Who do you believe show reddit episode 7

I'm on Chaz's side on this one. Marc clearly cut the cable lines and sicked his dogs on the cable guy. The cable guy would have no reason to lie about it. As for the trash the neighbor said he was kicking it around, it honestly probably wasn't the brother but he definitely knew who did it. I don't think Chaz would just take out his gun and shoot Marc dead, but I don't think he has as much remorse as he said he does.

The neighbor really bothered me though. Obviously she going to be on Marc's side because she's stayed in the neighborhood and was friends with him, but she doesn't speak definitively about the shooting. All she says was "it didn't look like self defense." Well what did you see? Was there any scuffle? Did he just take the gun out and shoot him? I didn't really see why she was on here.

Surface should've just been called "Sophie Makes The Worst Decisions" because that's all this show is, this woman making bad decision after bad decision. It's getting painful at this point. Yes, I know she's an amnesiac. Doesn't make it less painful.

If Bader had the footage that she jumped, then he knew James didn't do it and was trying to set dude up anyway just so she'd run away with him after knowing she had zero intention of doing so originally. Pretty clear from the video that she just wanted him for sex/entertainment. She was right on the one point—he was taking advantage of the amnesia to suit his ends just like James and everyone else.

This is a mess. I'm glad the finale is next week, because it's got me both stressed and frustrated, this show. I mean, now that we know she wasn't pushed, what's left to really uncover? Just Tess's past at this point.

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Welcome to the r/asoiaf rewatch discussion series! Today's episode is Season 1, Episode 7 "You Win or You Die."

Directed By: Daniel Minahan

Written By: David Benioff & D.B. Weiss

Release Date: May 29, 2011

HBO Plot Summary: Explaining that the future of the Lannisters is at stake, Tywin presses Jaime to “be the man you were meant to be” as they prepare for battle. Ned confronts Cersei about the secrets that killed Jon Arryn. With the fate of the missing Benjen very much on his mind, Jon takes his Night’s Watch vows, though not with the assignment he coveted. After Ser Jorah saves Daenerys from treachery, an enraged Drogo vows to lead the Dothraki where they’ve never gone before. An injured Robert takes pains to ensure an orderly transition at King’s Landing. via The TV DB

Original /r/asoiaf discussion back from 2011

Because an animal can't consent to euthanasia but a person can. Even in countries that practice legalized euthanasia, the rights of the patient to make informed choices about their body are enshrined in law.

The question isn't so much whether we can put a person out of their suffering, but whether it was appropriate in this instance to deny patients or their nominated next-of-kin that choice.

Emmett Everett was alert and talking on the day he died, and wanted to be rescued.

There were also doctors and nurses who didn't agree with "the blonde nurse" (Gina Isbell). From Five Days at Memorial:

Several nurses familiar with the patients who were injected believed that after they had survived everything so far, there was no reason they couldn't still make it to safety.

"[Dr King] told [Kathleen Fournier] that hastening death was not a doctor's job. He knew the situation was grave and that pretty much everyone, including staff, was miserable. He'd carried the man's body to the chapel before sunrise. But he, unlike Pou, Fournier, and Mulderick, had gone upstairs and visited every patient on the seventh floor to assign a triage category. The remaining patients were hot and uncomfortable, a few might be terminally ill, and it was hard on the staff to care for them and see them like this, but he didn't think they were in the kind of pain that called for sedation, let alone mercy killing.


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