When can a fetus start to hear

Your baby at 15 weeks

Around this time, your baby will start to hear – they may hear muted sounds from the outside world and any noises your digestive system makes, as well as the sound of your voice and heart.

The eyes also start to become sensitive to light. Even though your baby's eyes are closed, they may register a bright light outside your tummy.

You at 15 weeks

It's normal to have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy. It's usually thin, clear or milky white and should not smell unpleasant.

If it's smelly, you feel itchy or sore, or have pain when you pee, contact your midwife as these could be signs of an infection.

Read more about vaginal discharge in pregnancy – what's normal and what's not.

You may have backache in pregnancy as your womb gets heavier and pregnancy hormones affect the ligaments in your body, which can put a strain on your lower back.

Things to think about

Pregnancy infections: chickenpox.

What your baby's movements might feel like, and when you can expect to feel them.

Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy

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Video: What can my baby understand and feel in the womb?

In this video, a clinical psychologist talks about what your unborn baby may feel in the womb.

Media last reviewed: 20 March 2020
Media review due: 20 March 2023

Page last reviewed: 13 October 2021
Next review due: 13 October 2024

by Jenny Leach |

Medically reviewed by Clare Herbert, Senior Midwife and Team Leader | December 2019 |

It depends on how pregnant you are. Your baby may be able to hear from about 16 weeks.

He will only hear low-pitched sounds to start with. These sounds will be mostly what's going on in your body, such as blood pumping through your vessels, your tummy gurgling, and your breathing.

Between about 29 weeks and 33 weeks your baby starts to make out high-pitched sounds too, such as a child's cry or a car alarm.

You may be able to tell if your baby can hear sounds outside your womb (uterus) by playing music, and by reading or talking to him. If he can hear what's going on, he may respond by moving around more.

Studies of newborn behaviour show that babies get used to the music and voices they've heard in the womb. When your baby is born, if he hears sounds he's heard before birth, he may respond by appearing more alert and active. Your newborn may also pay more attention to your voice than any other.

As your unborn baby can't see or touch the outside world, hearing is the one sense that helps him to prepare for life after birth. Knowing your voice before he's born helps him to form a bond with you afterwards.

In fact, some people think that the reason babies learn to hear in the womb is so that they can create a strong attachment with their mums once they're born.

It's also likely that your baby's ability to hear helps him start to understand speech rhythms. This is the first step on the long road to learning how language works.

You may be concerned about what noise levels are safe for your baby. Experts don’t know what effect loud sounds may have on your baby’s wellbeing. Rest assured that your baby is well-insulated in your womb. Your gut instinct is probably the best indication of whether something's too loud or not.

If you choose to wait until your baby's born before you sing, chat and read to him, it won’t hold back his development in any way. Everything your baby needs to prepare for life outside the womb will filter through naturally, as you go about daily life.

Wondering what to sing to your baby in the womb? Our selection of top lullabies will inspire you, and they may also help to soothe him once he's born.

A baby’s sensory abilities — hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch — develop weeks before birth. That means that while adults are unable to remember the womb explicitly, we certainly experienced the sounds and sights of our final weeks as a fetus. And recent research suggests that when babies begin to hear in the womb, they also remember what they’ve heard, suggesting that babies in the womb are learning from what they’re hearing. Dads-to-be have a great opportunity to engage with their kid during pregnancy by talking to them in utero.

The inner ear structures begin to develop at around 10 weeks into gestation, but the ability to hear doesn’t occur until all the structures are essentially wired to the brain. Some researchers suggest that some fetuses may develop the ability to hear as early as 14 weeks, as measured by the reaction to sonic vibration. However, one of the most cited studies on fetal hearing, published in 1994 by researchers at the Queen’s University of Belfast, found that babies start hearing in the womb at around 19 weeks of gestation. Specifically, babies in the womb show a response to sounds in the 500 Hz range, which is near the lower-end of what adults can hear. As the structure of the ear develops the acoustic range increases and by 33 weeks unborn, babies show a response to frequencies between 250 and 3000 Hz.

When Does a Fetus Have Cognitive Function?

As any parent of a toddler can tell you, hearing isn’t the same as listening. Hearing is passive, while listening is active and engaged. A fetus might be able to hear the outside world 18 weeks into pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean that they are paying attention. That ability to pay attention, react to, and even remember sounds appears to ramp up in the third trimester.

A 2012 study, again from the fetal hearing experts at Belfast University, examined if a fetus could recall sounds they’ve heard in utero. The study captured fetal behavior in two groups of expectant mothers — one which watched a popular British television show daily and another group that did not watch the program at all. Researchers found that fetus who had been previously exposed to the distinctive theme song of the program would increase their movements when the theme song was played for them later in pregnancy. Fetuses not exposed to the song did not exhibit any changes. Two to four days after birth, newborns played the song again. Those exposed to the song in utero exhibited recognition, while those who were not exposed showed no signs of recognition.

Recognition of a theme song indicates working memory in the late stages of pregnancy and infancy. But that doesn’t mean an infant is learning.

A study published in 2017 gets us closer to capturing evidence of fetal learning. Dutch researchers looked at a population of Dutch-speaking individuals who had been adopted from Korea. Although they had never learned Korean, the individuals had primarily heard Korean language while in the womb and shortly after birth. Researchers conducted their experiment by teaching both Korean adoptees and a control group of Dutch natives words in Korean to see how quickly each group could pick up the language. The Korean adoptees were far more quick and capable in learning the Korean words than native Dutch. Additionally, the ability was as true for children adopted at a pre-verbal age of 6 months old, as it was for children adopted as late as 17-months who might have spoken a word or two of Korean.

Researchers concluded that the basic understanding of language develops in the last trimester when babies are still in the womb, priming them for recognition of the language they are born to. Moreover, the brain remains primed for those languages years later.

What to Say to Your Baby in the Womb

The important takeaway is that listening is crucial for babies before they’re ever born. That doesn’t mean you’ll turn them into geniuses by reading Shakespeare to your partner’s baby bump. It does mean, however, that parents should talk to their baby while they’re still in the womb. Babies will remember the voices and the cadences they hear.

Babies have no choice but to hear a mother’s voice. After all, the voice is with them wherever they go. But that’s not necessarily true for dads. So in order to get in on the fetal learning, fathers should take time to speak to their unborn children. That might include reading stories, telling them about your day, or just thinking aloud.

For bonus points, fathers can start a story time ritual at bedtime. There’s a good chance that once they come into the world, hearing dad’s voice read the same story will cause the newborn to relax and feel soothed, possibly leading to easier bedtimes in the future.

This article was originally published on Feb. 23, 2021

Can fetus hear at 14 weeks?

Around this time, your baby will start to hear – they may hear muted sounds from the outside world and any noises your digestive system makes, as well as the sound of your voice and heart. The eyes also start to become sensitive to light.

When can baby in womb hear Dad?

For an early start, dads can talk to baby in the womb. Babies can begin hearing sounds and voices around the 18-week mark.

Can yelling hurt baby ears in womb?

Sound can travel through your body and reach your baby. Very loud noises may be able to damage your baby's hearing. Ear plugs or earmuffs do not protect your baby's hearing. If you're pregnant the only way to protect your baby's hearing is to stay away from loud noise.

When can fetus hear at 12 weeks?

Around 12 weeks of pregnancy, specialized sound transmitters called hair cells spring up inside the cochlea and eventually connect to a nerve that sends sound impulses to the brain. This connection is made at about 16 weeks, when your baby may start to hear faint sounds. Ears fully formed.

What are the first sounds a fetus hears?

2 In fact, some of the first sounds a baby hears include the beat of your heart, the gurgle in your stomach, and the sound of air entering and leaving your lungs. As hearing continues to develop, your baby will begin to hear more and more of the world outside of the womb.


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