Who said Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Going through life and living it the way you see fit requires mountains of courage and sacrifice. I believe that we are all placed on this planet with a purpose to fulfil. Some of us are here to work in a factory, to teach, to look after others, to sell things, to paint, to write, to fix things etc. And the closer you get to your purpose in life, the more juice you will get from it. In mythology they refer to those who travel through life following their destiny as those who walk “the left hand path.” So what does that mean? For me, it’s about not following everyone else or convention. It’s about finding your passion in life and going in that direction. Most people go through life blindly following everyone else and end up experiencing a life that is half lived. Half lived because it’s following the crowd rather than your own impulses.

And this has nothing to do with your vocational choice. I know plenty of people in the business world who live empty, unfulfilled lives and plenty of people who earn 6-figure incomes who are unhappy with where life is leading them. In short, it’s about everything that you do, think and act upon. It’s about not being afraid to live the life that you want. Just because you make different choices with what you do does not make you wrong. If you want to take up surfing at ninety, then why not do that? If you want to learn how to play a musical instrument at forty, then why not do that? Life has no restrictions. There has never been a better time in history to do exactly what you want to do – everything is on a silver platter. I love seeing people in my school who are over thirty taking up martial arts. Because that is everything I have just written about – in action. People following a voice inside them that says “You know what? I am going to give martial arts a go – I have always wanted to do that.” That’s following your passion and doing things that make sense to you, irrespective of what others may or may not think about it.

So is there a downside to living your passion? No and Yes. No because you a following your heart and its bliss. Yes because it’s not always easy to walk down the left hand path and I will explain what I mean. Chances are that if you are living a life that is different from those around you that it’s hard to get moral support. For some unknown reason people seem to take a lot of joy in knocking people down who are different or living different lives. I think on some level those who knock others are uncomfortable with anyone doing anything outside the norm because it exposes their own personal insecurities about trying new things. So my only advise is to do it anyway. I have a mentor in the USA who lives his life working on the premise that if your not getting criticism from people you’re not trying hard enough. And I think that’s a great way to look at it.

April 22, 2019Adrenalin Martial ArtsPersonal Development, Self Defence, Adrenalin, Karate, Kids Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Warrnambool, MMAComment


Only a fool will blindly follow

Ted ArgyleApril 22, 2019Adrenalin Martial ArtsAdrenalin, Martial Arts, Karate, Warrnambool, MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Personal Development, Self Defence, Kickboxing, Kids Martial Arts, m, Mixed Martial Arts1 Comment


Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude

Ted ArgyleApril 21, 2019Adrenalin Martial ArtsWarrnambool, BJJ, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Personal Development, Self Defence, Kids Martial Arts, Karate, Martial Arts, MMA, Muay Thai, Adrenalin

A post shared on Facebook alleges that New England writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson #TravelInspiration #TravelTuesday

Posted by Pentravel on Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Verdict: False

There is no evidence that Emerson ever penned this phrase. It may be a variation of a line written by poet Muriel Strode.

Fact Check:

Emerson was a philosopher, poet and essayist who featured prominently in the 19th century transcendentalist movement that emphasized intuitive, spiritual thinking over scientific, empirical thinking. He published a sizable body of work during his lifetime, including the well-known essay “Self-Reliance.”

The Daily Caller News Foundation searched a complete collection of his works, as well as his personal letters, for similar or matching phrases. However, the searches turned up no statements resembling the one attributed to Emerson in the Facebook post.

“That quote does not appear in Emerson’s works. It is a false attribution,” confirmed a spokesperson for the Ralph Waldo Emerson Society in an email to TheDCNF.

“It is definitely not an Emerson quotation, although it is attributed to him all over the Internet,” Jeffrey Cramer, editor of “The Portable Emerson,” said via email to TheDCNF. “I haven’t been able to track down its origin.”

Quote Investigator, a website dedicated to researching the sources of quotations, traced a variation of the phrase back to the 1903 poem “Wind-Wafted Wild Flowers,” written by Strode. The opening line of the poem reads as follows: “I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.”

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Who said do not go where the path may lead Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail meaning?

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Many people quote Robert Frost's poem of the “Road Not Taken” where two roads diverge, and you take the one less traveled.

What is Ralph Waldo Emerson's most famous quote?

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Do not go where the path may lead Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail paragraph?

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Going through life and living it the way you see fit requires mountains of courage and sacrifice. I believe that we are all placed on this planet with a purpose to fulfil.

Do not follow where?

Go Instead Where There is no Path and Leave a Trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson Vinyl Wall Art Inspirational Quotes Decal Sticker.


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