Which undefined term is used to defined an angle?

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Melissa R.

asked • 01/09/18

I need help with this qustion from edgenuity. Id appreciate if someone helped me I need to pass this course in order to graduate. And i am behind


1 Expert Answer

angle   ∠

line      <--------------->  (2 arrowheads)


plane     /                 /

/                 /      (parallelogram)


point   .

ray    ------------->   (1 arrowhead)

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Which undefined term is used to define an angle quizlet?

Which undefined term is used to define an angle? point.

What is used to define an angle?

What is Angle? An angle is formed when two straight lines or rays meet at a common endpoint. The common point of contact is called the vertex of an angle. The word angle comes from a Latin word named 'angulus,' meaning “corner.”

What can be defined using undefined terms?

In Geometry, we have several undefined terms: point, line and plane. From these three undefined terms, all other terms in Geometry can be defined. In Geometry, we define a point as a location and no size.

Which undefined term is used to define the term parallel lines?

Answer and Explanation: The undefined terms needed to define parallel lines are 'lines' and 'points. ' In geometry, there are three undefined terms: points, lines, and planes.


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