What to do when bored in class without getting in trouble

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

We’ve all had that one class. You know the one. You drag your feet getting there because you just can’t stay awake. Maybe the teacher speaks in a monotone. Maybe the subject matter is really uninteresting. Maybe it’s a government-controlled test to determine your attention span. Who knows! But either way, if you’re looking for a way to combat sleepiness in that class, we have some tips for you, courtesy of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: College Edition.

Pull your hair or pinch yourself.
Making yourself physically uncomfortable will make you less likely to fall asleep.

Wear as few items of clothing as possible.
The cold will keep you awake.

Hide more interesting reading material.
Prop open your textbook and conceal a novel or a magazine inside it. Hold a highlighter in your hand and pretend to be taking notes as you read.

Suggest holding class outside.
If the weather is nice, ask the professor to teach out on the college green. This strategy rarely works for large survey classes or the sciences.

Send text messages on your cell phone.
Engage in a running text message exchange with other students in the class about how bad the professor is. Make sure that your keypad is set to mute so that you do not distract other students around you or draw your professor’s attention to yourself.

Make paper airplanes.
Make as many models as you can. Pretend they are having fierce battles.

Keep a list of words with dirty meanings.
Write down words with alternate sexual meanings (melons, stock, position, score) as they are spoken by your professor. In the right frame of mind, almost any word will work.

Take notes with your nondominant hand.
Concentrate on staying in the lines.

Take notes in a foreign language.
Practice your language skills by translating your professor’s lecture. Bring along your translation dictionary to increase your vocabulary.

Keep a superlative log.
Identify the most interesting people in class on a daily basis. Observe how people change over time. Categories could include

  • Most attractive
  • Tallest
  • Blondest
  • Ugliest
  • Dirtiest
  • Dumbest

Pretend you are a secret agent.
You are on a dangerous mission and must make it through class alive. Spy on people to see what they are writing. Use a small hand mirror and a penlight to send Morse code to a confederate across the room. 

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Getting bored in class is one experience students have at some point. We all do. There’s always that class or lecture that never ends, and you can’t seem to stay awake or focused.

By the way, from the teachers’ point of view, the classes can be turned out to be exciting and lively with some personalized and motivating gifts, such as custom stickers and custom pins, which are very popular among students in recent days.

Some motivational words can be added to those during design. When someone performs well or progresses in class, these customs or pins can be awarded to them.

Students like them very much because they are a good way to express individuality and show honor. In this way, the class will be less boring.

Now, here’s a list of things you can do when bored in class.

  • Things To Do When Bored In Class
    • Read magazines or novels secretly:
    • Send text messages to friends:
    • Play a game:
    • Draw or doodle:
    • Write a story:
    • Learn to balance a book on your finger:
  • Things to do when bored in class
    • Chew gum or candy:
    • Make a to-do list or schedule:
    • Make a bucket list of things you want to do before you die:
    • Create a secret code:
    • Write with your non-dominant hand:
    • Take notes in a different language:
  • Things to do when bored in class
    • Ask questions that will make the class more interesting:
    • Ask funny questions to lighten the mood:
    • Make funny gestures while answering questions:
  • Frequently Asked Questions on the things to do when bored in Class:
  • Conclusion:
    • Share this Information

Read magazines or novels secretly:

You can hide a magazine or novel in a textbook and pretend to be taking notes. This is cool unless you don’t get caught by your lecturer. The only issue is that you will have divided attention.

Send text messages to friends:

Start a conversation with friends via messages, telling them how bored you are, but ensure your phone is hidden and silent, so you don’t disrupt the class. This is one of the fun things to do when bored in class, although it’s risky if you get caught.

Play a game:

You can create a new game or play an already existing one. You can guess the next word the professor will say or count how many students are wearing similar outfits. Just do anything you can think of.

Draw or doodle:

Make sketches of the professor or doodle in your notes or draw figures, or objects that are related, and important to the lecture. I must confess this is really fun in class. It’s advisable to get rid of the drawing papers after class to avoid implications.

Write a story:

Instead of sleeping, you can let your imagination run wild by writing a story about anything. You could make your classmates, and even professors, characters in the story. While doing this, look up occasionally so that it looks like you’re taking notes.

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Learn to balance a book on your finger:

Use a small but weighted book and try to balance it on your index finger for a few seconds. This takes time and practice to learn, thus making it a perfect way to kill time. Be careful while doing this so as not to attract attention and disturb classmates.

Things to do when bored in class

Chew gum or candy:

Whether or not your teacher allows food in class, popping gum or candy in your mouth is one cool way of keeping yourself awake in class. While at it, be sure not to chew noisily, so you don’t disturb or disrupt the class.

This is one of the things many students do when bored in class although, at a point, you might get tired of the gum you are chewing.

Make a to-do list or schedule:

If you’ve got a lot going on, and it seems like you’re always behind, a boring class is a perfect opportunity to make a to-do list or schedule.

Take your time to list all our activities and prioritize, and also assign timelines to them. You can also make a study schedule for yourself.

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Make a bucket list of things you want to do before you die:

This sounds very funny, but its a way of killing time. Time in a boring class is a perfect time to make a bucket list. List all you want to do, when you want to do them, and how.

Create a secret code:

If you’re a sucker for mystery and spy movies, you can use the time in a boring class to create a secret code of your own. You could even make this code the mode of communication between you and your friends.

Write with your non-dominant hand:

To keep your mind busy, you could try to use your non-dominant hand to take notes and make sure to stay in line. This will help keep boredom at bay.

Take notes in a different language:

You can practice your language skills by taking notes in any other language you know. Increasing the amount of time you spend interacting with the language each week is the fastest way to learn a language, so do all of your reading, writing, and thinking in that language.

Read this: Dual Enrollment (Everything you need to know)

Things to do when bored in class

Ask questions that will make the class more interesting:

Listen carefully and ask questions related to the class about things you don’t understand. Also partake in discussions, offering your opinion on the topic or questions raised by other people.

Ask funny questions to lighten the mood:

You can ask a funny question, related or not to the class. This will make people laugh hence lightening the mood.

Make funny gestures while answering questions:

If the teacher asks a question, raise your hand to answer. While answering the question, you can make a funny face or pretend to have forgotten the answer or even give a wrong and very stupid answer like “2.”

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Frequently Asked Questions on the things to do when bored in Class:

Who invented school?

Horace Mann invented school and what is now known as the contemporary school system in the United States.

What to do when you are bored in class?

Write a to-do list.
Sketch someone in your classroom like your Teacher.
Make a list of ideas for your next adventure.
Write a gratitude list.

How do I survive bored in class?

Make Noise
Suggest holding class outside
Chat in Class
Make paper airplanes

How can I get my teacher fired?

Failure to do your work
Consistent disobedience
Conviction of a criminal offense.


These things you can do when bored in class are fun. Although some are risky if you get caught by your teacher, it’s a way to kill boredom. Pick up one or two from the list and make class lively now.

Awesome one, I hope this helped.

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How do I overcome boredom in class?

The following are 4 easy tricks a teacher can use for tackling the boredom in the classroom:.
Add an Activity to Spur Creativity..
Short Breaks for Healthy Snacks..
Motivate Students to Cultivate Positive Habits..
Vary the Routines..

How do you pass time in a boring class?

How to Pass Time in Class.
1 Listen actively and take notes..
2 Interact in class and ask questions..
3 Illustrate your notes..
4 Complete your homework for another class..
5 Organize and create a to-do list..
6 Doodle in the margins of your notebook..
7 Read something interesting..
8 Engage in some creative writing..

How can I have fun in school without getting in trouble?

Chat with friends during break. Avoid getting into trouble during class by saving your talking for the break. Even if it's just a few minutes, use that time to talk with your friends. If you're teacher isn't busy during break, you can use that time to talk with them. It doesn't hurt to get to know your teachers.

How do you waste time in class without getting caught?

Text your friends funny jokes and pictures. If your friends are in the same class as you, even better. You can see who makes the other person laugh the loudest. Make sure your phone is on silent, and wait for your teacher to turn away so they don't catch you.


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