What temp does ice cream go bad?

Want to hear a little secret? Americans love ice cream, all year round. In fact, a whopping 87% of Americans have ice cream in their freezer at any given time. We eat ice cream on cones, in milkshakes, in disposable ice cream cups, and even spooned straight from the carton.

But despite the joys of eating ice cream, some people think that they cannot enjoy ice cream just because we’re in winter’s icy grip. Lucky for you, this is untrue! Unfortunately, you might still have some old ice cream expiring away in your freezer. That’s why it’s important to make sure your ice cream is handled and stored properly.

So whether you make your own frozen treats and store them in your own ice cream cups or keep bulk amounts of ice cream in your restaurant freezer, here are some tips to keep in mind for storing ice cream properly. Follow this advice, and you’ll always be ready to enjoy your favorite frozen treats.

How To Store Ice Cream:

Keep the ice cream at the right temperature

While it may seem obvious, it is important to keep your ice cream at the right temperature not just for it to stay creamy and delicious, but for it to stay safe for consumption. Ice cream contains a lot of milk, like all dairy products, it should be treated carefully. Make sure to never expose your ice cream for a long amount of time to temperatures higher than 10 degrees Fahrenheit, otherwise you will experience changes in flavor and/ or texture (not to mention safety).

Learn about your freezer

This goes with both buying and storing your ice cream! If you are buying it at the store, check the temperature of your grocer’s freezer case. The temperature should never be above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you can’t find the temperature, feel the ice cream; if it was stored properly, it will be frozen solid and hard to the touch.

But once you get home, the proper temperature for storage changes just a little bit. In general, shoot for setting your freezer at -5 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tips for Handling Ice Cream Like a Pro:

  • To handle ice cream best, you have to make sure you have quality ingredients! It takes 5.8 gallons of whole milk and one pound of cream to make one gallon of ice cream.

  • Need the perfect scoop? The perfect temperature for scooping ice cream is between 6 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit. But just make sure not to keep it at this temperature for too long or it will melt!

    Ice cream as a snack or even dessert does not always last long enough for expiration worries to creep in.

    For this reason, most people are always completely ignorant of the not-so-common knowledge that even this delicious treat goes bad.

    Picture this, you are on your normal daily routine, and out of nowhere, you remember the tub of ice cream that you have been procrastinating having for ages.

    You rush to your freezer psyched to satisfy your tingling taste buds only to be met by disappointment once you open the lid.

    Bad ice cream is not only a financial loss but taking it increases your risk of food-borne illnesses.

    This begs the question that everyone deserves an answer to; how long does ice cream last?

    Table of Contents

    What’s Ice Cream?

    Ice cream is a frozen dairy food that is sweetened.

    The dairy could be milk or cream and the flavorings are diverse ranging from chocolate and strawberry to vanilla.

    It is mostly taken as a dessert or a snack and can be taken anywhere either as scoops in a cup or a cone.

    Ice cream has become common in every household and has warmed its way into people’s hearts.


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    This cannot be the case if it did not come with a ton of benefits.

    Some of the benefits of ice cream according to Hindustan Times include;.

    • It is an instant energy boost.
    • It is a great source of minerals like calcium vitamin A and D and phosphorous.
    • It stimulates the brain and improves mental health.
    • It is an excellent source of protein.
    • The fresh fruits that are added to ice cream add a load of antioxidants to the body.

    How Long Does Ice Cream Last? Does Ice Cream Go Bad?

    If you were wondering if ice cream goes bad the answer is yes, ice cream does go bad.

    Putting it in the freezer is mostly to keep it in ice form and does not do a lot in maintaining its freshness.

    It will go bad after a certain period of time depending on the environment it was kept in.

    The most common places where ice cream is stored are in the freezer.

    While the answer to the first question depends on the type of ice cream, the answer to the second question is yes. Ice cream will eventually spoil, but it will take a while.

    The shelf life of ice cream depends on a number of factors, including the type of ice cream and the storage conditions.


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    The first factor is temperature. Ice cream needs to be stored at a temperature of 40 degrees or below in order to maintain its quality.

    If it’s stored at a higher temperature, the ice cream will start to melt and will become runny and less flavorful.

    The second factor is humidity. Ice cream needs to be stored in a humid environment in order to stay creamy and avoid becoming dry and crumbly.

    If the humidity is too low, the ice cream will start to lose its texture and flavor.

    The third factor is light. Ice cream should be stored in a dark place in order to avoid becoming discolored.

    Exposure to light can cause the ice cream to become yellow or brown in color, and it will also start to lose its flavor.

    Most store-bought ice creams have a shelf life of about two months; sometimes, they can last up to 3 months with proper storage.

    After that, the ice cream will start to spoil and develop bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

    Homemade ice cream, on the other hand, can last for up to 2 weeks if stored in the freezer.

    However, it’s important to note that homemade ice cream will not taste as good after it’s been frozen for that long.


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    How to Tell if Ice Cream is Bad?

    Ice cream rarely lasts long enough to even reach halfway its expiry date.

    Most of the time a tub is rendered empty within a week or two of its purchase.

    However, concerns might be raised when you buy it in bulk or you forget one was ever inside your freezer.

    In this case, it is important to know the signs that indicate that ice cream has gone bad and is no longer fit to eat.

    The most common signs include;.

    • Tiny ice shards on the inside of the lid and top of the ice cream, also known as freezer burn. These are moisture that has escaped into the container and frozen hence reducing the quality. Some people choose to scrape the ice crystals away but it is not guaranteed that the whole ice cream is not contaminated. .
    • A change in texture to a gooey or slimy feel. Normal ice cream should be creamy. Slimy ice cream is an indicator that a bacteria has contaminated it.
    • When the outside of the container is sticky. This is most common if the ice cream has reached its expiry date. .
    • When it releases a musty odor that generates when the ingredients became moldy and the cold temperature inhibits the growth of the mold.
    • When it is past its expiry date. .


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    Ice cream, just like any other food, has an expiration date after which it is considered inedible.

    If not stored well however it can go bad earlier than expected.

    Freezer burn is the most common sign that it is time to throw away your ice cream.

    This wastage can be avoided by purchasing the right amount of your favorite ice cream treat so that it does not sit that long in the freezer.

    In the case that you forget about one and only find it later, ensure it shows no signs of going bad before eating it.

    Will ice cream stay frozen at 20 degrees?

    Learn about your freezer The temperature should never be above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you can't find the temperature, feel the ice cream; if it was stored properly, it will be frozen solid and hard to the touch. But once you get home, the proper temperature for storage changes just a little bit.

    How can you tell if ice cream has gone bad?

    You can tell if ice cream has gone bad by looking at it. One common sign is tiny ice shards on top of the ice cream and under the lid. In the early stages, you can remove the ice crystals and still eat the ice cream, but after it progresses the ice cream can turn into a gooey and icy mess that you do not want to eat.

    How long can ice cream last unrefrigerated?

    Can ice cream be left out overnight? You should not let ice cream to sit out of the freezer or fridge overnight, no matter how cool the climate is! Bacteria can grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and ice cream should not be left out at these temperatures for longer than 2 hours.

    Can ice cream go bad if in freezer?

    After three or four months, there's an increasing risk that ice cream will spoil. The longer ice cream has been in the freezer, the higher the risk of bacterial contamination.


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