Where is gojo IN anime Fighting Simulator

"Cursed Techniques, commonly shortened to simply Techniques, are a form of advanced jujutsu that grant the user specialized abilities."

-Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki

Cursed Techniques are a special that give the user additional powers. They were released in UPDATE 19. Cursed Techniques can be summoned by pressing whichever number button is bound under specials for PC Players or pressing the [CURSED TECHNIQUES] button centered at the top of the screen for mobile players. Cursed Techniques cannot be active while Stands, Kagunes, Fruits, Quirks, Grimoires, Bloodlines, Sword Styles, Armaments Pyrokinesis, Titans, or Demon Arts are active.

Cursed Technique Attacks

KeyMove NameDescriptionScale FactorScalingCooldownGIF
Nail Reinforcement Imbue 3 nails with cursed energy and launch them at opponents, dealing damage. Strength 5x 6s
Resonance Using a straw doll as a medium, imbue a nail with cursed energy then hit it onto the doll, dealing huge damage to affected opponents. This attack can only be used on opponents that have been hit by a Nail Reinforcement-enhanced nail. Chakra 45x 3s
Hairpin Fire a series of cursed energy-imbued nails towards the location of your mouse which detonate when the hotkey is pressed again, dealing great damage to opponents within range. Chakra 5x/Needle, 60x/Explosion 7s

KeyMove NameDescriptionScale FactorScalingCooldownGIF

Overtime Experience a surge of cursed energy, temporarily boosting the damage of Ratio moves by 25%. N/A N/A 4s

Critical Hit Strike an opponent critically with a cursed energy-imbued slash, dealing huge damage. Sword 40x 5s

CollapseHome Home onto the nearest opponent and strike them with a cursed-energy imbued blow onto a building with incredible force, dealing incredible damage while also trapping the opponent under the debris of the building, stunning them for a short period of time. Strength 35x/hit 8s

KeyMove NameDescriptionScale FactorScalingCooldownGIF

VolcanicBlast Home onto and touch the nearest opponent, then create a powerful fire eruption aimed at them, dealing tick damage. Strength 60x 7s

EmberInsects Deploy large bugs that sting the nearest opponent while also exploding, dealing great tick damage. Strength 16x/hit 10s

Coffin Mainfest your inner domain,encasing players within range in a rock dome filled with lava that deals huge tick damage for the duration of the move. N/A N/A 35s

KeyMove NameDescriptionScale FactorScalingCooldownGIF

Technique Reversal: Red Condense a sphere of red-colored cursed energy which then explodes with a strong force of repulsion, dealing huge damage to opponents within range. Chakra 50x/hit 11s

Hollow Technique: Purple Create a massive purple-colored sphere that deals devastating damage to opponents within its path. Chakra 65x/hit 16s

Unlimited Void Manifest your inner domain, encasing players within range in a space-like environment that stuns opponents for the duration of the move. Chakra N/A 25s

Where is the cursed technique in AFS?

Cursed Techniques can be summoned by pressing whichever number button is bound under specials for PC Players or pressing the [CURSED TECHNIQUES] button centered at the top of the screen for mobile players.

Who is the owner of anime fighting simulator?

Anime Fighting Simulator is a simulator game created by BlockZone.

Where are the bosses in anime fighting simulator?

Bosses Chart:.

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