What length of hair is most attractive men?

Is there a magical haircut, style, or hair length that genders find attractive?

Is it true that long hair is the most attractive hair length for a woman? What about men? Is there a hair length that women find more attractive on a man? 

Let’s delve into the long and the short of hair length and attractiveness to find out.

Short Hair vs Long Hair: Which Is Preferred?

Traditionally, long hairstyles are associated with femininity and it’s thought that most men prefer them on women. A poll of 3,000 men by The Daily Mail in 2008 found that an overwhelming 43% of men preferred a long and wavy hairstyle. Second place went to long and straight with 13% of men choosing it as their preferred.

This study, which sought to understand preferences for hair length on an evolutionary level, found that men thought women with long hair looked healthier. This makes the woman a more suitable mate, evolutionarily speaking, thus making the woman more attractive. 

The same study also found that this effect was most prominent for plain women. For women who had attractive faces, differences in hair length didn’t have much effect on the perception of their beauty. 

What About Men?

Interestingly, though long hair is associated with femininity on women, this doesn’t carry over to men. Long hairstyles on men are definitely not mainstream, but men with long hair are not perceived as feminine. In fact, stereotypes of men with long hair include biker dudes and rock stars. 

There’s also the up and coming hipster look, complete with the “man-bun”, which has taken younger generations by storm over the past few years. 

Traditionally, women have preferred short hair on a man. Clean cut men with neatly cropped hairstyles are the oft-cited “ideal”. However, women tend to be less interested in a man’s looks and more in his personality.

In other words, with a winning personality, a guy can get away with whatever hairstyle he wants.

The Hair Length for You

Ultimately, the right hair length for you depends on you. The hairstyle that makes you feel confident and beautiful is the perfect hairstyle for you. Always remember that beauty is in the mirror, not the eye of the beholder.

If you find that long locks weigh you down, and you prefer a cute pixie or an easy bob, go for it. The right man will find you attractive regardless of your hairstyle.

On top of that, some people’s hair never grows past their shoulders. Short hairstyles are their only option and they can totally rock them!

Choosing Your Style

Ready to change up your style but not quite sure what to pick? Hair length isn’t the only thing to consider. Check out our gallery from some inspiration.

Alternatively, contact us to set up your appointment for a consultation and transformation session with one of our artists. We are pros at helping you choose a hairstyle that will flatter your face shape, fit your hair care needs, and, most importantly, make you look and feel gorgeous!

We are so excited that we were able to reopen on June 22nd. Take a look at our protocol we have put in place to ensure our staff and clients are safe. Looking forward to seeing you.

  • 110 results
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Bald 7%

Short 25%

Medium 46%

Long 23%

Which hair length looks the best in your opinion?






I tried to pick the most attractive representatives for each hair length.

 • 4 years ago

Why is there another one of these threads?

4 years ago

Shoulder length.

4 years ago

@dernman: I made the other one, i'm growing out my hair so i'm interested in other people's opinions.

It's not the same as the other thread so i'm not seeing the problem here....

4 years ago

2-3-4 all look good

4 years ago

It's all about the facial hair really.

4 years ago

It's all about the facial hair really.

I have no facial hair and i am SUPER Sexy.

4 years ago

@crash_: That sentence doesn't make sense.


4 years ago

@crash_: That sentence doesn't make sense.


4 years ago

4 years ago

i have an afro so im good get all the ladies

4 years ago

I think if your good looking enough you can pull off any hair style but if your not and have long hair it's just creepy so shorter

Also bald is definitely not the answer

4 years ago

I think if your good looking enough you can pull off any hair style but if your not and have long hair it's just creepy so shorter

Also bald is definitely not the answer

So are you saying short and medium?

4 years ago

If you are above 6'2 and swole, then you gotta go long hair. The Thor look. Ultimate Chad Thundercock mode.

If you are an otter mode guy then do one of those meme hair cuts with long pompadour on the top and shaved on the sides. Chicks dig that shit.

Under no circumstance should you shave your head to chase tail. Baldness is not attractive, don't shave your head.

Really short hair is only attractive if you carry yourself like a military man. If you have really short hair and are impolite you look like trash.

And it is gay to thread yourself but... I'm objectively right


4 years ago

My wife has a major bald guy fetish.

Also it is kind of unbalanced, there is a pic of the Rock in there for bald men.

I have never met a woman woman or gay man who did not think that the rock was hot.

Black, white, latin, asian, it does not matter, he has the right skin tone and smile that everyone thinks think she thinks he is hot.

4 years ago

My wife has a major bald guy fetish.

Bro she just trying to make you feel better.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: depends if you gotta thick head of hair then medium the way I would I go though I wouldn't do any of those hair cuts pictured above unless you can pull it off it all depends on what you look like

4 years ago

@marvelanddcfan24: I have really thick black hair. I was gonna experiment with the medium length examples that I provided, they look the best in my opinion.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: go medium then especially if you have the hair now can always go longer if you want the thing is if your not sure and you go short you could regret it I did I used to have sick flow then figured I'd get short hair cut it and then regretted it

4 years ago

Short and Medium.

4 years ago


I am not bald. She just happens to really like bald men.

I I do keep my hair pretty short. But it is a coincidence I just hate the feel of my hair moving around. If it gets long enough to be across the top of my ear, it has to go

4 years ago

@marvelanddcfan24: I've had short hair all my life lol, this is the first time I'm growing it out to get medium hair. Thanks for the advice.

Are you now growing your hair out again?

4 years ago

@jay_z94: yeah I mean there's nothing wrong with short hair I just like having it longer and yeah no problem

4 years ago

I'm currently repping the medium pompadour and I'm looking dappa... grow some stubble too, I've platued at light stubble but if you can reach heavy you'll have peaked.

4 years ago

@giliad_: I'm sporting the heavy stubble at the moment. Being Indian, growing facial hair is a walk in the park haha

4 years ago

It's all about the facial hair really.


4 years ago

Long hairstyles are actually my favorite, though they're uncommon and unpopular in Western cultures unfortunately. Nevertheless, I love embracing long hairstyles that Rick Mora and Danny Trejo (only when he does the "stallion tail") have. It's not just their style but their hair type is my favorite; their hair is Native American, just like mine. Now more specifically, the stallion tail (male version of a pony tail) is my prime hairstyle for long hair.

4 years ago

Facial hair is great (I have it), but it's not really relevant here.

Conversely, a guy could have the best facial hair ever but if his hair is sh*t, he's still gonna look like sh*t.

4 years ago

Idk, I'm not gay.

But I like having short hair the best. Most band for your buck.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: Facial hair is great (I have it), but it's not really relevant here.

Conversely, a guy could have the best facial hair ever but if his hair is sh*t, he's still gonna look like sh*t.

I kind of disagree. I'm a facial hair lover myself. :P

But let's not make a big deal out of this. Good luck with your poll.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: Facial hair is great (I have it), but it's not really relevant here.

Conversely, a guy could have the best facial hair ever but if his hair is sh*t, he's still gonna look like sh*t.

I kind of disagree. I'm a facial hair lover myself. :P

But let's not make a big deal out of this. Good luck with your poll.

Hmmm, what's your favourite type of facial hair? I'm curious now

4 years ago

Idk, I'm not gay.

But I like having short hair the best. Most band for your buck.

You don't need to be gay to acknowledge that another guy is attractive.

Also could you explain why it's the most bang for your buck?

4 years ago

Short - Medium, any man past 24 which hair beyond his shoulders needs to be shot.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: It's a joke.

The shorer your hair, the longer it takes to grow back. So you have to visit the barber a lot less. Plus he cuts more hair for the same price.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: It's a joke.

The shorer your hair, the longer it takes to grow back. So you have to visit the barber a lot less. Plus he cuts more hair for the same price.

But surely if you want to keep your hair short that means more trips to the barber? If you're growing your hair out and keeping it medium, surely that's less trips to the barber? I've had short hair all my life and needed to go barbers every two weeks because my hair grows really fast. Now that i'm growing my hair out I haven't been for more than a month.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: If you want to maintain your appearance, sure. But I don't really care. Lol.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: If you want to maintain your appearance, sure. But I don't really care. Lol.


4 years ago

That is the definition of a Sexy Manly Man. A medium short haircut, Clean face, Big sexy shoulders with big sexy arms, Thicc Legs.

4 years ago

@crash_: That would be medium hair :)

4 years ago

Bald on top but hair on the sides.


4 years ago

The hair dont mean much, if you are ugly no lenght will help sadly :P

4 years ago

@supermanforever: Hair is actually a huge factor in terms of facial aesthetics.

4 years ago

@jay_z94: Stubble beard is very charming, but I particularly prefer a uniform full-beard.

Something like this.

@crash_: IIRC, you posted a pic of your 100% real mustache once. :P

4 years ago

@jay_z94: Yeah I know, I went college in Bolton and I'm pretty sure you weren't allowed to call yourself Asian unless you had the beard of a 50 year old man xD

4 years ago

The Larry David/Jason Alexander/Philip Roth look is very hip.


4 years ago

Depends on what you like, if you like a more masculine man then shorter hair is the way to go. As where longer hair is a more feminine look.

4 years ago

@jay_z94 said:

Facial hair is great (I have it), but it's not really relevant here.

Conversely, a guy could have the best facial hair ever but if his hair is sh*t, he's still gonna look like sh*t.

Umm... this is why I have both outstanding hair and neat facial hair... also gorgeous eyes and flawless teeth - like rows of white caravans. But I'm not one to boast.

4 years ago

What hair length is most attractive on guys?

A poll of 3,000 men by The Daily Mail in 2008 found that an overwhelming 43% of men preferred a long and wavy hairstyle. Second place went to long and straight with 13% of men choosing it as their preferred.

Which hair length is most attractive?

Experts believe that the reason long hair is more attractive is the evolutionary one. In short, it is believed that the length of a woman's hair represents her body's ability to have children. In turn, this makes female fertility one of the markers of human beauty.

Is shorter hair on men more attractive?

And many surveys and studies have shown that to be the case. Women are more attracted to men with short hair.

Is long hair attractive on guys?

Long hair looks great on guys, and it suits a lot of faces, especially when adding some shape with layers or natural texture. However, damaged, unhealthy hair is much more noticeable when it's long, so taking care of it is extremely important.


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