Why does my neck hurt on right side

is quite a common source of annoyance in many people. Sometimes the pain extends in the shoulder and can make turning your neck a challenge. Fortunately, it usually subsides after a couple of days and should not be a cause for alarm.  

Many factors contribute to the onset of pain in the right side of neck. Let’s take a closer look at some of the possible reasons why right-sided neck pain exists. Then we will go over a natural therapy that can alleviate stiffness and pain on either side of the neck. 

Table of Contents

  • Muscle strain
  • Poor posture
  • Wrong sleeping position
  • Stress
  • Brachial plexus injury
  • Torticollis
  • Degenerative conditions
  • Whiplash
  • Subluxations
  • Getting Rid of Pain in the Right Side of Neck Naturally

Muscle strain

Muscle strain is the leading reason behind pain in the right side of neck. You may strain your neck if you cradle your phone between your head and neck during calls, or when you engage in activities that restrict your head into the same position for prolonged periods, such as driving or using a computer. These movements can weaken your neck muscles. If that happens, your neck joint may become stiff, and you may find it tough to turn your neck. 

Poor posture

Slouching in a chair or hunching over your phone is bad not only for your neck but also your shoulders and spine as it increases pressure on these areas. This results in irritation, strains, and pain. The longer you keep your bad posture, the weaker these body parts turn out. You can reverse these examples of bad posture by sitting straight and holding your phone at an eye level.  

Wrong sleeping position

Sleeping on your stomach and turning your head to the right side all night long can cause pain in the right side of neck. This can be the reason why you wake up with a sore neck in the morning. Also, if you nap sitting up, such as when you’re on transit, you may unknowingly twist your neck in an awkward position. Your pillows and mattress are also essential factors in keeping your neck pain-free. Sleeping with too many pillows can bring neck pain as your neck and head are not in line with your body. Too soft mattress is likewise a problem as it keeps your head and neck out of alignment with the rest of your body. 


Where do people often store their stress? In the neck. Stress and anxiety can tighten the muscles. As a result, people feel pain around their necks and shoulders. Sometimes, the pain and tension even lead to the onset of headaches. If you have been feeling stressed out over a long time, you may also clench your jaw. This can also cause neck tension. 

Brachial plexus injury

A brachial plexus injury occurs when you damage your brachial plexus, a collection of nerves connecting the spine to the arms, shoulders, and hands. It often develops following a contact sports injury or a traumatic accident. 


This is a condition in which the head becomes twisted to one side. Its cause remains a mystery, but some of its potential causes are medication side effects, tumors, and infections. Straightening out your head when you have torticollis can be extremely painful. Torticollis usually strikes overnight, meaning you may experience no symptoms before bedtime but wake up unable to move your neck the next day. The pain often disappears after a couple of days, and you may be able to move your head again. 

Degenerative conditions

Several degenerative disorders associated with the muscles, joints, vertebrae, and other parts of the neck can bring pain in the right side of neck. Some examples are pinched nerves, nerve or joint inflammation, arthritis, cervical fractures, and cervical disc degeneration. People with these disorders may experience persistent, chronic neck pain.


Whiplash is an injury to the neck that occurs when your head jolts forward and then back too quickly, like the crack of a whip. The trauma to the neck leads to sprain and pain. Although known to occur following a car accident, it may also develop after riding a roller coaster or experiencing blunt force during a sports game. 


In other words, misalignments. They may take place due to wear and tear or trauma. When the vertebrae move out of alignment, it irritates the tissues around it. It also causes pinched nerves and other body changes resulting in pain. Most misalignments occur not right away. It may take months or even years before the pain manifests. So, by the time you experience neck pain, it can mean the subluxations have been existing for quite some time. 

Getting Rid of Pain in the Right Side of Neck Naturally

Subluxation is one of the common root causes of pain on either side of the neck. Therefore, neck pain sufferers must know if an upper cervical misalignment is causing their misery. Fortunately, this is precisely what upper cervical chiropractors do. They detect and correct any misalignment existing in the top two bones of the neck. 

Known as the atlas and axis vertebrae, these bones keep the balance of the skull and enable different head movements. It makes perfect sense that soreness and stiffness exist in the neck when it occurs. 

If you feel pain in the right side of neck, you should consider seeing an upper cervical chiropractor near you. Click the button below to choose among our list of upper cervical doctors.

What can cause neck pain on the right side?

Some of the most common causes of pain in the right side of the neck include the following:.
Degeneration or wear and tear. ... .
Bad sleeping position. ... .
Non-specific neck pain. ... .
Stress and anxiety. ... .
Sudden-onset or acute torticollis. ... .
Brachial plexus injury. ... .
Whiplash or a sudden jolt to the neck. ... .
Cervical radiculopathy..

When should I worry about neck pain on one side?

Call your doctor if you have neck pain that: Worsens in spite of self-care. Persists after several weeks of self-care. Radiates down your arms or legs.

How do you fix right neck pain?

Besides taking pain relievers, self-care measures that might relieve neck pain include:.
Alternate heat and cold. Reduce inflammation by applying cold, such as an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel, for up to 15 minutes several times a day during the first 48 hours. ... .
Home exercises. Keeping the neck moving is important..

How do you know if neck pain is serious?

Contact a health care provider if neck pain:.
Is severe..
Persists for several days without relief..
Spreads down arms or legs..
Comes with headache, numbness, weakness or tingling..


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