Why does my game pause when I alt tab?

there is a way actually to bypass this, however, you require windows 8. If you run the game on the desktop and open up a windows 8 app, then it runs on a different window according to the OS. On the desktop, the game will continue to run since it has the "focus" of the desktop window, but you can work in other windows 8 apps while having the game still assuming it has the window focus. Granted, the issue with this method is that you have to have windows 8 and you are limited to windows 8 applications, but other than that, I have been able to work in chrome (in windows 8 mode) while running a game on my desktop (farming, but it needed the focus of the OS to not pause)

23 Aug, 2017 @ 8:25pm

How to stop the game from pausing when alt-tabbing out of it?

I need to multi-task. I'm stuck using the terrible Steam browser and it's just not cutting it. I want to be able to work on other stuff without it stopping the growth of my farm plants. We should be able to access other windows and interact with them without the game pausing. I'd like to multitask email, do some audio and image editing, and various other internet tasks while waiting for my plants to grow. This feature is sorely needed.

I accidentally tricked the game into letting me use my own mozilla browser once by repeatedly tabbing in and out of the steam overlay and browser, but I can't replicate it. Has anyone else figure dout how to do it?

Date Posted: 23 Aug, 2017 @ 8:25pm

Posts: 5

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  • #1

Is there any way to alt tab without the game pausing ? Its kinda annoying, some times it just shows black...and i cant be sure if the stream looks right because i can't see it as its running unless i play in window mode... but the game im playing is a bit dodgy in window mode so i can't use it...

  • #2

If a game is being run in fullscreen mode, it stops rendering when you alt-tab. That's why it freezes. If you don't want it to do that, run the game in Windowed or Borderless mode.


Wow. I like the way you think!

These are the kinds of things "I" think about and want to know when playing. The little things, quirks, how the game functions.

I just tested it out and my results say "YES". It does pause.

I loaded a lot with a sim. The sim was on one side of the lot. I gave them the command "Go Here" to the other side of the lot and unpaused it. I Alt-TAB'd and waited about 20-30 seconds and when I came back, they were still where I left them, still walking.

I play in "Fullscreen mode". I'm wondering now if it's different if you play in Windowed or full-screen?  Testing...

Very interesting!  Turns out, if you play in "Fullscreen" mode, it Pauses the game when you Alt-TAB out. But if you play in "Windowed" mode, it doesn't.



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  1. Boards
  2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  3. How the hell can you alt-tab without pausing the game in the back?

Katarok 9 years ago#1

I want to be able to alt tab like whenever it does those annoying battle cutscenes, but it pauses.

How do I make it not pause?

SpaceAgeSamurai 9 years ago#2

Since that behavior is probably hard-coded into the game, you probably can't.

Can't you just turn the animations off?

When all else fails, read the instructions.

FaPaThY 9 years ago#3

Ya, you can disable them in the options. Or run the game in windowed mode.

Katarok (Topic Creator)9 years ago#4

FaPaThY posted...

Ya, you can disable them in the options. Or run the game in windowed mode.

I'm playing in windowed borderless. It paused whenever I click out to another window..

Katarok (Topic Creator)9 years ago#5

Found it


set to false

  1. Boards
  2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  3. How the hell can you alt-tab without pausing the game in the back?

Why does my game stop when I alt tab?

If you find your game either becomes stuck or crashes when attempting to Alt-Tab/Minimising to Desktop out of the game, please try reinstalling your graphics card drivers.

Why does my stream pause when I alt tab?

This happens because the OS stops rendering the game while you're alt-tabbed out. Same with minimizing windows. You'd need to run the game fullscreen windowed mode for this to work, and not minimize it.

Does alt

Every game run just fine only until alt-tabbing out to the desktop or other applications and when alt-tabbed back, they start to suffer with frame pacing issues like judder, altered input latency and Double buffering Vsync being overridden with Triple buffering, things like that.


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