Where to watch man Like Mobeen

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Series Info

Mobeen must juggle faith and family while his criminal past haunts him.

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Subscription Seasons 1-3

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Mobeen is trying to be a good friend, follow the faith and raise his teenage sister. Yet his past -- and everyday life -- complicates matters.

Year: 2020

Duration: 3 Seasons

Cast: Guz Khan, Tez Ilyas, Tolu Ogunmefun, Dúaa Karim, Mark Silcox, Perry Fitzpatrick, Kiell Smith-Bynoe



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Production & Season Details:

Status: Returning Series

"Man Like Mobeen" was originally broadcast on BBC Three (United Kingdom) and premiered on December 17th 2017. So far there have been 3 seasons (comprising of 13 episodes) of "Man Like Mobeen". The most recent episode aired on January 26th 2020 and more seasons are expected in the future.

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What channel is Man Like Mobeen on?

Guz Khan's comedy Man Like Mobeen is to return for a fourth series, the BBC has announced. Four new half-hour episodes will air on BBC Three next year, with Tolu Ogunmefun, Dúaa Karim, Perry Fitzpatrick and Mark Silcox all returning to the cast.

How many Man Like Mobeen episodes are there?

13Man Like Mobeen / Number of episodesnull

Is Man Like Mobeen Pakistani?

This show documents the struggles of his criminal past, the friendships he has and the controversies he faces as a Pakistani Muslim. Mobeen is a 28 year old Brummie Muslim single handedly raising his 15 year old sister.

When did Man Like Mobeen Season 1 come out?

December 17, 2017Man Like Mobeen / First episode datenull


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