What occurs at the final appointment in the crown and bridge process?

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Crown and/or Bridge Preparation
Crowns and bridges usually take a minimum of two appointments to complete. At the first appointment, the tooth or teeth are prepared and a precision impression or digital scan is taken. The impression is used to custom fabricate your restoration(s). A temporary crown or bridge is placed to protect the teeth and maintain the position of the teeth while the custom restoration is being made.

On rare occasions, temporary crowns or bridges may come off before your appointment to cement the final crown or bridge -- they are, after all, made to be removed easily without damaging the tooth. If this happens, keep the temporary crown or bridge in a safe, clean place and CALL US IMMEDIATELY at 461-4350. If the tooth is very sensitive, which it may be if no root canal has been completed, you may replace the temporary crown with a dab of toothpaste until you are able to come in. If it is after hours your Doctors emergency contact information is available on our answering service. We will arrange to see you and re-cement the temporary within a few days or if you are in discomfort, we'll see you sooner. It is very important for the proper fit of your final restoration(s) that your temporary(ies) stay in place the majority of the time you have them.

To help keep your temporaries in place, avoid eating crunchy (peanut brittle, pretzels, hard cereals, etc.), sticky (gum, caramels, candy, most breads including rolls) or chewy (tough steak or meat) foods, and if possible chew only on the opposite side of the mouth. If you have temporaries in the front of your mouth please be especially careful not to bite into any foods. Please make sure that you cut your food into bite size pieces before it reaches your mouth. The biting into and pulling of the food could cause the temporaries to come off or even break. After each appointment when anesthetic has been used, your lips, cheek and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment. To prevent injury, avoid any chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.

Depending upon the condition of the tooth and extent of work necessary to restore your tooth it is normal to experience hot, cold and pressure sensitivity after your initial appointment. We refer to this as pulpitis and in rare cases it can result in your future need for root canal treatment. If the pain is more than mild or remains constant please notify your doctor immediately. Your gums may be sore for a few days as well. If necessary, rinse three times a day with warm salt water (add a tsp. of salt to a cup of warm water, then rinse, swish gently and spit) to reduce pain and inflammation. If your medical history allows, taking 400mg ibuprofen every 6-8 hours will help reduce inflammation.

It is important to continue to brush normally, but floss very carefully and remove the floss from the side in the area of your temporaries to prevent accidental removal. If your bite feels uneven, if you have pain or persistent discomfort, or you have any other questions or concerns, PLEASE CALL our office at 461-4350.

Following cementation of your custom fabricated crown any symptoms you experienced following the initial appointment may return, typically to a lesser extent. Again, contact your Doctor immediately if you feel more than mild sensitivity or if it is constant. We encourage you to return to your normal diet 12 hours after your "delivery" appointment, although you should always be wary of eating anything extremely hard (Brazilian nuts) or sticky (saltwater taffy).

First up, like any treatment, is diagnosis and treatment planning which is done at the initial consultation or examination.

Here we are assuming all that has been done, the different options discussed and the decision made to have a bridge to replace your missing tooth.

In general, unless part of a more complicated treatment plan involving other teeth or the whole mouth- two appointments are required. The first to prepare the tooth and take the impression. The second to stick the bridge in. Additional visits may be needed if the cores on the abutment teeth need to be replaced for any reason or a tooth requires a root canal and post beforehand .

The actual preparation will depend on the type of bridge and the design that is chosen.

The first appointment involves:

  • Anaesthetic – This is generally required but may not be in the case of a resin-retained or sticky bridge which requires only a very light preparation in enamel
  • Preparation of the teeth – This takes the majority of the time (and is discussed below)
  • Impressions– To accurately provide the lab with a mould of your teeth that they can use to make the bridge on
  • Shade– The dentist will take the shade of your teeth to match the bridge as best as possible to the natural teeth either side
  • Temporaries crowns or bridge.

The second appointment involves:

  • Anaesthetic
  • Removal of the temporary bridge- and any temporary cement on the teeth to be bridge
  • Try in– to check the fit, the margins, the bite and make sure you are happy with the colour
  • Final cementation- The dentist will use his choice of cement to stick or bond in the bridge
  • Aftercare instructions. (see below)

Each dentist is likely to have their own preferred way of doing each of these things so whilst the general concept is the same, the details will vary from dentist to dentist.

The procedure is just like the procedure for a crown (as essentially that’s what it is) if it’s a fixed-fixed bridge design; except for the following differences:

  • The preparation

For a bridge, the two teeth either side of the gap will need preparing. These single crown preparations must actually be parallel to each other to allow a good impression to be made and a bridge that will fit simultaneously down onto both teeth. If more than two teeth are involved in the bridge- these must also be prepared parallel.

The only exception to this is if the abutment teeth are at very different angles and attempting to make them parallel may expose the nerve inside one of the teeth, or reduce the retention of the bridge. In this case, a special joint known as a precision attachment or a telescopic crown can be used which allows two separate parts to be stuck in at different angles instead of the one solid bridge.

  • The bite

If the bridge is a simple case of replacing one or two teeth without changing the way you bite together- we dentists call it a ‘conformative approach‘- meaning the bridge will ‘conform’ to your existing bite or occlusion, then the bite described in the crown section will be fine.

However, if the bridge is part of a full mouth reconstruction involving many other teeth; we call this a ‘re-organised approach‘, then a ‘facebow’ record may be necessary. This is a more accurate way of recording how you bite together, which allows the models of your teeth (from the impressions) to be put on an adjustable articulator. This allows the dentist to consider how best to change your bite as part of the proposed treatment.

  • The temporary 

The temporary bridge is made of the same material as a temporary crown or veneer for that matter. If it is made on an impression of the diagnostic wax up, it will mimic the shape of the final bridge. This is important for a re-organised approach to see how it functions in the mouth. In these circumstances, you may be required to wear the temporary bridge for some time first to ensure everything is ok.

Otherwise, if it is just a routine bridge- the temporary will simply be put on for a week or two whilst the lab make the real thing in order to maintain the space and protect against sensitivity. If the bridge is in the back of the mouth and no diagnostic wax up has been done, two separate temporary crowns may be made instead of a temporary bridge.

Bridge Aftercare?

You will need to clean your bridge in a special way…

Superfloss by Oral B is a specially designed floss, that anyone who has a bridge should be using to keep it clean and make sure it lasts as long as possible.

Now because the fake tooth is attached solidly to the abutments, it is not possible to floss in the way you normally would i.e. pass the floss down the sides of the teeth. Superfloss was designed with this in mind and has a firmer plastic end, which can be threaded beneath the bridge. This is then pulled through from the other side until the thicker part of the floss rests on the gum under the bridge.

The floss is now taken all the way underneath the bridge from one side to the other to remove the plaque and food that has built up there. By doing this regularly – at least every few days you will help prevent decay or gum disease starting on the abutment teeth.

Is there Anything I Should or Shouldn’t do After having a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge will allow you smile, eat and chew as normal assuming it is the fixed-fixed type. You need to be extra careful with the resin retained bridges as these are notoriously weaker, so you should be careful about putting lots of pressure on them. It is sensible to cut up apples, chocolate bars etc and be conscious when eating any hard foods.

If you are a bruxist and grind or clench your teeth, you should be wearing a night splint anyway, but if you have had crown and bridge work it is even more important you get one made and wear it!

Anaesthetic will take a few hours to wear off so just be careful during this period straight after it has been fitted.

It is a good idea to reflect briefly on why the bridge was needed to begin with. Why did you need a tooth extracted- was it decay, a cracked tooth, gum disease etc? What could prevent you potentially needing this type of treatment again in the future? Maybe: more frequent dental visits, better cleaning, flossing, an improved diet, extra fluoride, a night guard…

Sometimes when you’re numb, it’s not that easy to get you to bite in your natural position, so the bridge’s bite may not be adjusted fully. If after the anaesthetic has worn off, the bridge feels high, give it a few days to settle down. If the feeling persists, return to your dentist who will make the necessary adjustments and polish it down to the correct level.

It is also possible the bridge feels a little rough after being placed. This will often smooth down on its own, after a couple of days of normal eating and chewing. If the feeling persists pop back to your dentist as there may be a little bit of excess cement remaining that needs to be cleaned up.

Will I get Pain After the Bridge?

Not really, sometimes you can get a bit of soreness from the gum or perhaps a bit of sensitivity if the tooth hasn’t had a root canal filling. Everything should be back to normal within a few days.

Since a traditional fixed bridge essentially contains two crowns, there will be a certain % of teeth that actually die off from the trauma of preparing the tooth. The chances are minimised if the dentist is not overly destructive when preparing the teeth and places a good temporary in between appointments. However, at some point in the future, the theoretical risk exists that this could happen and one of the teeth supporting your bridge might die off and become painful. If this happens a root canal through the bridge would be the most likely course of treatment.

What is the appointment sequence for a crown preparation?

The crowning process usually takes two visits. It typically takes a dentist two separate appointments to make and place a new dental crown for a patient. The first appointment involves: 1) Preparing (shaping) the tooth, 2) Taking its impression and 3) Placing a temporary crown.

What steps are in getting a tooth crowned?

Dental crown procedure.
The dentist examines and prepares the tooth that needs the crown. ... .
Your dentist will file down and remove part of the outer layer of the tooth..
An impression will be made of your trimmed tooth and the surrounding teeth..
The dentist will put a temporary crown over your tooth to protect it..

How long does a final crown take?

In about 20 minutes, the shaping process is complete and the crown is then stained and glazed for about 15-20 minutes before being fired for about 15 minutes. Once the dental crown has cooled, your dentist will inspect it before placing it in your mouth to check the fit.

How many appointments does it take to complete preparation for a fixed bridge?

Crowns and bridges usually take a minimum of two appointments to complete. At the first appointment, the tooth or teeth are prepared and a precision impression or digital scan is taken.

What is a crown and bridge procedure?

Crowns can whiten, reshape, and realign existing teeth, adding to a healthy and vibrant smile. A bridge is a device used to replace the space where a tooth has been removed. A typical bridge consists of a pontic (filler tooth) that is attached to two surrounding crowns (abutments).


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