What would happen if a popcorn kernel popped in your mouth?

Popcorn is a popular treat throughout the entire year. It becomes a little more popular in the holiday season. Popcorn tins are a common gift given to friends, family, and co-workers. Some families pop popcorn to use as a decoration for the Christmas tree (while snacking on it along the way). Some people also have a tradition of making popcorn balls as a holiday tradition for Hanukkah. With all that popcorn used for all of these festive reasons, it can be easy to forget that it can be a problem for the smile. It is important to remember to chew popcorn carefully to avoid having a bad surprise like infected gums or a damaged tooth. The team at Costmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO is here to help you protect your smile. 

Stuck Beneath Your Gums

Have you ever gotten a empty hull or shell of popcorn stuck on the roof of your mouth? These very thin pieces of food can get stuck there or between the teeth or along the gums. If a shell gets stuck along the gums, it can be difficult to remove. Usually a gentle swish of water can help get it out along brushing and flossing. However, if it remains there, avoid the temptation to pick at it with objects not meant for your mouth. You could end up causing more damage. If it is really lodged in there, make an appointment with your dentist as leaving it in there could lead to an infection.

Cracking a Tooth

Unpopped popcorn kernel are very hard and not meant for chewing. If you are mindlessly snacking on popcorn, you could end up biting down on a hard kernel at just the wrong time to cause some damage to your smile. An unpopped kernel could crack a tooth or damage it in some way. If this happens, it is important to have your dentist take a look as soon as possible. Restoring a tooth is important for your smile’s health. While you are snacking on popcorn, be sure to chew carefully to avoid those kernels.

Did you get a tin of holiday popcorn?

Popcorn can provide sneaky dangers for your smile. To schedule a consultation, call Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-897-4288.


Why Dentists Wish You'd Be More Careful Eating Popcorn

11 Jun, 2020 |

Popcorn has been a popular snack for people of all ages since the 1800’s. However, it is not necessarily the snack preferred by most dentists. In fact, many dentists will go out of their way to avoid consuming popcorn due to the number of patients frequenting their dental office identifying popcorn as the culprit of their teeth pain.

Beyond the excess salt, butter, and sugar it can be coated in, popcorn is by far one of the worst causes of dental damage. And, although you may assume biting down on an un-popped kernel is the worst consequence, the damage caused by the hull (the thin shell wrapped around the corn kernel) becoming wedged between your gums and teeth should also come with great caution.

Damage Caused to Teeth by Un-Popped Popcorn Kernels

If you bite down on an un-popped popcorn kernel you could experience:

  • A cracked tooth
  • A broken tooth
  • Inflamed gums

Damage Caused to Teeth by Popcorn Hulls

If a popcorn hull it is not dislodged from your gums and teeth it can lead to any one of the following consequences:

  • Bone loss
  • A "Popcorn Abscess"
  • Decay leading to a cavity
  • Tooth deterioration
  • Loss of the tooth altogether

How to Safely Remove A Popcorn Hull from Your Teeth and Gums

The next time you are faced with the aggravating experience of a popcorn hull burying itself in your gums, forget hurting yourself with a toothpick. You risk shoving it further into your gums. Instead, try the following steps to remove it before it becomes too swollen and sore:

  • Floss up and down between your teeth and then press hard against the side with the popcorn to loosen it as you floss.
  • Swish with warm saltwater to help relieve discomfort and see if it will dislodge.
  • Use a Waterpik to gently irrigate the deep crevices of your gums.
  • Knot a piece of floss to add extra bulk and run it through your teeth where the hull is trapped.

When to See A Dentist

If you are unable to remove the popcorn hull or are suspicious you may have cracked a tooth, make an appointment with your dentist or dental hygienist. They can offer a thorough inspection without further damaging your gums, or perform a filling, dental crown, or veneer if necessary.

Exceptional Dentistry in Eagle, Idaho

At Castlebury Dental, we provide a range of dental services including Invisalign and other cosmetic dental procedures for people of all ages. Feel free to contact us here with any questions or concerns and schedule a consultation today!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

What happens if you swallow 1 popcorn kernel?

Besides being a choking hazard, crunching them can damage teeth. In severe cases, swallowing them can cause a mass collection in the intestinal tract, known as a “bezoar.” Small bezoars may pass on their own or with the help of medication, while sizeable ones may require surgery.

Will a popcorn kernel dissolve in your gums?

Popcorn kernels don't break down when exposed to saliva like other foods do, so if it gets under your gum, it's not going to go away on its own. In the meantime, it'll cause extreme irritation for your gums, and can harbor harmful bacteria that will start to erode the vulnerable root of your teeth.

Can popcorn hurt your mouth?

Damage Caused to Teeth by Popcorn Hulls If a popcorn hull it is not dislodged from your gums and teeth it can lead to any one of the following consequences: Bone loss. A "Popcorn Abscess" Decay leading to a cavity.

Can a popcorn kernel get under your tooth?

Dislodging Popcorn and Your Dental Health Corn kernels can also become lodged under your gum line, which could lead to periodontal infection or even an abscess. As with most oral health problems, these conditions can worsen and become much more serious if left unaddressed.


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