What to wear to chiropractic appointment

While wearing comfortable clothes to any doctor is a given, the same goes for any upper cervical chiropractic visit you have scheduled! However, there is some extra consideration that goes into picking your outfit for a chiropractic examination.

Certain clothes can make your examination a bit more complicated if they are too restricting, for example. All in all, to get the most out of the healing process a chiropractic visit provides, you want to dress appropriately.

So, if you’re staring into your closet and wondering just what to wear to a chiropractor, we’ve got you covered! We’re going to go through why clothing choice matters, and the do’s and don’ts of your chiropractic examination outfit.

What to Wear to a Chiropractor

Let’s go into some specifics on what exactly to wear to a chiropractor.

What to Wear

Wearing non-restrictive clothing that is easy to move in and comfortable is the best choice when going to a chiropractic examination.

Some examples of what counts as non-restrictive clothing include athletic wear. This can be a well-fitting (but not overly tight!) shirt with shorts or pants that are comfortable and make movement easier.

Not only will you be comfortable, but you will be more than ready to move! Wearing the most comfortable and flexible clothing is important for chiropractic examinations and any adjustments that come afterward.

What NOT to Wear

On the other hand, the clothing you want to avoid when deciding what to wear to a chiropractor is more restrictive clothing—including business casual or clothing that restricts movement.

Additionally, jewelry like necklaces and chokers aren’t recommended for chiropractic visits as they can restrict movement.

When it comes to outerwear, leave bulky jackets and sweaters at home. However, if it’s a day with weather that calls for a jacket or sweater, make sure it is easily removable.

Some other examples of clothes to avoid include skirts or dresses. During your chiropractic examination, it is easier to move around in shorts or pants than it is in a dress.

Why Clothing Choice Matters

To make the best outfit choices, you should understand why they matter when visiting a chiropractor. Typically, your chiropractor will work with you to create a personalized chiropractic care plan.

Your care plan beings with a chiropractic office visit where you share why you decided to visit your chiropractor. Reasons for a chiropractic visit can range from preventive care to certain pain symptoms you may be experiencing, like lower back pain, that can be addressed with upper cervical care.

If your chiropractor believes they can help you, then a more thorough examination will take place. During your chiropractic examination, you are likely to lay on your back, among other tests, so your chiropractor can test your movement.

This examination can involve a variety of movements to get an understanding of how your spine impacts you. For example, one test involves you turning your head left and right while your chiropractor checks your legs to see if one is drawn up or shortened.

With all the movement that happens in an examination, wearing the right clothes comes into play. Consider the clothes that you wear to the gym, for example. Usually, you would want to wear something easy to move around in, regardless of your exercise routine. The same applies for a chiropractic examination because of how you will be moving around!

Be Comfortable While You Heal

By and large, the goal of any chiropractor is to help your body be healthy. Chiropractic consultations and examinations attended with care help you achieve upper cervical healing. To receive the best results in your healing process, it is vital to wear comfortable clothing, so each visit to your chiropractor is made easier.

At upper cervical chiropractic offices like Begin Within, located in the heart of Scottsdale, you’ll feel comfortable and at home from the moment you walk in. After all, healing should make you feel better!

One of the best ways to heal (besides seeing a chiropractor, of course) is to arrive at your appointment wearing comfortable clothes that are easy to move in. This way, you can receive the adjustments you need and get started on your path towards a healthier you.

To get started on this new path to a healthier lifestyle, Begin Within Family Wellness offers a complimentary consultation! Scheduling this complimentary consultation is easy.

Give Begin Within’s office a call at (480) 699-3086 and get started today. It’s never too late to take control of your health.

Read on to find out more about what clothes are best when it comes to visiting your local chiropractor.

Table of Contents

  • Does What You Wear to the Chiropractor Matter?
  • Can I Wear Everyday Clothes to the Chiropractor? 
  • 4 Things to Consider When Choosing What to Wear to a Chiropractor
  • 5 Commonly Asked Questions About What to Wear to a Chiropractor
  • At Therapia Wellness Center, It’s About How You Feel, Not About What You Wear to Your Chiropractor Appointment

Does What You Wear to the Chiropractor Matter?

No, it doesn’t matter what you wear to the chiropractor. It’s important that you are comfortable.  

If you are not comfortable, it’s difficult to relax and get the full benefit of your chiropractic treatment.  

Older practices may still make you wear a gown, which isn’t comfortable for many people — but more modernized practices focus on comfort and healing.  

What you wear should be up to you.

Just remember: If you are not comfortable, it is difficult to relax and get the full benefit of your chiropractic treatment.

Can I Wear Everyday Clothes to the Chiropractor?

Yes, you can wear everyday clothes to the chiropractor. The most important thing is that you are comfortable.  

Chances are good that your chiropractor will be more concerned about the state of your spine than how cool or fashionable you look.

At Therapia Wellness Center in SW Portland, we don’t mind what you wear as long as YOU are comfortable.

4 Things to Consider When Choosing What to Wear to a Chiropractor

Choosing what to wear to a chiropractor appointment is often an afterthought for many clients. 

But your clothes can make a difference in how you feel before and after treatment. 

Let’s take a look at four things you should consider when choosing what clothing to wear to your chiropractic appointment.

#1: Choose Comfortable Clothing

Thoroughly consider each article of clothing you wear before your appointment.

When choosing what to wear, remember that the more comfortable you are, the easier it will be for the doctor to do adjustments properly — and without discomfort.  

The idea is to wear something you’ll be comfortable in. For some that might be their everyday clothing.    

For others, that might mean something a little more dressy.   

If you wear your everyday clothes to the chiropractor and find them uncomfortable, try wearing:

  • Pants instead of shorts or sweats
  • Yoga pants instead of jeans
  • Shorts instead of a skirt   

If possible, avoid any clothing that is too tight — especially around your lower back and pelvis area — because it can cause unnecessary pain during treatment. 

Looser-fitting clothing can help your range of motion, making your adjustment more comfortable.   

Tip: It’s often easier if you wear different shoes than what you regularly wear to work — such as flats or sneakers rather than high heels or dress shoes.

#2: Avoid Layers

Wearing layers to your chiropractor appointment can be uncomfortable.   

Try to keep it simple with one layer or less.      

If you are wearing too many layers of clothing, it might be difficult for your chiropractor to adjust your spine properly.

You don’t want anything that will …

  • Bunch up like a ruffled blouse
  • Pull like suspenders or overalls; or
  • Rub like stockings or tights.

Can’t avoid wearing layers? Then choose a top layer that can be easily removed if necessary — such as a light jacket or hoodie, which are both easy to remove.

Two examples are:  

  1. A loose tank paired with a yoga jacket or blazer 
  2. A t-shirt under a button-down shirt  

#3: Remember to Remove Jewelry

It’s easy to forget to remove your jewelry when visiting your chiropractor. 

However, it’s one of the more essential things to consider — you don’t want your jewelry  to entangle with anything.  

But maybe you are wondering, “Does all of my jewelry need to be removed?” 

Not necessarily. 

Pieces such as …

  • Rings
  • Earrings; or
  • Small bracelets

… can be left on during treatment.   

Tip: Avoid wearing anything that is bulky and could get in the way of your chiropractor adjusting your spine properly.  

#4: Consider Non-Restrictive Clothing Like Athletic Wear

If you’re looking for something more comfortable than your everyday clothes and don’t want to wear a gown, athletic clothing is the way to go. 

Athletic attire is casual but also covers most of your body — which can be perfect if you feel self-conscious about coming into treatment wearing normal daywear.    

Some examples of this type of clothing include:

  1. A sweatshirt paired with leggings
  2. An oversized t-shirt over yoga pants
  3. A loose t-shirt and basketball shorts

Even if you wear athletic clothes, double-check that they are not too tight around your lower back. Clothes that are too tight could cause unnecessary pain during treatment.  

Tip: It’s best to be able to move about freely in your clothes, so sports bras are advised for ladies.

5 Commonly Asked Questions About What to Wear to a Chiropractor

The last thing you want to do is feel uncomfortable during your chiropractor appointment. It’s important to think about what type of clothing might be best for you. 

Our team at Therapia Wellness Center has put together a list of frequently asked questions and suggestions on how to dress for your next visit with our chiropractors.

#1: Can I Go to the Chiropractor in Jeans?

Yes, you can. However, it is advised to wear a different type of pant when possible. Jeans tend to bunch up, can cause excess friction on the lower back or pelvis area, and may be a hindrance during treatment.

If your jeans cause problems, your chiropractor may provide an alternative (like a gown) for you.

#2: My Chiropractor Appointment Is Right After Work; Should I Bring a Change of Clothes?

You could, but it’s not necessary. You can always come to your chiropractor appointment straight from work. 

If you do bring a change of clothes, it’s best to bring something relaxing and comfortable. A yoga outfit or a pair of sweatpants are great examples.

Tip: If you wear a dress or a pair of slacks to work, make sure it’s not too tight. That way, your chiropractor can give you an adjustment without any issues.

#3: What Shoes Should I Wear to My Chiropractor Appointment?

Don’t feel obligated to go home if you forgot your tennis shoes and still have on your work shoes.

Heels and other uncomfortable shoes are not ideal, but many chiropractors will work with you when you’re barefoot. 

When in doubt, flip-flops are always a safe bet. They are easy to take off and comfortable.

#4: Will I Have to Change at the Chiropractor?

Most of the time, you will not need to change at the chiropractor. However, in some cases, you may be asked to dress down. 

At Therapia Wellness Center, we do not require you to wear a gown when visiting our clinics.

Note: If you are going to have x-rays done by a chiropractor, you may be asked to put on a gown.

If there is something specific that concerns you about what to wear for your appointment, simply let us know when you book your appointment. We are here to ease any worries you may have about your visit.

#5: Should I Wear a Bra to My Chiropractic Appointment?

Yes, if you wear a bra regularly and feel comfortable doing so, you should wear one to your chiropractic appointment. 

However, if you don’t usually wear a bra or would be happier with a sports-type bra, you can do whatever makes you most comfortable.

It’s possible that you’ll need to show your back during your visit. 

Therefore, wearing a bra with a closure in the back — rather than in the front — will offer greater privacy and less undressing.

At Therapia Wellness Center, It’s About How You Feel, Not About What You Wear to Your Chiropractor Appointment

What you choose to wear to your appointment isn’t what’s most important. We want to help you feel better and get back to your normal life.

Our team at Therapia Wellness Center is committed to holistic care in SW Portland. 

We desire to help people heal from injuries and chronic pain by integrating … 

  • Massage 
  • Acupuncture; and 
  • Other modalities 

… to enhance the chiropractic experience.

You can trust that when you come in, we will take our time so you receive the best customized treatment plan. 

We understand how important it is that everyone feels comfortable during their visit, which is why we offer complimentary neck pillows and blankets at every appointment.

Modifications Around Clothing Are Easy — Come As You Are!

If you’re still asking, “What should I wear to a chiropractor appointment?” — don’t worry. 

The most important thing at Therapia Wellness Center is how you feel when leaving our office. 

Your comfort level and your personal style are both welcome here. 

We have blankets and gowns if you forget to change from your dress or skirt.

We can work around almost any type of clothing.

No matter what you’re wearing, we can modify and create alternatives to make you comfortable because we want you to feel comfortable.

Modifications around clothing are easy — just let us know if there’s anything we can do for you before your appointment.

Do you wear your clothes at the chiropractor?

For most routine chiropractic appointments, you won't need to remove any clothing. As long as nothing you're wearing is impeding your adjustments, your chiropractor should be able to perform them fully clothed.

What should you not do after seeing a chiropractor?

Avoid sitting for long periods of time after seeing the chiropractor, if possible, and enjoy the mobility that your adjustment has created by going for a long walk, or take a bike ride. If you are headed back to work and have the option of a standing desk—utilize it!

Should I shower before going to the chiropractor?

If you're sweaty or smelly- it might be a little awkward and unpleasant for both of you. Don't do anything that requires you to break a sweat before your appointment. For instance, going to the gym beforehand and then showing up without having taken a shower is inconsiderate. Remember that after-care is important.


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