What should I improve on Netflix?

With more than 200 million subscribers worldwide, Netflix is a streaming behemoth. The company moved from sending DVDs in the mail to producing and distributing Hollywood-level movies. Even if you don't use it, you know of Netflix.

But competitors like Disney+ and HBO Max are hot on Netflix's heels. No matter how successful a business is, its circumstances can change unexpectedly; Netflix isn't always going to remain on top.

In this article, we're going to explore some ideas of how Netflix can improve its platform and ultimately bring in new subscribers.

1. Bring Back Free Trials

Everybody loves free stuff. Even if you don't even want something, you may get it if it's free.

Sometimes viewers need a little encouragement to sign up for content, and free trials do just that. They give you an opportunity to get the full experience so you know what it's like to use a service. Netflix has a myriad of quality content, so chances are you'll find something that appeals to you.

Netflix should bring back free trials to encourage new subscriptions, and possibly get old subscribers back that need a little motivation.

2. Better Notifications for When Content Is Leaving Netflix

Currently, when a TV show or movie is leaving Netflix in the next month, Netflix puts a notice on the Details page, as well as at the top of the screen for a few seconds when first playing the title.

The problem with these notifications is that you only see them when you're logged in and while you're watching the show or movie, so there's no way of getting notified when you don't have the title open on Netflix.

To remedy this, Netflix should have an expiry date displayed on the screen each time you watch the title, as well as elsewhere on the platform.

Additionally, Netflix should use push notifications and emails, so those viewers who have been procrastinating watching something can act.

Sure, it might not seem great to advertise content leaving the platform, but it's better than finding a TV show you're halfway through suddenly removed.

3. Capitalize on Merchandise

In June 2021, Netflix launched a new online store. The company is preparing a clothing line and live events tied to Bridgerton, as well as events and products for new seasons of La Casa de Papel, The Witcher, and Stranger Things.

Netflix has created some of the most memorable TV shows of the past decade. Now, it wants to capitalize on that by selling merchandise—besides, it works extremely well for Disney. Because Netflix is a bit late to the party, considering it's produced original content for years, the key will be capturing this market fast enough to catch up with the likes of Disney.

While it's great that Netflix is finally delving into the world of merchandise to support its shows, it needs to be strategic and intentional about how it does this. Done well, these brands will exist in consumers' lives and homes, and therefore remain top of mind.

If it gets this right, Netflix will boost its marketing efforts around its content, and increase brand awareness—which will, in turn, boost sign-ups.

4. Redesign the "Are You Still Watching?" Feature

If you leave Netflix running for hours without touching it, you'll see the "Are you still watching?" prompt. As it stands, this feature may not be very useful. Netflix uses this it to prompt you to continue watching, but it should consider a more effective way to achieve this result.

One way is to instead suggest similar content, to encourage you to switch to something you may find more interesting, instead of leaving the platform altogether with the aim of completing that show or movie later.

This will help you discover more content you didn't know about or may have not considered watching, and will result in more on-screen time.

When you discover more content you enjoy and complete watching, you'll spend more time online and may even encourage loved ones and your social media audiences to watch what you've enjoyed. Good for you, and good for Netflix.

How many times have you wanted to share a link to the TV show or movie you're watching straight to WhatsApp or social media? This is probably one of the most sought-after features on Netflix, so it's about time it did something about it.

A share button is one of the most basic, yet most important functions of any online platform. When it comes to Netflix, allowing viewers to share the content they're watching with their online communities is one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to encourage new subscriptions.

Even if people are not interested in a show, they may consider signing up to Netflix to watch it because they trust the source that has recommended it, whether directly or indirectly.

Netflix Should Prioritize Growth in an Increasingly Competitive Market

Netflix has successfully grown its business and subscriber base, having remained the most popular streaming platform for years. But with an ever-changing market affected by global events and day-to-day business challenges, it cannot continue to rely on being a household name to continue growing.

With the implementation of a few changes, Netflix can continue to widen the gap behind it in the market, and aid in growing its subscriber base. While over 200 million subscribers is an impressive number, there are millions more consumers to capture and convert.

What can be improved about Netflix?

5 Ways Netflix Can Improve to Remain the Best Streaming Service.
Bring Back Free Trials. Everybody loves free stuff. ... .
Better Notifications for When Content Is Leaving Netflix. ... .
Capitalize on Merchandise. ... .
Redesign the "Are You Still Watching?" Feature. ... .
Ability to Share Content Directly to Social Media..

How can Netflix improve their innovation?

The Netflix innovation strategy relies on securing high performers and empowering these employees to act on their talents and insights. These people are best at what they do, and by allowing them the freedom to do it well, Netflix is able to stay innovative and competitive.

What are three challenges that Netflix faces?

1. What are three challenges that Netflix faces? The cost of content is very high, and surpassing revenues. There is also high risk with creating new content and Netflix has limited experience in this area.

How do I improve Netflix UX?

10 Ideas to Improve User Experience on Netflix.
“Absolute” ratings (Rotten Tomatoes, et al) ... .
“My list” tools. ... .
Let me remove items from “Continue watching” ... .
Easy sharing on a PC. ... .
Separate exact matches from recommendations in search results. ... .
X-Ray. ... .
More audio track/subtitle options. ... .
Show available languages..

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