Which is better optomap vs dilation?

Posted in Eye Exam | March 22, 2018

Technological advances have made retinal imaging extremely easy and hi-tech. The Optomap is a device that is used to capture an ultra-wide field digital image of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye that captures light and makes vision possible. The Optomap captures a 200-degree high-resolution image and covers 80% of the retina in a single shot. This helps give a near- complete view of the retina and any retinal disorders.

Dilation, on the other hand, is a procedure which involves dilating or enlarging the pupil (black of the eye) by instilling eye drops to enable the optometrist to examine the inside of the eyes, with less advanced devices.

Eye specialists differ widely in their opinion on the benefits and disadvantages of Optomap vs dilation and chose to opt for one over the other. However, we at EyeLux Optometry incorporate Optomap Retinal Exam Evaluation as a part of a comprehensive eye exam

Optomap vs. Dilation – The Real Story


– Optomap vs dilation provides a permanent digital retinal imaging that is saved and is used as a record in the patient’s history for future reference.Changes in the patient’s eyes that occur over a period are picked up faster and more efficiently as a visual record is available for comparison.

– Early diagnosis and treatment are possible that not just prevents and slows down the deterioration of vision but also saves on medical expenses.

– A digital image is immediately available for review by the doctor and the patient, while the doctor examines the image.

– The patient gains a better understanding of his condition as he can see the image of his eye, while the doctor examines his eye.

– Convenience: Optomap vs dilation eliminates the need for an uncomfortable and time-consuming process of dilation for asymptomatic patients undergoing routine eye-examination and is performed within minutes. </span


– Dilation is essential for a thorough and detailed assessment of the eyes, especially for those patients who meet the ‘at-risk’ category for common eye problems, are older or have a pre-existing retinal condition.

– It takes between 30 to 40 minutes for the eye drops to take effect and dilate the pupils well; the vision of the patient remains blurred for 4 to 6 hours, and the patient is unable to resume their normal activities till then.

– During examination by dilation, the ophthalmologist shines a light source into the eyes that may feel uncomfortable. Different color lights may be used to examine the eyes correctly.

– The patient is asked to move the eyeball around, i.e., look in different directions to examine the entire inside of the eye. The doctor documents the observations on a form while examination and the process take between 10 to 15 minutes.

Pros and Cons Optomap vs Dilation

while dilation helps to make a detailed and in-depth examination of the specific portions of the eye that may be diseased; the optomap provides a single image of almost the entire eye and helps the doctor to diagnose diseases quickly.

The debate about optomap vs dilation has led to much confusion amongst patients, and it should be understood that each has its importance and significance in the eye and vision care and that both complement each other. The Optomap is a new technology that makes the process faster, smoother and less troublesome for patients undergoing an eye exam.

Comprehensive eye exams are the standard of care in optometry and ophthalmology practices today. During these examinations, your doctor and staff typically ask questions about your medical and eye health history, basic vitals (like height, weight, and blood pressure), and the reason for your visit. They also check your vision, your eye muscle movements, and the health of your eyes.

One of the most important parts of a comprehensive eye exam is determining the health of the retina. The retina is made up of nerve cells and blood vessels that connect to the brain and body, and it gives your doctor an important window into your overall health. In fact, the blood vessels in the retina are the only place that a doctor can see blood vessels in the body without cutting the body open! As a result, eye doctors often detect diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol before other physicians.

For many years, the only way to get a good view of the retina was to dilate the eyes. This process involves the doctor placing special eye drops into your eyes to open up the iris (the color part of the eye). When the iris is open, the doctor uses a bright light and lenses to examine the nerves and blood vessels of the retina for signs of damage or disease.

Unfortunately, in spite of its benefits, dilation is not a pleasant experience for most patients. In fact, many patients refer to it as the most “annoying” part of the eye examination. People generally do not like having drops in their eyes (especially if they are sensitive to the preservatives that can make the eyes burn for several seconds afterward), they don’t like waiting 10-15 minutes for the drops to work, and they typically do not enjoy the bright lights from the doctor or their surroundings until the dilation wears off 3-4 hours after the examination.

Thankfully, we now have an alternative to dilation at Derby City Eye Care called the optomap. This high-tech camera takes a wide-field, high resolution, digital picture of the retina – without eye drops! It is fast, painless, and as comfortable as getting your picture taken. It is safe to use on the whole family, and the parents of young children in our practice really love it because their kids don’t have to get drops in their eyes!

In addition to being faster and more convenient than dilation, the optomap also allows the doctor to show each patient what the back of their eye looks like. At our practice, we review the pictures with the patient during the examination and explain what we are seeing in the nerves, blood vessels, and overall health of the retina. Instead of “annoying,” this is now one of the most anticipated and rewarding aspects of the examination for our doctor and patients alike because it gives them a snapshot of their overall eye health and provides an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns that arise from any abnormal findings.

Another advantage that optomap retinal imaging has over traditional dilation is the ability to easily detect retinal changes over time. If a patient has an abnormal finding, like broken blood vessels from diabetes, in the back of the eye, it is easily detected by a skilled eye doctor with dilation or the optomap. But how does the doctor determine if it is changing or getting worse from year to year? With dilation, they have to compare their findings to previous chart notes and hope they are detailed enough to provide the most precise information; but, with the optomap, the doctor puts the pictures side-by-side on the computer screen and can easily tell if there are differences. Our patients at Derby City Eye Care repeatedly tell us how much they appreciate seeing and knowing that we have the most accurate information possible for evaluating the health of their eyes.

While the optomap has been a great addition to our practice, it is not a replacement for dilation. There are several instances where dilation is more appropriate than the optomap. These include patients with extremely small pupils, droopy eyelids, dementia, certain physical disabilities, and emergency eye conditions.

At Derby City Eye Care, we believe that dilation and the optomap are both important tools for evaluating the health of the retina, but one or the other may be a better option for you depending on your circumstances. So next time you visit our office, please ask us which one is right for you.

Call Derby City Eye Care at 502-200-1920 to schedule an eye exam with our Crestwood optometrist. Alternatively, book an appointment online here CLICK FOR AN APPOINTMENT

Is dilation better than optomap?

while dilation helps to make a detailed and in-depth examination of the specific portions of the eye that may be diseased; the optomap provides a single image of almost the entire eye and helps the doctor to diagnose diseases quickly.

Which is better dilation or retinal imaging?

Dilation only allows the doctor to see about fifteen percent of your eye. With digital retinal imaging, that number is increased by 80%. This means more accurate diagnoses and a better understanding of your health.

How good is optomap?

An optomap retinal exam allows your eye doctor to perform the most thorough eye exam possible by capturing more than 80% of your retina in a single panoramic image. This one-of-a-kind technology assists them in detecting underlying eye diseases and monitoring treatment for existing ocular diseases.

Is Optomap accurate?

While the optomap is an interesting tool, it cannot and should not be used to replace dilation. The optomap has many limitations. It does not provide a complete image of the retina and prevents a thorough assessment of your eye health. Patients may be tempted to request the optomap in lieu of their dilated eye exam.

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