White kitchen cabinets with blue pearl granite countertops

Blue Pearl Granite – Pearlescence Elevates a Dark Backdrop

Blue Pearl granite is a prime example of this principle in play, thanks to a black-to-dark gray background punctuated by a coarse, densely packed pattern of shimmering feldspar crystals. When light hits the surface, you’ll enjoy dancing patterns of glittering blue and silver along the length of your countertop, creating a truly breathtaking display.

Despite the delicate, ethereal beauty of this natural stone, you’ll find that granite is a terrific option for high-traffic areas, like the kitchen or bathroom. This strong, durable stone ranks at 6 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, which means it can effortlessly stand up to daily wear and tear. If you have a busy household that’s full of kids and pets, or you simply like to cook and entertain frequently, granite is one of the best choices for kitchen countertops.

This tough stone is resistant to heat, staining, scratching, etching, chipping, and cracking. With proper sealing, it could literally last a lifetime, especially when you choose a versatile option like Blue Pearl.

This dark, lovely design will look stunning in an otherwise white kitchen, where the inky background can offer outstanding contrast against white cabinetry and backsplash materials. The silvery-blue highlights will pair perfectly with stainless steel appliances.

If you like the look of dark lower and light upper cabinets, Blue Pearl granite will also look magnificent atop pale to medium gray or even trendy blue lower cabinetry.

Because Blue Pearl Granite offers a juxtaposition of a dark background stippled by bright flashes of sparkling feldspar crystals, you can also pair it with rich, earthy wood tones.

It may not go great with pale or honeyed wood tones (skip the golden oak), but it will elevate chestnut, mahogany, walnut, espresso, or ebony cabinets. If you’re interested in something a little more unique, try pairing it with deep, red-tinged, cherry wood cabinetry.

The cool nature of the stone practically demands chrome or brushed nickel fixtures, but you could also opt for antique bronze if you want faucets and other hardware to blend in, rather than standing out. Gold hardware may be on-trend, but it’s not likely to look cohesive with this particular granite.

Once you’ve completed your interior design and installed your new countertops, you’ll find that granite is exceedingly easy to care for. Daily cleaning is as simple as wiping countertop surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. You can attack greasy build-up with a simple solution of mild cleanser (like dish soap) and warm water.

Just make sure to rinse the surface thoroughly and dry with a microfiber cloth to preserve the high shine of your counter. You’ll also want to reseal regularly to prevent damage and keep your countertops looking pristine.

Are you ready to pick the perfect slab of Blue Pearl granite for your home renovation project? Contact the experts at Academy Marble & Granite today to schedule a consultation or stop by one of our conveniently located showrooms in Bethel, CT or Rye, NY.

Back to All Color Samples

What level is blue pearl granite?

Level 4 Granite - Blue Pearl.

What is the most popular color countertop with white cabinets?

It is popular to have white cabinets with a bright and striking countertop, usually slate gray, stone, or quartz.

What color is blue pearl granite?

Blue Pearl Granite from Norway is a Blue, Gray, Black colored slab with a polished, leathered or honed finish. It's a durable granite recommended for kitchen counters or bathroom countertops.

What color countertops go with white cabinets in kitchen?

Bright but warm shades of reds, orange, yellow, and green pair well with warm white cabinets. For countertop choices, consider going for the rustic look, or keep it traditional with luxurious granite countertops.


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