What type of bentonite clay is best for internal use?

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-You’ve probably heard of bentonite clay for facial masks, but did you know it can be used internally as well?

Bentonite clay gives you more than just a pretty face – it’s been used for centuries to help rid the body of toxins in a safe, effective manner.

Even though healing clays like bentonite have been largely forgotten in recent times, they are once again making a comeback as a wellness trend for both external and internal detoxification.

Maybe it’s time to hop on that bandwagon? Let’s find out!

What is bentonite clay?

Mined from the earth and composed of volcanic ash, bentonite clay is one of the most effective healing clays on the market today.

Its name ‘bentonite’ was coined from ‘Fort Benton, Wyoming,’ which has the largest source of this valuable substance and where most of today’s supply is harvested.

However, the first known source of bentonite clay was ‘Montmorillon’ – a region of France. This gave birth to the name “montmorillonite,” which is used interchangeably with bentonite.

Bentonite clay for internal use is usually odorless and comes in a grey or cream color with a fine, velveteen feel. Several reports show that it’s been consumed or ingested for centuries as a traditional healing method in regions like Australia, Central Africa, and The Andes.

How Does Food-Grade Bentonite Clay Work?

By the good ‘ole Law of Attraction.

To explain, the natural form of bentonite clay is composed primarily of negative ions. When it comes in contact with water, this detoxifying clay produces an electric charge that attracts positively charged substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, chemicals, and other toxins.

We wrote an article about why it is so important to remove toxins from your body, if you want to know more about this.

Once the clay attracts the toxins, it bonds with them then ushers them safely out of the body.

The 2 most commercially available bentonite clays are sodium and calcium varieties.

1. Sodium bentonite

This form has a high negative charge and can swell up to 10X its size once activated by fluid. That makes it highly absorbent (aka it can pull even more toxins into it) and therefore best for detoxing purposes.

2. Calcium bentonite

This variety has smaller particles compared to sodium bentonite. It assimilates quickly into the bloodstream, leaving calcium and silica behind. For this reason, calcium bentonite clay is better for demineralizing than drawing out of toxins.

You should note that even though sodium bentonite is best for detoxing, it shouldn’t be taken in excess. Since it exchanges the toxins in your body for its sodium, excessive use could lead to complications.

Benefits and Uses of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is another one of those multipurpose items to keep on hand at all times. For me personally, its versatility paired with an affordable price makes it a no-brainer addition to my detox arsenal.

It can be used inside and out with equally impressive benefits for both.

External Uses of Bentonite Clay

1. Clears Bacteria, Toxins and Infections

This multi-use clay acts as an antibiotic remedy when combined with water and applied topically. If you struggle with blemish outbreaks (who doesn’t?!), eczema, psoriasis or even dermatitis, bentonite clay could be your new best friend.

It binds to toxins on the skin and within pores, alleviating redness and mild infections while speeding up the healing process.

2. It helps purify water

Bentonite clay serves as a cost-effective method for cleaning water. In fact, if you drink city water that’s heavy on fluoride, you can pair bentonite clay with magnesium to remove it.

3. Combats Diaper Rash

Bentonite clay can serve as a safe, effective alternative to baby powder Just a small amount applied to the skin serves as a natural cleansing and soothing agent.

My oldest was susceptible to diaper rashes when he was a baby. I tried all kinds of store-bought stuff, but it wasn’t until my sweet momma suggested bentonite clay that he finally got relief.

For diaper rash, place a small amount of clay in your hand. Add just enough water to form a slightly damp paste. Apply to the affected area at every diaper change. I started this routine every time redness started to show, and it was always cleared within 2 days!

4. Tightens and Tones the Skin

Bentonite clay can be used as a blemish-reducing facial mask thanks to its ability to remove impurities deep from the skin. A mixture of bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar and water provides a great DIY facial serum.

5. Eliminates Body Odor

Be honest, have you ever done a pit check? We all have, I’m sure – and if you need a little extra help in that department, bentonite clay can help.

It’s actually an excellent deodorant for sensitive skin because it absorbs excess moisture (and stink) from your armpits without causing irritation.

Internal Uses of Bentonite Clay

Topical applications of bentonite clay are great, but it’s the internal uses that really got me excited when I first started research detox years ago.

1. Pulls out excess hydrogen and makes you feel energized

Bentonite clay provides more room for oxygen and reduces excess hydrogen. Translation? You enjoy improved muscle recovery, more energy and faster healing when a bug or virus strikes.

2. Helps increase your pH level

The less healthy your diet is, the more acidic your body becomes. Unfortunately, the standard American diet alters the body’s pH level, making it more acidic overall.

PH levels can be balanced by adding more alkalizing foods to your diet like the alkalizing minerals found in bentonite clay. They work to promote full-body balance by making your urine, blood and saliva more alkaline.

3. Promotes good bacteria in the body

Bentonite clay helps boost probiotics in the body by removing harmful bacteria, toxins and heavy metals from the gut wall. In doing so, it helps improve brain function, increase immunity and prevent the malabsorption of nutrients from your food.

4. Alleviates digestive problems

Due to its ability to neutralize bacteria and viruses, gastrointestinal problems like nausea and IBS can be relieved with the use of bentonite clay. Same goes for your pets, too.

5. Makes the mouth less susceptible to bacteria and toxins

The antibacterial properties of bentonite clay help to keep the teeth, gums and tongue healthy. This is why it’s become such a popular ingredient in natural toothpaste and mouth rinses.

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Whether you buy online or in-store, you’ll have plenty of brands to choose from. To save you some time, here are some of the more popular options for food-grade bentonite clay:

Fossil Power Food Grade Bentonite Clay

The food-grade bentonite clay from Fossil Power is safe for both internal and external use. It comes with no fillers, preservatives, or additives and is available in 5lb and 21lb sizes. It works perfectly for oral hygiene, DIY deodorant, and detoxification.

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  • A little goes a long way.
  • It works fast for digestive issues.
  • It is pretty easy to mix.


  • The package it comes in doesn’t reseal properly.  

Pure Clay Food Grade Calcium Bentonite Clay

Unlike some other bentonite clays, Pure Clay isn’t mined from the surface but rather a deep subterranean vein where no pathogens or toxins can reach.

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  • It doesn’t get chunky when mixed with water.
  • Quite versatile and works well for various uses.
  • It’s a fine grain.


  • There have been complaints of slimy poo (Sorry, I couldn’t think of a less gross way to say that!).

Clay Terra Calcium Bentonite Clay

Clay Terra bentonite clay is made of calcium from the smectite family of clay. This green bentonite clay has been used internally to clear stressed bowels as well as decrease candida overgrowth.

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  • Almost instant result


  • It can cause dehydration, so drink lots of water 

Internal cleansing is more important than ever with poor dietary choices, heavy environmental pollution, and chronically high-stress levels. If you’ve never considered bentonite clay for internal use, you might want to take a second look at it.  Your gut, skin, and more will thank you later.

Let me know if you’ve tried this super versatile clay! What’s your favorite use?

Editor and researcher at Detox & Prosper. With years of experience creating a healthy home for my family, I now help others eliminate toxins from theirs! Read my story here.

Can bentonite clay be taken internally?

Bentonite clay can also be consumed in small amounts. You can purchase bentonite clay capsules online or from a health food store. Taking the capsules may boost immunity by fighting off bacteria that could make you sick. It may also help cleanse your body of built-up toxins like aluminum, mercury, and lead.

Is all bentonite clay the same?

There are two forms of Bentonite Clay – Sodium Bentonite, and Calcium Bentonite. Both are predominately made up of crystalline clay minerals (Alumino-silicate) as well as either Sodium or Calcium. It is therefore the Sodium or Calcium component that give the 2 Bentonite Clays very different properties.

Which is better calcium or sodium bentonite clay?

"Sodium bentonite draws more toxins out of the skin, and calcium bentonite is gentler and provides the skin with more minerals. While both types have their benefits, I prefer calcium bentonite for facial masks or using a mixture of the two for more congested skin."

How do you use bentonite clay for internal detox?

For general detox, use up to 2-½ teaspoons bentonite clay daily for 2 weeks, in divided doses, morning and night: about 1-¼ teaspoons in the morning and the same in the evening. For heavy metal detox, 1-¼ teaspoons can be taken 3 times daily. For general long term use, 1-¼ teaspoons can be taken once daily.


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