When is it too late for gum grafting

Receding gums are a common condition that affects the teeth. Typically, if your gums are receding you’ll notice that your gums are retreating away from your teeth. As a result, exposing more dental surfaces than is normal. 

For many people, receding gums are a cause of concern. It severely affects the appeal of a smile and by extension the person’s self-esteem. Not only does gum recession cause aesthetic problems, but they can also impact your oral health. Imposing tooth loss and cavities are just a few examples of how receding gums can affect your dental tissue. 

What Are Receding Gums?

Gum recession is a dental condition that develops gradually. A form of periodontal disease, gum recession affects every 1 in 4 people. The condition impacts the gum where they begin to slowly retreat upwards. Because receding gums progress slowly, many patients don’t notice they have gum recession. 

But as side effects such as tooth sensitivity can help patients identify the problem early on. Likewise with the aesthetic aspect of the smile, where patients can notice their teeth are looking abnormally long. 

Are Receding Gums a Problem? 

Many patients may dissolve the problem down to a cosmetic issue. But in truth, gum recession is a threat to nearby teeth and can develop into serious dental health problems. 

For this reason, if you think your gums are receding you shouldn’t want to ignore it. As it can develop into serious problems that can be hard to reverse.

Symptoms of Receding Gums 

If you think you have receding gums, your best bet is to visit a dentist. Most of the tell-tale signs of gum recession include the following: 

  • Constant bleeding when flossing or brushing your teeth 
  • Gums that are abnormally red or swollen 
  • Bad oral odor 
  • Pain and tenderness along the gum line 
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks 
  • Loose teeth
  • Visible tooth roots 

What Causes Gum Recession? 

Receding gums develop as a result of plaque build-up. Plaque is a biofilm of bacteria that collect near the gums. 

If left roaming freely, plaque will develop into tartar.  The harmful bacterial by-products from tartar will dissolve away your gum tissue. 

This will take place gradually, and if you don’t seek professional help it can lead to the formation of pockets. Gum inflammation usually leads to periodontal disease. 

While the most popular form of developing receding gums is a plaque there are other causes. These range from habits to health conditions. 

  • Constant aggressive brushing and use of hard bristle toothbrushes 
  •  Poor oral hygiene 
  • In women, periodontal disease can develop from hormonal changes 
  • Disease such as diabetes and HIV can cause receding gums 
  • A dry mouth means less saliva to wash away harmful bacteria leading to plaque and gum recession

Treating Receding Gums 

Finding a suitable treatment plan for your receding gums will begin by finding the underlying cause. It’s important to detect the root of the problem to ensure gum recession doesn’t re-occur. 

If you seek treatment early on, your dentist may only need to clean your teeth. Removing plaque and tartar could be what you need to prevent your gums from receding. 

=In severe cases of receding gums, surgery may be necessary. There are two types of surgical approaches such as grafting and flap surgery. Which method is best for you depends on the progression of your gum recession. 

=In flap surgery, your dentist will clean far down the gum tissue. This effectively removes all the tartar and plaque buildup. To do this, your dentist will have to lift up your gum, do the cleaning, and then close it back down. Hence why the name “flap” surgery

If your receding gums are bad enough and the roots of your teeth have become visible, you’ll need grafting. The grafting procedure corrects gum recession by reviving the dental tissue or bone in the affected area. 

Placing a bone tissue from your body or a synthetic material near the gums, grafting can encourage your gums to grow.

How Much Does Treatment Cost? 

Surgical treatment for receding gums can cost around $1000 per tooth. But if you want affordable high-quality treatment for your receding gums consider dentistry in Turkey. 

The Slow-Dentistry-certified Dentakay is a  luxury dental clinic in Turkey providing top quality services for receding gums. 

Contact Dentakay to book an online consultation.

What percentage of gum grafts are successful?

Gum grafting surgeries have a success rate of up to 90%. Besides, with local anesthesia, you should not experience any pain during your treatment. Afterward, your dentist will prescribe pain medication to help you manage your soreness after the numbing wears off.

When should I consider a gum graft?

Gum graft surgery is recommended when the gums have receded enough to expose the roots of your teeth. As the gums recede, they form pockets between the tooth and the gums, which become a breeding ground for bacteria buildup.

Can your teeth fall out from receding gums?

If the gums recede too much, it may result in bone loss, which can cause teeth to loosen or fall out.

Do gum grafts look natural?

By adding new gum tissue with grafting, gums look even, natural, and healthy. They will also be stronger. Your patients will not only have good looking gums again, but their smile will look normal and healthy, too.


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