ Rejuvenate 15, Skinstitut™ Age Defence SPF 50+ and Skinstitut™ Multi-Active Mist will ensure long lasting results.

Article at a Glance: 

  • Yellow (or amber) LED light therapy encompasses 570nm-620nm and has a shallow penetration level which can be effective for healing a variety of skin issues involving redness.
  • When yellow light penetrates the skin, key mechanisms take place to alter biological pathways and improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Yellow light is best known for skin cell rejuvenation and its soothing anti-inflammatory benefits. It also boosts lymphatic flow, which removes toxins and waste from the skin, and promotes anti-aging.
  • As a stand-alone treatment, yellow light at 590nm is a safe, non-invasive treatment that can be used to help increase blood flow and make your skin look more radiant.

How does yellow light therapy work?

Yellow light therapy is also sometimes referred to as amber light therapy. It encompasses a range of wavelengths from 570nm-620nm and has a shallow penetration level which can be effective for skin issues involving redness, such as spider veins or rosacea. When yellow light penetrates the skin (between 0.5 and 2mm), it gets absorbed by keratinocytes, melanocytes, as well as Merkel and Langerhans cells, which play a critical role in maintaining the skin’s epidermis layer. Studies have shown that yellow light gets absorbed by cytochrome c oxidase, which is a key mechanism for altering biological pathways.(1)(2)

What are the benefits of yellow light therapy?

Yellow light therapy stimulates the production of red blood cells, which play a vital role in skin healing and skin cell rejuvenation.  Because it has a shallow penetration level (compared to red and NIR light), it is ideal for treating a variety of skin conditions involving redness. It is also known to have soothing effects which help reduce the appearance of dark spots, swelling, and inflammation.

Key Benefits:

  • Drug-free alternative for skin redness and flushing
  • Heals skin irritation and rosacea
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Alleviates UV radiation damage
  • Reduces the appearance of tiny blood vessels on the nose/face
  • Boosts lymphatic flow, which helps remove toxins from the targeted area
  • Increases cellular growth

Which wavelengths of yellow light are the most effective?

Yellow light at 590nm interacts with epidermal cells, which triggers mitosis and cell renewal, protects and hydrates the epidermis.  As a stand-alone treatment, this yellow wavelength can provide a powerful pick-me-up that will increase dermal blood flow and leave your skin looking healthier and radiant.

Want to take your healing even further? Many studies have illustrated that combination (or polychromatic) therapy — using a combination of LED wavelengths — can have greater efficacy than just using one wavelength, which is referred to as monotherapy.(3)(4) Most of the research done around this synergistic effect has been observed while studying skin issues like photoaging and acne, but the same concept applies to other applications such as wound healing, muscle recovery, and pain relief. TrueLight LED light therapy devices use a patent-pending combination of deep red, red, NIR, and yellow light to help heal the body from the surface of the skin all the way down to the bone. They also have steady and pulsing modes, where steady light can help reduce pain, and pulsing light can help body tissues heal more rapidly.


  1. //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479368/
  2. //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5988166/
  3. //pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16766484/
  4. //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134407000632

Is red or yellow LED light better?

Red light thus helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, combats sun damage, reduces stretch marks, and deals with redness. Blue LED therapy, however, can be used to kill bacteria that cause acne and yellow LED light has been clinically proven to increase the overall health of the skin.

What does yellow LED lights mean in a room?

Yellow indicates mostly 2700K-3000K temperature range; white indicates 6000K-6500K temperature range. Which one should we prefer for our homes? It is recommended to use warm white in other words yellow color light in our living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and other rooms of the house.

Is there a yellow light LED?

Yellow (or amber) LED light therapy encompasses 570nm-620nm and has a shallow penetration level which can be effective for healing a variety of skin issues involving redness. When yellow light penetrates the skin, key mechanisms take place to alter biological pathways and improve the appearance of the skin.

What does yellow light do to your body?

That's why yellow light may be responsible for triggering feelings of warmth and relaxation in comparison to cool, blue-ish light. This pattern, which co-existed harmoniously until humans started lighting up the night artificially, was responsible for the proper functioning of our biological clocks or Circadian Rythym.


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