Why does my forearm hurt after Brachioplasty?

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There are currently 12 Arm Lift + Forearms questions and doctor answers on RealSelf.

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What can I do about numb forearm after arm lift?

I had an arm lift two weeks ago. I went in to the doctor two days after the procedure. That morning my forearm started to hurt. After they removed my ace bandages my pain increased. I had this pain for 10 hours before it went away. Now the outside and bottom of my arm feel numb. When I set my arm on anything it feels weird and fat. There is also tingling near my wrist. If I stretch my arm or lift it I feel tingles into my forearm. My armpit is really tight. What can I do?


Have a question about Arm Lift?

Need help for saggy skin on inner elbows and forearm? Age 50 really fit and slim. (photos)

Age 50 really fit and slim. Saggy skin started after 20lb weight loss 3 years ago. Looks worse when bending arm and twisting. Eat a clean mostly keto diet. Have had sun in my life yes. Not in menopause. What to do?


Swelling in the forearms after brachioplasty. Incorrect compression garment?

I had a Brachioplasty 2 weeks ago. I have been wearing a compression garment that had 3/4 sleeves that my doctor ordered for me. I still have pretty significant welling in my forearms, seeming to start right where the compression sleeve ends. Do I need a compression sleeve that goes all the way to the wrist? Will that help the swelling in the forearms?


What is the best treatment for laxed and wrinkled skin on forearms?

My skin on forearms is just starting to show aging.


Can a forearm lift be performed?

I am 45 with loose skin on the forearms and I am so confused. I have seen 4 plastic surgeons 2 tell me that there is nothing that can be done because of the nerves in my forearms, but the other 2 says they can do it. The 2 surgeons that told me it can't be done said that they would consider it malpractice. Can it be done without it messing up my hands? They said that it would mess up the nerves and I wouldn't be able to use my hands. Need the truth please!!


1 month post-op: Right forearm SEVERE pain, numbness, worse on extension, surgeon acts puzzled, says is phlebitis?

Severe pain and swelling in right forearm, called superficial phlebitis by surgeon, NOT resolving since May 11. 2017. Milder case on left arm.I am terrified this will be permanent in my right arm and I will have this pain and disfigurement of a swollen forearm when goal was arm reduction. Plus my forearms were always slender! My upper arm incision on right feels very tight, forearm always hurts, worse with any activity. Surgeon recommend no compression, still has not. I am afraid of permanence !


Can full brachio fix saggy wrinkled skin extending past elbow into forearms? Are skin tightening &brachio ever combined?

Since last fall my arm skin became VERY lax. 53 yrs, F, near menopause. No major weight loss/not heavy. Lifting weights 6+ mos 3x a week & now there's SOLID muscle tone from bicep thru forearm. I'm consulting w/PS's & know full brachio is best, but how well that will that fix sagging inner elbow that impacts forearm? See last 2 pics, if arm is slightly bent & I press on skin, or turn arm sideways, there is major laxity/wrinkling from inner elbow downward. Will brachio ending at elbow fix it?


A sharp nerve type pain in my left forearm after brachioplasty.

I had brachioplasty 9 days ago and am experiencing a sharp nerve type pain in my left forearm. Also the skin on this arm feels very sensitive. Is this to be expected?


Tightening the Excess Skin Inside the Forearm? (photo)

Is there a surgical procedure to eliminate the saggy skin inside the forearm to the elbow? I had an arm lift one year ago and did not address this problem.


Forearm pain and compression garment (Photo)

Hi, my surgery was 7 weeks ago. My right forearm hurts, I can stretch my arm completely but it hurts when I do.. like it is pulling from the wrist to the elbow (inner part). Also, I bought a compression garment and it feels comfortable on the upper and lower side of arm but in the middle seems to press and it makes this pain worse. Do you think maybe it is too tight? or should I just wear it until I get used to it? Thanks.


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How long are arms sore after brachioplasty?

You may experience soreness, swelling, and some bruising. This should lessen after the first few days. Plan for 1 to 2 weeks of recovery time for an arm lift procedure. It may take the tissues in your arms a few weeks to fully heal.

When can I sleep on my side after brachioplasty?

No, you should avoid sleeping on your side for the first few weeks after an upper Brachioplasty. Always consult your specialised plastic surgeon with any questions and concerns you may have, and make sure to follow any recommendations made by your specialised plastic surgeon strictly.

How long do you have to wear compression sleeves after brachioplasty?

Patients may be asked to wear compression garments for about 3 – 6 weeks to help control side effects, such as bruising or swelling, and allow the arms to heal properly. Patients will want to use pillows to keep the arms elevated, increase circulation, and reduce swelling during the day and at night.

How long does arm lift take to heal?

There is no universal timeline for recovery from an arm lift. Everybody heals at a different rate based on factors such as skin health and overall health. However, in general, the entire recovery process will take around two to three weeks.


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