Which treatment is better keratin or cysteine?

Overview | Cysteine hair treatment | Keratin hair treatment | Benefits of Cysteine hair treatment | Benefits of Keratin hair treatment

With the plethora of modern hair treatment options currently available, it is not too challenging to treat your hair related problems. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, using the right hair-care products properly washing your hair can be enough to maintain great hair. In this article, I will tell you about Cysteine and Keratin hair treatments. If you are not aware of them, let me help elaborate on how they work. 

They are helpful if you are wondering what happens if you are not happy with the type of hair you have? The one complaint I hear from many of my patients is the challenges of maintaining curly hair. While wavy, bouncing hair is beautiful, it is true that they can be challenging to manage. While a flat iron can be helpful, we all know that the result is not permanent. So, if you want to straighten your hair for a longer period, it is time to consider the treatment options that offer the ideal solution: Cysteine and Keratin hair therapies. 

What is Cysteine hair treatment?

Cysteine is a type of hair protein, which works with the other proteins already present in the hair. Cysteine releases your hair’s waves and curls to make it straight, and also make the hair softer. The protein also ensures that your hair is not easily damaged by creating a shield around it. Cysteine is naturally absorbent, enabling it to penetrate more effectively, deeply conditioning and nourishing your hair. 

The Cysteine treatment is one of the newest, popular procedures for softening and straightening curly hair. The treatment uses a non-essential amino acid called cysteine complex to turn your curls straight. Apart from this, the treatment also makes your hair shiny and healthier.

What is Keratin hair treatment?

Keratin is the protein that is the building blocks of your hair, nails, and skin. The Keratin hair treatment makes use of a chemical process to straighten curly hair and make it smoother. There are different versions of the treatment. I can help you choose the procedure depending on your hair type and goals. 

The treatment involves injecting keratin into your hair follicle. As it is the protein that is responsible for making up the substance of your hair, it is a naturally healthy solution. With this treatment, you can say goodbye to curly hair and hello to smooth and straight locks. 

What is the procedure for Cysteine hair treatment?

The procedure starts by a thorough cleaning of your hair, which is vital for better Cysteine penetration. Then the cysteine complex will be applied on your hair. All of your hair will be properly covered with it, except for the roots. This is because cysteine in the hair roots can lead to hair fall. After the application, a plastic wrap will be used to cover the hair, and it will be left on for 45 minutes.

Once the cysteine complex is well set, heat will be applied to your hair to activate it. The hair is flat-ironed and blow-dried to straighten it and make it appear smooth. Shampoo and conditioner will be used for extra nourishment, ensuring that the hair looks healthy. After the hair dries, it will not only become straight but will also appear silky and shiny. 

What are the benefits of Cysteine hair treatment?

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, having hair problems is common and they may vary depending on your age, hair type, and any health condition you may have. However, that does not mean you cannot get the hair you desire. The Cysteine hair treatment offers many benefits, such as:

  • A natural straight-hair look
  • A gentler procedure compared to other similar procedures
  • No use of formaldehydes or its substitutes like most other hair straightening treatments
  • A safe procedure for everyone, even if you are pregnant
  • No permanent changes to the natural structure of your hair
  • Ensuring that your hair becomes smooth, soft, strong, and shiny
  • Ensuring that the new hair that grows after the treatment effects fade is not very wavy or curly either

What are the limitations of Cysteine hair treatment?

Like every other treatment for hair straightening, Cysteine hair treatment has some limitations. Firstly, after the treatment, your hair will require regular maintenance, or else the effects may fade away. Also, the end result is not permanent. You will have to opt for another session after around five months. Cysteine hair treatment can also be a little expensive compared to some other options.

What is the procedure for Keratin hair treatment?

The first step of the Keratin hair treatment is the washing of your hair, which will be done thoroughly. Depending on the type of hair and goals you have, the Keratin formula will be applied directly on the wet hair; or the hair will be blow-dried first before the formula is applied. 

In case of the first option, you will have to wait for about thirty minutes after the application before the next step, which is flat-ironing. Flat-ironing is done to ensure that the Keratin hair treatment sets well.   

What are the benefits of Keratin hair treatment?

The Keratin hair treatment has many benefits that help straighten your wavy and curly hair. It also offers added benefits like:

  • Smoothens your hair
  • Makes your hair appear thicker, which can helpful if your hair is thinning. According to Harvard Health Publishing, it can happen due to many causes such as certain medical conditions, stress tight hairstyles, medication side effect, and more
  • Fills in the gaps between the hair proteins of every hair strand
  • Ensures that your hair becomes more manageable after successful treatment
  • Makes your hair look straighter and beautifully glossy

However, it is important to understand that the end result might be different for each person. The outcome depends on multiple factors such as the health, thickness, texture, and type of hair. It also depends on which type of Keratin hair treatment is used for your requirements.

What are the limitations of Keratin hair treatment?

The Keratin that is used for the treatment is generally collected from animals, post which certain other ingredients are mixed into it to create the final product. Some of these ingredients, such as formaldehyde, may reportedly have some side effects. However, the Keratin hair treatment is not known to cause any harm, and any long-term side effect has not been reported. 

However, the treatment does have a few limitations. They include:

  • You need to take special care after the treatment, which consists of using special hair care products including shampoo and conditioner
  • You may lose the volume and bounciness of your hair once it is straightened
  • You cannot wash the hair for a few days after the treatment
  • Your hair can become oily soon as it will lose its frizz
  • The effect of the treatment might subside within five months and can be a little expensive
  • If the treatment formula contains formaldehyde, that may cause skin irritation, nausea, and eye irritation

Should you choose Cysteine hair treatment or Keratin hair treatment?

Many people are often confused when it comes to choosing between the two hair-straightening and shining treatments. Deciding between Cysteine and Keratin hair treatment can be tricky because they are similar in terms of procedure and final result.

However, there are a few factors about Cysteine hair treatment that can make the case for it:

  • It does not use any harmful chemicals, making the treatment safer for everyone, especially pregnant women
  • It is gentler in term of application when compared to other treatment procedures, including Keratin hair treatment
  • It does not use formaldehyde, which may cause some side effects as I have already mentioned above
  • It is a completely safe procedure. Even kids over the age of 12 can get the Cysteine hair treatment without worrying about any serious side effect
  • Even though the Cysteine hair treatment does not offer permanent result, it wears off easily. That means your hair will not look messy or unhealthy when the treatment’s effects start to fade

Depending on your hair condition and type, I will suggest which treatment is more suitable for your needs. The result may vary from person to person, but both treatments ensure that you do not have to worry about managing curly hair for some time.

Closing thoughts

While curly and wavy hair certainly looks beautiful, they can be hard to maintain and manage regularly. If you want to straighten your hair effectively while also gaining some shine and smoothness, Cysteine and Keratin hair treatments can definitely help. I have many patients who come to me for advice regarding which option is superior. I offer one word of caution: if you are suffering from active hair fall, it is safer to treat it with supplements and sprays, and give it four to six months for the condition to improve before performing any straightening treatment. 


  1. American Academy of Dermatology: //www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/hair-scalp-care/hair/healthy-hair-tips
  2. Johns Hopkins Medicine: //www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/hair-problems
  3. Harvard Health Publishing: //www.health.harvard.edu/blog/thinning-hair-in-women-why-it-happens-and-what-helps-2020032719267

What is the difference between keratin and cysteine?

The key difference between keratin and cysteine treatment is that keratin has harsh chemicals like formaldehyde, whereas cysteine is free from them. Since cysteine treatment does not use formaldehyde, it is safer even for pregnant women and children above 12 years. But, it is more expensive, and its longevity is less.

Does cysteine treatment damage hair?

No, in fact, it aids hair growth. Cysteine is a kind of protein that is essential for hair's health. It is advisable to not get repetitive cysteine, keratin or straightening treatments. But they cause less harm than repeated blow-drying, curling, ironing and using chemicals on the hair.

How long does cysteine hair treatment last?

However, Cysteine results will stay in place for up to six months, giving it a leg up over other short-term keratin treatments.

Which hair treatment is better?

Keratin treatments have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and with good reason. They are one of the safer hair straightening techniques out there. Keratin is a natural protein that is already found in our hair, however as protein content decreases with age and a poor diet, so do keratin levels.


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