What vitamins can you take to boost your immune system

Health risks associated with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are prompting many people to focus more on strengthening their immune systems.

Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect your body from infections and diseases. There are vaccines that build immunity against specific diseases. COVID-19 vaccines, our best defense against the virus, lower our risk of getting and spreading the virus and help prevent serious illness and death. Some medications and home remedies can help treat mild-to-moderate cases of COVID.

But beyond medical treatments and precautions for preventing the virus, there are ways we can lower stress and go about creating a healthy lifestyle for optimal immune function.

Immune-Strengthening Strategies

Healthy living strategies for your immune system include:

  • Exercising regularly – Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables – Use the MyPlate technique to determine portions and types of healthy foods that are best for you.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight – Aim for a BMI of 25 or lower. The best way to lose weight is by eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting more exercise. Learn more about how to eat healthy on a budget.
  • Getting quality sleep – Set a schedule and routine for sleep and practice good sleep hygiene. Here are some additional tips for getting a better night's rest. Also, learn more about sleep recommendations by age.
  • Reducing stress and developing good coping mechanisms – Include activities in your daily life that help you handle stress, like connecting with loved ones, going outside (be sure to take the proper precautions when going out), practicing meditation regularly, exercising or hobbies like making art.
  • Quitting smoking – If you smoke, you can get support to help you quit.
  • Drinking alcohol only in moderation, if at all – Limit the amount of alcohol you keep in the house or limit the number of glasses/bottles you drink.
  • Taking steps to prevent infection – This includes washing your hands frequently and social distancing.

Immunity Support Supplements

Chris D'Adamo, PhD, director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, helped create a prevention strategies guide with the Institute for Functional Medicine. The guide is in alignment with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.

In addition to the above-listed lifestyle and behavior practices, Dr. D'Adamo recommends using the following supplements in moderation to help keep your immune system functioning at its best:

  • Vitamin C may help prevent viral, bacterial and other infections by shortening the duration of colds and acting as a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
  • Vitamin D, one of the most important immune system-strengthening nutrients, can reduce the risk of colds and flu. It should be taken on a regular basis. Here is how to tell if you are deficient in vitamin D.
  • Vitamin A, when used on a short-term basis, can help support the body's ability to fight infections, especially with respiratory infections.
  • Zinc can help reduce the number of infections and the duration of the common cold when taken within 24 hours of onset.
  • Selenium is a key nutrient for immune function and is easily obtained from foods like the Brazil nut. Selenium is also an antioxidant, which strengthens the body's defenses against bacteria, viruses and cancer cells.
  • Raw honey is good at relieving minor pain and inflammation of mucous membranes, like those in the nose and mouth, and has antioxidant properties and some microbial effects. In addition, it is helpful for coughs and sore throats and can be added to tea or hot water with lemon. (Children under 1 should not be given honey.)
  • Garlic, aged extract garlic and other garlic supplements may reduce the severity of upper viral respiratory infections and function in preventing viral infections of the common cold.
  • Probiotics contain "good bacteria" that both support gut health and influence the function and regulation of the immune system. They also can decrease the number of respiratory infections, especially in children.

The following may also help strengthen your immunity:

  • Beta-glucans – Numerous human trials have shown that beta-glucans stimulate activity against viral attack. These findings include a decrease in cold and flu symptoms and upper respiratory tract infections compared to placebo.
  • Mushrooms – A variety of mushroom species have been shown to help with immune function in a myriad of ways. Some medicinal mushrooms include Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Maitake and Reishi.
  • Berberine – Found in the roots, rhizomes and stem bark of various plants, this natural compound has been shown to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be found in goldenseal, goldthread and Oregon grape species.
  • Sulforaphane – Sulforaphane has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. It can be produced in the body in small amounts by eating some cruciferous vegetables or in more therapeutic amounts by consuming dietary supplements containing glucoraphanin and myrosinase enzyme.
  • Elderberry – Studies have shown that elderberry has properties that appear to help fight viruses. If possible, choose a low-sugar capsule or tablet as opposed to sugary syrup.

It is very important to understand that these are suggestions. If you want to try either of these options, be sure to communicate with your healthcare provider and take them in moderation or as your doctor advises.

If you feel sick, please do not hesitate to contact your provider. Many providers offer telemedicine options and can advise how you can treat your symptoms yourself or if you need more advanced care.

What are the best vitamins for immune system?

Vitamins B6, C and E are all known for their immune-boosting properties. You can get all of these vitamins from a well-balanced diet, so you don't need supplements. Some foods rich in these vitamins include eggs, bell peppers, spinach and almonds.

How can I boost my immune system quickly?

Six Tips to Enhance Immunity.
Eat Well. Food Assistance. ... .
Be Physically Active. Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety. ... .
Maintain a Healthy Weight. Excess weight can affect how your body functions. ... .
Get Enough Sleep. ... .
Quit Smoking. ... .
Avoid Too Much Alcohol. ... .
In Summary..


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