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How much does 1 tray of microgreens cost?

Earning for one tray of microgreens The average selling price for microgreens is $25 – 40 per pound. As for each 1020 tray, the average yield is between 8 – 12 oz per harvest (7-14 days).

What is the healthiest microgreen?

Pea shoots are one of the healthiest types of microgreens, which is why we like to include them in our Seasonal Microgreens Seed Club from time to time.

Is it cheaper to grow or buy microgreens?

Buying microgreens usually costs you around $5 for a 2oz (57 g) pack. Prices might be a little bit different in your area, but that should be a good ballpark. That works out to $2.50/oz, almost 10x the cost of growing yourself.

Is it worth it to grow your own microgreens?

Microgreens rank among the simplest, smallest, and yet most nutritious and delicious plants you can grow in the garden. There are many rewarding aspects to starting these quick-growing plants for yourself, but perhaps the best thing about microgreens is how easy they are to grow at home.

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