Which should I play first Ground Zeroes or phantom pain?


26 May, 2016 @ 2:16pm 

Ground Zeroes is chronologically before the events of The Phantom Pain.
As for the question, what The Phantom Pain is about:
This game is, well, a stealth based game. You do things. Rescue someone, destroy this, recover that. Great game, really. Almost 300 hours on the clock here.

GZ first of course, you can see it is released first.

Try to watch the trailer first if you want to know what is about. If you familiar with the MG series, MGSV is filling the gaps betwen Big Boss from MG3 & PW to Big Boss in Metal Gear.


26 May, 2016 @ 2:25pm 

GZ first of course, you can see it is released first.

Try to watch the trailer first if you want to know what is about. If you familiar with the MG series, MGSV is filling the gaps betwen Big Boss from MG3 & PW to Big Boss in Metal Gear.

Sorry I don't play the previous title of the franchise, but I do watch it's trailer and it's super awesome.

Originally posted by MeOwl:

GZ first of course, you can see it is released first.

Try to watch the trailer first if you want to know what is about. If you familiar with the MG series, MGSV is filling the gaps betwen Big Boss from MG3 & PW to Big Boss in Metal Gear.

Sorry I don't play the previous title of the franchise, but I do watch it's trailer and it's super awesome.

Me too. BTW before I play TPP, It takes me a week to watch the Metal Gear Movie on youtube. LOL

Ground Zeroes, and if you transfer your save data to The Phantom Pain afterwards (there's an in-game menu option for that, so it's easy), you'll get some additional gear, which is pretty sweet deal.

Ground Zeroes is 2 hours of content to setup why your in a coma.. save yourself the $5 (even on sale) and just watch a youtube summary.

So I just started up Metal Gear Phantom Pain... my first ever Metal Gear. I have played 10 mins so I'm still in the hospital.

I was absolutely blown away by the cutscenes/cinematic i KNOW I will love this game and before continuing I just want to know If I should play Ground Zero before hand? It it a linked story?

I just want the full experience. the price and length of Ground Zero doesn't concern me... I just want to know if it is a prequel or can be ignored

level 1

If you're a fan of Metal Gear's story, play it. MGS V may have the weakest story and narrative of the entire series, but Ground Zeroes absolutely establishes what's happening in MGS V, and the game even circles back to events (and scenes) in Ground Zeroes. You'll miss out on some context if you skip it, but it's also not difficult to infer what's happening regardless.

level 2

You're not the first person to say the story is weak.. what Metal Gear has the best story in your opinion?

level 1

I wouldn't worry too much about the plot when it comes to MGSV. It shines in many aspects, storytelling isn't one of them.

level 1

It is a prequel, but it can also be ignored.

level 1

It's a 30 minute prequel. You can skip it but best to play it.

level 1

Phantom Pain does a better job at easing you in....I played Ground Zeroes first and didn't enjoy it that much, started up Phantom Pain right after and was blown away by how much more fun I had. I would just skip it unless you are a die hard MGS lore person

level 1

You could skip it, if you don't want to buy it. You could prob find it cheap tho. Keep in mind it does set things up, It is a prequel. It was given with PS+ in the past, so if you have it from there, it couldn't hurt to just run through it real quick. It can be completed very quickly if you are just running the plot. If not, you could always consider looking up a plot run on Youtube. It wouldn't be a long video at all to sit through. The ending was actually really good imo. I'd play it. The cinematics from Ground Zero is what brought me to the world of MGS. I hadn't ever looked into the games until I bought GZ on sale for $5, but everything I was seeing blew me away. Hell the series ended up not even being what I had thought it really was all of these years. I immediately pre-ordered Phantom Pain, bought the MG collection on PS3, and grabbed Rising as well. I pretty much fell in love with the series. MG is the one series that taught me more than any other not to judge a book by it's cover. I pretty much regret thinking it was something else than what it really was for all of these years.

level 1

Honestly shocked at the responses in this thread. I would have said you should 100% play MGSV: Ground Zeroes before The Phantom Pain.

It is the prologue to MGSV and, if you haven't played Peace Walker, it will at least give you a starting point from which the characters will develop. Without it, you'll probably be confused as to why characters act certain ways and their importance.

Not to mention that it is probably the best Act in MGSV both in terms of story and gameplay.

Which comes first ground zero or phantom pain?

Ground Zeroes was released on December 18, 2014, while The Phantom Pain was released on Steam on September 1, 2015.

What games should I play before phantom pain?

Play all of the main titles in the series, Peace Walker included. If you do not wish to play through all of them, then at least look into Snake Eater and Peace Walker as they are direct predecessors to The Phantom Pain..
MGSV: Ground Zeroes..
Metal Gear..
Metal Gear 2: SS..

Is Ground Zeroes after phantom pain?

After months of confusion, it was revealed that The Phantom Pain is actually the subtitle of the core Metal Gear Solid V game. It will be set in 1984, and take place nine years after the events of Ground Zeroes.

Can you play phantom pain first?

Honestly, you can play it without the previous as this main character in this one is Big Boss, not Solid Snake. It's confusing to really explain the two, but I do highly suggest getting the previous games and playing them as well.


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