Which of the following statements about nicotine is true

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Terms in this set (48)

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four 12-ounce beers?
A. 4 hours
B. 5 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 2 hours

A. 4 hours

The last stage of liver disease that can result from years of heavy drinking is..
A. fibrosis
B. cirrhosis
C. hepatic amyloidosis
D. alcoholic hepatitis

B. Cirrhosis

The reduction in alcohol-related driving fatalities since the 1980s is due to...
A. a decreased drinking age in many states
B. zero tolerance laws and increased drinking age
C. an increased number of rehabilitation facilities
D. less restrictive enforcement of laws in some states

B. zero tolerance laws and increased drinking age

Which of the following is FALSE about smokeless tobacco?
A. It contains more nicotine than cigarettes
B. Young people's use of smokeless tobacco has been declining steadily since 1999.
C. Snus is a stringy form of chewing tobacco.
D. It is just as addictive as smoking.

B. Young people's use of smokeless tobacco has been declining steadily since 1999.

Which of the following statements about nicotine is true?
A. it is a powerful central nervous system stimulant
B. It causes a drop in blood pressure
C. It decreases production of adrenaline
D. It is mildly addictive

A. it is a powerful central nervous system stimulant

Which of the following statements about college drinking is TRUE?
A. Three-quarters of college students are classified as heavy episodic drinkers.
B. Female college students' alcohol consumption is close to that of male college students.
C. The majority of college students drink alcohol on a daily basis.
D. Few students experience negative consequences as a result of alcohol consumption.

B. Female college students' alcohol consumption is close to that of male college students.

What percentage of Americans abstain from drinking alcohol?
A. 21%
B. 11%
C. 41%
D. 31%

A. 21%

Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include all of the following EXCEPT...
A. irritability
B. Weakness in the limbs
C. Nausea and vomiting
D. restlessness

B. Weakness in the limbs

If you know you will be at an event where alcohol will be served, what can you do to drink responsibly?
A. Eat shortly before you go and alternate alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.
B. Don't eat for several hours before the event.
C. Make sure that someone else has volunteered to be a designated driver.
D. Attend with friends who drink more than you do.

A. Eat shortly before you go and alternate alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks

Which of the following is NOT true about a hangover?
A. Hangover signs and symptoms can include diarrhea and depression.
B. It usually takes 1-2 hours to recover from a hangover.
C. Toxic forms of alcohol known as congeners may be a contributing factor.
D. Irritation of the stomach lining from increased production of hydrochloric acid can prompt nausea.

B. It usually takes 1-2 hours to recover from a hangover

Approximately what percentage of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regularly?
A. 25%

D. 50%

Urinating frequently after alcohol consumption occurs because...
A. alcohol shrinks the bladder
B. alcohol is a diuretic
C. alcohol can be a gastrointestinal irritant
D. alcohol filters through the kidneys faster than water.

B. alcohol is a diuretic

What effect does carbon monoxide have on the body?
A. it irritates nasal passages and lung tissue.
B. it diminishes oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.
C. It diminishes hormone production
D. It binds with dopamine receptors to produce the pleasurable effects associated with smoking.

B. it diminishes oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells

The action of nicotine on the cilia of upper respiratory passages prevent them from...
A. producing mucus
B. stimulating the cough reflex
C. participating in gas exchange
D. cleaning out foreign matter

D. cleaning out foreign matter

Which of the following statements about hookahs is true?
A. Hookah use originated in Africa.
B. Hookah use has been linked to an increased risk for periodontal disease
C. Hookah use has not been associated with lung cancer or other respiratory disease.
D. A hookah is a type of pipe that uses smokeless tobacco.

B. Hookah use has been linked to an increased risk for periodontal disease

One reason that the effects of alcohol are different for women and men is that...
A. Women have lower levels of body than men.
B. women are not affected by congeners.
C. women have less water in their tissues than men
D. men are not affected by congneers

C. women have less water in their tissues than men

Drinking games result in the consumption of large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time and have been associated with...
A. muscle and joint disorders
B. developing respiratory problems
C. death from alcohol poisoning
D. paranoid behavior

C. death from alcohol poisoning

Which of the following is a smoking cessation medication?
A. zyban
B. concerta
C. vicodin
D. ambien

A. Zyban

A disease associated with smoking which alveoli are destroyed is known as...
A. emphysema
B. alveolitis
C. chronic bronchitis
D. hepatitis

A. emphysema

A driver is always impaired when he or she has a blood alcohol concentration of...
A. .10 % or higher
B. .08 % or higher
C. .03 % or higher
D. .05 % or higher

B. .08% or higher

When personal and health problems related to alcohol use have become severe and a person suffers withdrawal symptoms if they don't drink, they have reached the point of alcoholism or...
A. inebriation
B. alcohol dependence
C. binge drinking
D. tolerance

B. alcohol dependence

The water that is pulled out of the body when someone drinks heavily is taken from...
A. fat stores
B. skeletal muscle
C. cerebral tissue
D. cerebrospinal fluid

D. cerebrospinal fluid

A form of alcohol that metabolizes slowly and produces toxic byproducts is a(n)...
A. ethyl alcohol product
B. intoxicator
C. congener
D. distilled alcohol product

C. congener

Which of the following is TRUE about women and alcoholism?
A. as opposed to men with alcoholism, women with alcoholism have a lower risk for cirrhosis
B. married women are at the highest risk for alcoholism among females
C. alcoholism death rates are lower for women than for men
D. women get addicted faster with less alcohol use than men

D. women get addicted faster with less alcohol use than men

What substance in certain cigarettes numbs the throat to allow for deeper inhalation?
A. carbon monoxide
B. tar
C. menthol
D. nicotine

C. menthol

Which nicotine replacement product requires a prescription?
A. nicotine lozenges
B. nicotine gum
C. nicotine nasal spray
D. nicotine patch

C. nicotine nasal spray

The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome include...
A. passive and calm behavior
B. abnormally large head size
C. Down's Syndrome
D. mental retardation

D. mental retardation

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to global health and alcohol use?
A. Alcohol is a factor in 30 types of diseases and injuries
B. The highest consumption levels can be found in the developing world
C. Almost 4 percent of all deaths worldwide are attributed to alcohol.
D. At the same consumption level, men are more likely than women to develop cancer.

D. Almost 4 percent of all deaths worldwide are attributed to alcohol

Eating food when drinking alcohol...
A. decreases the absorption of nutrients in food
B. speeds up alcohol absorption
C. increases the absorption of nutrients in food
D. slows alcohol absorption

D. slows alcohol absorption

How many American suffer from health disorders caused by Tobacco?
A. 16 million
B. 7 million
C. half a million
D. 2 million

A. 16 million

Risk for developing lung cancer varies among smokers due to all of the following EXCEPT:
A. tolerance to nicotine
B. age of onset of smoking
C. frequency of smoking
D. amount of inhalation of cigarette smoke

A. tolerance to Nicotine

Smokeless tobacco users...
A. rarely "graduate" to cigarette smoking
B. are significantly more likely to develop oral cancers than nonusers.
C. have an easier time quitting than cigarette smokers.
D. generally develop cancer after first use more slowly than smokers.

B. are significantly more likely to develop oral cancers than nonusers.

Bidis are becoming increasingly popular because they are viewed as safer than regular cigarettes. Research shows that bidis...
A. produce 20 percent less tar than cigarettes
B. produce five times less tar than cigarettes
C. produce three times more nicotine than cigarettes
D. decrease the smoker's exposure to carbon monoxide as compared to cigarettes

C. produce three times more nicotine than cigarettes

Which of the following is a TRUE statement?
A. Tobacco is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States
B. Twenty-five percent of all regular smokers die of smoking-related disease
C. Tobacco is known to cause about 20 diseases
D. More deaths are due to illegal drug use than are due to tobacco use

C. Tobacco is known to cause about 20 diseases.

The ratio of alcohol to total blood volume is the...
A. red blood cell volume
B. ethyl alcohol density
C. complete blood count
D. blood alcohol concentration

D. blood alcohol concentration

An NIAAA approach to reducing alcohol consumption on campus is...
A. the Alcohol e-Check Up to Go (e-Chug)
B. efforts to change the perceived frequency of drinking on campus
C. motivational speakers with recovery messages
D. Brief Alcohol Screening and intervention for College Students

D. Brief Alcohol Screening and intervention for College Students

Marketing of tobacco products currently targets all of the following EXCEPT:
A. affluent citizens through community-based events
B. low-income groups through billboards and posters
C. men through ads implying masculinity and ruggedness
D. college students through music festivals and other targeted events

A. affluent citizens through community-based events

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of alcohol poisoning?
A. yellowish tint to the skin
B. inability to be roused
C. irregular breathing patterns
D. weak,rapid pulse

A. yellowish tint to the skin

Which statement BEST summarizes what happens when particulate matter condenses in the lungs?
A. it paralyzes the cilia for up to an hour
B. it forms carbon monoxide
C. it causes delirium tremens
D. it forms tar, which is a thick, brownish sludge.

D. It forms tar, which is a thick, brownish sludge

A driver is "usually impaired" at blood alcohol concentration of...
A. 0.08 % to 0.14%
B. 0.15% to 0.24%
C. 0.05% to 0.07%
D. 0.01% to 0.04%

A. 0.05 to 0.07%

Binge drinking is defined for the typical adult as...
A. 5 or more drinks for both females and males in about two hours.
B. 3 or more drinks for females or 4 or more drinks for males in about two hours.
C. 4 or more drinks for females or 5 or more drinks for males in about two hours.
D. 5 or more drinks for females or 6 or more drinks for males in about tow hours.

C. 4 or more drinks for females or 5 or more drinks for males in about two hours

Factors affecting alcohol absorption include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. the time of day the alcohol is consumed
B. the drinker's weight and body mass
C. the drinker's mood
D. the type of drink

A. the time of day the alcohol is consumed

An addictive drug produced by fermentation is ...
A. acetaldehyde
B. ethyl alcohol
C. congener
D. dehydrogenase

B. ethyl alcohol

The main site of alcohol metabolism is the...
A. colon
B. liver
C. Spleen
D. kidney

B. liver

what is the percentage of alcohol is in 100 proof whiskey?
A. 20 %
B. 50 %
C. 80 %
D. 40 %

B. 50 %

One standard drink equals:
A. 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquid
B. 10 ounces of wine or 1 ounce of 80 proof liquor
C. 16 ounces of beer or wine
D. 6 ounces of malt liquor or 8 ounces of beer

A. 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquid

The toxic chemical byproduct of alcohol metabolism that causes nausea and vomiting is called
A. alcohol dehydrogenase
B. transacetate
C. acetate
D. acetaldehyde

D. acetaldehyde

Which of the following is TRUE about environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)?
A. as of 2016, all workplaces throughout the United States are required to be 100 percent smoke-free.
B. Between 1988 and 2008, detectable levels of nicotine exposure in nonsmokers decreased.
C. Whereas mainstream smoke is the smoke exhaled by smokers, side-stream smoke is the smoke emitted from the end of a burning cigarette.
D. ETS has far fewer carcinogens, tar, and nicotine than mainstream smoke.

B. Between 1988 and 2008, detectable levels of nicotine exposure in nonsmokers decreased.

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What are 3 facts about nicotine?

Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. It's as addictive as heroin and cocaine. It takes only 8 seconds for nicotine to reach the brain. Teens can experience tobacco dependence within a day of first inhaling, including strong urges to smoke, and anxiety or irritability.

What is nicotine health quizlet?

Nicotine. Definition: An addictive drug found in tobacco leaves in all tobacco products.

What are some effects of nicotine quizlet?

the major short-term effects of nicotine are increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and changes in the brain that may lead to addictions.

What is the main function of nicotine?

Nicotine is a stimulant drug that speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and body. It is the main psychoactive ingredient in tobacco products and so this Drug Facts page will focus on the effects of nicotine when consumed by using tobacco.


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