What time does the sun set in Miami in January 2022?

  1. Sun United States
  2. » Miami
  3. » January

Sun in Miami, United States in January Sunrise and sunset times vary throughout January. Above you can find the averages for January {{props.location.curYear }} in Miami. Below you can see the values for each individual day of the month. To see a graphical representation of the course of the sun, please click on the desired day.

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Miami Beach First Light, Sunrise & Sunset Times for January

SunriseSunsetDawnDuskSolar noonDay lengthFri, 31 DecSat, 1 JanSun, 2 JanMon, 3 JanTue, 4 JanWed, 5 JanThu, 6 JanFri, 7 JanSat, 8 JanSun, 9 JanMon, 10 JanTue, 11 JanWed, 12 JanThu, 13 JanFri, 14 JanSat, 15 JanSun, 16 JanMon, 17 JanTue, 18 JanWed, 19 JanThu, 20 JanFri, 21 JanSat, 22 JanSun, 23 JanMon, 24 JanTue, 25 JanWed, 26 JanThu, 27 JanFri, 28 JanSat, 29 JanSun, 30 JanMon, 31 Jan
07:08 (115°) 17:41 (245°) 06:43 18:06 12:24 11:23:28
07:08 (115°) 17:42 (245°) 06:43 18:07 12:25 11:23:47
07:08 (115°) 17:42 (245°) 06:43 18:07 12:25 11:24:09
07:08 (115°) 17:43 (245°) 06:43 18:08 12:26 11:24:32
07:09 (115°) 17:44 (245°) 06:44 18:09 12:26 11:24:58
07:09 (115°) 17:44 (245°) 06:44 18:09 12:27 11:25:25
07:09 (115°) 17:45 (245°) 06:44 18:10 12:27 11:25:54
07:09 (115°) 17:46 (246°) 06:44 18:11 12:27 11:26:25
07:09 (115°) 17:46 (246°) 06:44 18:11 12:28 11:26:57
07:09 (114°) 17:47 (246°) 06:44 18:12 12:28 11:27:32
07:09 (114°) 17:48 (246°) 06:45 18:13 12:29 11:28:07
07:10 (114°) 17:49 (246°) 06:45 18:13 12:29 11:28:46
07:10 (114°) 17:49 (246°) 06:45 18:14 12:29 11:29:25
07:10 (114°) 17:50 (247°) 06:45 18:15 12:30 11:30:06
07:10 (113°) 17:51 (247°) 06:45 18:16 12:30 11:30:49
07:09 (113°) 17:52 (247°) 06:45 18:16 12:31 11:31:33
07:09 (113°) 17:52 (247°) 06:45 18:17 12:31 11:32:19
07:09 (113°) 17:53 (247°) 06:45 18:18 12:31 11:33:06
07:09 (113°) 17:54 (248°) 06:45 18:19 12:32 11:33:55
07:09 (112°) 17:55 (248°) 06:44 18:19 12:32 11:34:45
07:09 (112°) 17:55 (248°) 06:44 18:20 12:32 11:35:38
07:09 (112°) 17:56 (248°) 06:44 18:21 12:32 11:36:31
07:09 (112°) 17:57 (249°) 06:44 18:21 12:33 11:37:25
07:08 (111°) 17:58 (249°) 06:44 18:22 12:33 11:38:21
07:08 (111°) 17:59 (249°) 06:44 18:23 12:33 11:39:18
07:08 (111°) 17:59 (249°) 06:43 18:24 12:34 11:40:16
07:07 (111°) 18:00 (250°) 06:43 18:24 12:34 11:41:16
07:07 (110°) 18:01 (250°) 06:43 18:25 12:34 11:42:18
07:07 (110°) 18:02 (250°) 06:43 18:26 12:34 11:43:19
07:06 (110°) 18:02 (251°) 06:42 18:27 12:34 11:44:23
07:06 (109°) 18:03 (251°) 06:42 18:27 12:35 11:45:27
07:06 (109°) 18:04 (251°) 06:41 18:28 12:35 11:46:33

What time is sunset in January in Florida?

January: Sunrise – 6:40 AM Sunset – 5:00 PM.

What day of 2022 is the latest sunset?

We know the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year, but did you know that the latest sunset of the year doesn't happen on the solstice, but a week later? Look for it on June 27, 2022.

What is the earliest sunset in 2022?

That's because the earliest sunset of the year happens before the solstice, and in 2022, it occurs on Wednesday, December 7.

How long after sunset does it get dark in Miami?

Sunrise and Sunset for Miami, FL.


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