What movie did Amber Heard get recast in?

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Amber Heard Denies 'Aquaman 2' Recasting Rumors

In a statement from her spokesperson, Amber Heard denied claims that the actress had been recast.

Amber Heard is not having a good month. After losing her countersuit against ex-husband Johnny Depp, it had been revealed that the petition to get the actress removed from Aquaman 2 had reached historic numbers. The petition leaped above 4.5 million signatures, making it one of the highest petitions on the platform. Heard confessed in court that her role in the sequel had been limited to around 10 minutes of screentime, based on the troubles that she has had with Depp. Now it is being reported that Amber Heard has officially been recast as Mera.

An insider for Warner Bros. had revealed the information that Amber Heard was going to be recast to Just Jared. In this information, there are details stating that a new actor was going to be brought in sometime later this year to replace Heard. The reshoots would take place with enough time to release the movie for its normal scheduled release date of March 17, 2023. Also, whoever the studio decides to cast as Mera will presumably take over for the entire DCEU appearances that were on the schedule. Mera was allegedly going to appear in The Flash, and that film has troubles of its own right now with Ezra Miller’s actions.

Warner Bros. has likely had a tough time figuring out what to do in order to save face. Johnny Depp had been unceremoniously let go from the Fantastic Beasts franchise and all but passed over for the potential Pirates of the Caribbean reboot based on the troubles with Heard. Now that he has won his case of defamation, things have rapidly changed. The consensus was that Depp was always telling the truth and most believed Heard to be lying about her wild claims of abuse. Earlier in the trial, Warner Bros., and director of Aquaman 2, James Wan, had unfollowed Heard on social media, indicating that her time would soon be over in DC. Now, it appears as if Amber Heard being recast was exactly what Warner Bros. had likely intended to do thisf entire time.

It’s always bad business to have a film being talked about based on the drama behind it, and not the actual film itself. Amber Heard being recast makes all the sense in the world so DC can just move on from the bad publicity they have faced with her involved. The same might be said from the previously mentioned issues with Ezra Miller. Warner Bros. might also be trying to right their wrongs by immediately recasting Johnny Depp when these issues began to surface and basically staying stagnant on what to do with Heard in Aquaman 2.

Fans around the world have been asking for some time to see Amber Heard be recast in Aquaman 2, and now it seems as if the studio has finally given in to the demands of the public. Now it will be interesting who they choose to take Heard’s place. There are plenty of choices out there, but Warner Bros. is likely going to take a bit of time to decide who should take over as Mera. Even more so is the decision to make Mera’s part go back to something a bit more substantial in the sequel.

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