Why are the Inquisitors called Sisters?

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Asked 5 months ago

Viewed 194 times

There are a few Sith Inquisitors introduced in the TV show Obi-Wan Kenobi, two of whom are named the Third Sister and the Fifth Brother. During a verbal confrontation, the Grand Inquisitor says to the Third Sister:

You are the least of us.

This implies the Third Sister is ranked lower than the Grand Inquisitor and the Fifth Brother.

Is there any explanation regarding how the Inquisitors are named? Isn't it logical for the Third Sister to be more senior than the Fifth Brother?

  • character
  • star-wars
  • obi-wan-kenobi


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asked May 27 at 14:48

Yu ZhangYu Zhang

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  • The Third Sister is ranked lower than the Grand Inquisitor. He's called the Grand Inquisitor for a reason. I see your point about her and the Fifth Brother, though.

    May 27 at 14:57

  • They sometimes actually have "other" names too. For instance The Third Sister is also named "Reva" and out of universe she is named for Revan from the old EU. The Second sister was formerly Trilla Suduri as many of the Inquistors are "turned" (often tortured) Jedi...As for ranking, I don't think the heirarchy is established, except that TGI is at the top of the Inquisitor food chain. He was once a Temple Guard in the Jedi Order (per Rebels) and Temple Guard are meant to anonomous, hence his name.former name is unknown.

    May 27 at 17:51

  • I would also like to point out that at least in terms of Sidious' methods of creating dark side apprentices and/or acolytes, his methods are usually about making people suffer greatly and pitting his prospects against each other to get the "best" one. It might be possible that these words are more about following suit with Sidious' methods by "degrading" the Third Sister to make her stronger with the dark side, than it is about her true status. However, it's also possible that TGI may feel jealous/threatened by her, because perhaps she has force abilities they do not...

    May 27 at 18:03

  • I assume the number is more likely an indicator of the order they became Inquisitors. If it was a rank, it should change once a higher-numbered Inquisitor dies, but there has been no indication of this.

    May 29 at 18:00

  • Having just watched Part 2, it seems clear to me that when the Grand Inquisitor calls the Third Sister "the least of us", he's referring to her social standing before joining the Inquisitorius, not her actual rank within the organisation itself.

    May 31 at 12:37

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Why is the inquisitor called Third Sister?

Though they are trained in the dark side by Darth Vader, Inquisitors are not Sith and are not bestowed with the title “Darth.” Instead, they're given the titles “Brother” or “Sister”—which sounds like a callback to the real-life Spanish Inquisition—and then numbered in the order in which they were inducted.

How many Sister Inquisitors are there?

Aside from the Grand Inquisitor, all of Star Wars' Inquisitors are titled “Sister” or “Brother” alongside a number, making their count easy to track. And we only know of 12 Inquisitors so far, so that number tracks.

How do the Inquisitors get their names?

Lesser Inquisitors were given the title of Brother or Sister and a number. Some Inquisitors included the Second Sister, Third Brother, Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, Seventh Sister, Eighth Brother, Ninth Sister, and Tenth Brother.

Is the Seventh Sister an Inquisitor?

The Seventh Sister Unmasked - Star Wars Rebels Sarah Michelle Gellar embraces the dark side in her new role as the Seventh Sister, a Jedi-hunting Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels.


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