Why did bobby conway leave life fellowship

Bobby Conway is lead pastor of Life Fellowship Church near Charlotte, NC. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM) and Southern Evangelical Seminary (DMin) and the author of "Hell, Rob Bell, and What Happens When People Die?" Bobby is also the founder and host of the One-Minute Apologist (www.oneminuteapologist.com). In addition, he and his wife, Heather, serve on the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember® marriage conference speaking team.

In short, I grew up in the land of fruit and nuts. That’s right, you guessed it. California! I wish I could give you a list of all my great credentials growing up. Unfortunately, I can’t. I earned a summa cum laude in sin. If I had to give you a list of words to describe me before becoming a Christian it would look something like this: insecure, angry, confused, uneducated, promiscuous, boozer, addictive, foolish, rebellious, and a decent baseball player. Obviously, this is a recipe for disaster. While living in Southern California at the age of nineteen my college baseball teammate took me to hear an evangelist by the name of Greg Laurie. I resonated with Greg—a recovering pothead, laid back, and a blue jean-wearing Bible-teaching evangelist. His message resonated and soon afterward I was following Jesus. After becoming a Christian and getting my life cleaned up, I developed such a passion for God that I couldn’t imagine doing anything but full-time ministry. I hung up the cleats and headed off to Conway, Arkansas where I would eventually go to Bible College. During my time there I served as a staff evangelist and a teaching pastor. With a desire to be further equipped for ministry, I went to Dallas Theological Seminary where I earned my Masters of Theology. I also have a Doctorate of Ministry in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary and I’m currently wrapping up a Ph.D. at the University of Birmingham (England) in the Philosophy of Religion department where I’m studying under David Cheetham and Yujin Nagasawa. Since 1996, I’ve been married to my bride Heather, and together we have two children, Dawson and Haley, both empty nested. My wife and I enjoyed speaking on Family Life’s Weekend to Remember national speaking team for nearly ten years and serving as Lead Pastor of Life Fellowship (a church we started) for almost fifteen years at Life Fellowship Church in the suburbs of Charlotte, North Carolina. I now spend my time in Southern California teaching courses at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, while also working at The One Minute Apologist. My hobbies include date nights with my bride, family time with my kids, traveling, and reading lots of nerdy books!

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Don’t Apologize For Apologetics - Dr. Bobby Conway

The double-doctorate holding Bobby Conway comes from very humble beginnings as a non-academic teenager in California who was decent at baseball. One day, a teammate took him to hear a bible study where he heard a message from Greg Laurie. After giving his life to Christ, Bobby developed such a fervent passion to share  the gospel that he couldn’t imagine doing anything else than preaching the Gospel.

He went to Conway, Arkansas, and attended bible college. Never considering himself an academic (Bobby mentions failing the ASVAB), he has gone on to earn a Masters and two Doctorates. Bobby gave his first sermon as a part of his undergraduate studies and studied so hard he memorized it by accident. The first time preaching in the “wild” was outdoor on a park bench with no one listening. Bobby is driven by such an intense passion to spread the Gospel that his first love is for evangelistic ministry. His next preaching gig was at an old folks home. There he was able to share worship hymns and preach the Gospel to the residents. Recalling those early days, if he could do nothing else, Bobby would be right back at the old folks home. Bobby’s passion for evangelism drove his love for apologetics. Preaching to skeptics or the unsaved required that he be able to answer tough questions. For this reason, he believes it’s essential to include the tough passages in your sermons. He also cautions not to get too lost in the weeds. As a tour guide for your congregation, it’s essential to keep their attention. It’s a tricky balance but one that he constantly works to improve upon.

This is a great conversation that covers so many topics and it’s a real pleasure to hear Bobby speak with such passion for the lost. Bobby is also an author, speaker and regular contributor on many podcasts and radio shows.

Bobby is co-host of the nationally syndicated radio program, The Pastor’s Perspective, and the radio show Unapologetic. He’s the founder and host of One Minute Apologist—a YouTube ministry that provides credible answers to curious questions and the founding lead pastor of Image Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He earned his Master of Theology (ThM) from Dallas Theological Seminary, his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary, and his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Birmingham in England. He is also the author of several books, including: Hell, Rob Bell and What Happens When People Die, The Fifth Gospel, Doubting Toward Faith, and Does God Exist and 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible. Bobby and Heather have been married since 1996 and have two grown children: Haley and Dawson. For more information on Bobby’s ministry visit www.oneminuteapologist.com.

Further resources:

The One Minute Apologist: //oneminuteapologist.com/

Doubting Toward Faith: The Journey to Confident Christianity:


The Fifth Gospel:


Hell, Rob Bell, and What Happens When People Die:


Does God Exist?: And 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible:


Moody Audio: //moodyaudio.com/person/bobby-conway

Recommended Episodes: 

Preaching Evangelistic Sermons:  //www.expositorscollective.com/podcast/2020/4/17/episode-102-transparency-vulnerability-amp-the-pulpit


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