Why does my Samsung TV keep saying insufficient storage space?

On your Samsung Smart TV, if you receive insufficient storage space on your Samsung TV, you need to remove apps and free up space on Samsung TV or you need to expand internal storage using a USB drive or an external hard drive (hard drive). on your samsung smart tv and you need to clear the memory of samsung tv apps storage space problem (internal storage space). So let's see in detail below.

Insufficient storage space or lack of memory on Samsung Smart TV is the most common problem and you should remove preinstalled apps on Samsung Smart TV and remove unwanted apps and free up space and try to use a hard drive external or flash drive and install applications. on Samsung Smart TV or clear app memory on Samsung TV.

Insufficient storage space on the Samsung smart tv?

When you try to install a new app on Samsung Smart TV and you get an error saying “Insufficient storage space on Samsung TV” and your TV memory is low and to install this application you will need to free up more internal memory or connect an external storage device with enough space and the space required is certain mb to install the application.

Fix Samsung TV Insufficient Storage Space

The methods below will help you fix insufficient storage space when installing apps on Samsung Smart TV.

Remove unwanted apps

The first thing you need to do is remove unwanted apps from Samsung Smart TV that are not in use. So, go ahead and install unwanted or unused apps by going to apps section and remove apps from Samsung Smart TV.

Clear Memory – Cache and Clear Data

You should also clear cache and data for all apps. Sometimes cache and app data also takes up some storage space on Samsung TV and once you clear cache and clear system storage data (internal space), it will clear a little. little and give you free space.

Also read: 1) Fix: Samsung Smart TV Slow Internet

2) How to Install Netflix on Samsung Smart TV

3) How to Clear Cache on Vizio Smart TV

4) How to update Samsung TV software via USB?

5) How to fix Hisense TV out of storage space issue

Insert a USB flash drive or external hard drive

You need to buy a new external hard drive or flash drive (hard drive) and insert it back into your Samsung smart TV.

Step 1: Buy a new External storage device such as a flash drive or an external hard drive.

Step 2: Insert it on the back of your Samsung Smart TV (USB port.

Step 3: Go to Apps section on Samsung smart tv.

Step 4: Now go ahead and install the app on Samsung Smart TV and you won't see insufficient storage space on Samsung Smart TV.

5nd step : When you insert or plug in an external storage device on Samsung Smart TV, when you install apps -> you will be asked to install it to an external hard drive.

Step 6: Now select the external hard drive while installing apps and the app will be successfully installed on your Samsung smart TV.

That's it, this is how you install apps on Samsung Smart TV if you get insufficient storage space error on Samsung TV and extend storage (internal storage space) on Samsung TV.

Factory Reset Samsung Smart TV

You can also try to reset Samsung Smart TV to its default settings as this erases and clears all data from Samsung TV and will restore all settings to default and clear all internal system storage apps and delete all data but if you perform this factory reset you will lose all data.

So, if you are getting insufficient storage space error on Samsung TV, it is recommended to use an external hard drive and use it as internal storage and install apps on Samsung TV.

Samsung users have unlimited access, free of charge, to the Samsung TV app. The app is a free advertisement-supported Smart TV service that users can use to watch the news, entertainment, or sports, at their leisure, any time of the day or night. You only need mobile data or an internet connection to stream hundreds of shows and movies. 

Some customers, such as yourself, have probably gone ahead and purchased Samsung’s latest smart TV for your household. 

What is Samsung’s smart TV? Smart TVs have been on the market for years now, but with the growing popularity of streaming services, such as Netflix, Prime Video, or Hulu users, smart TVs are now more popular than ever!

A smart TV allows you to easily connect to your home’s wifi and stream movies or a television series directly from the TV. Samsung smart TVs can show content in 4k or 8k! 

Users also have the option of downloading files, movies, and television series onto their smart TV for later viewing. You probably stored too many applications or downloads on your smart TV. 

If you are receiving insufficient storage messages on your smart TV and want to resolve the problem, continue reading the article. We have solutions to your problem!

Table of Contents

Why Does My Samsung TV Say Insufficient Storage Space?

Your Samsung TV might be warning you it is short on storage. Samsung smart TVs have a finite amount of storage available, just like any of your other devices – cell phones, tablets, or laptops. 

Samsung TVs, like other smart TVs, come with very little storage – only about 8g. Let us put that into perspective for you. 8g is not a lot.

That amount of storage is significantly less than your tablet, which probably has at least 32 g of internal storage, and far less than your laptop which can exceed 100g of internal storage.

Most users will not be able to download multiple movies and episodes of their favorite series with so little internal space.

Therefore, avid movie and television watchers are running into a problem after they’ve used the TV for a while. There’s far too little internal storage on the smart TV!

What happens once you use up the available internal storage on your device? Once you run out of storage, your Samsung TV will display a warning message.

This notification will prompt you to delete files from the TV and free up some much-needed space on the device.

Why Does My Smart TV Say Not Enough Memory?

Your Samsung TV might display a message that reads “not enough memory” or “not enough storage”. In either case, you have used up the available space on your Samsung TV. 

To resolve the issue, please consider deleting data from the smart TV permanently or relocating it to an external drive. 

Samsung Smart TV Internal Memory Full

You just realized that your smart TV’s internal storage is full. What should you do now? There are a few options you should consider. 

  • Clear the cache
  • Delete unwanted videos or apps
  • Add external storage to your Smart TV
  • Factory reset your smart TV

Delete old content. You probably accumulated a lot of files on your device – old videos and photos that you don’t look at anymore, apps you never open, random downloads, and much more. 

The easiest way to free up internal storage is to review your content on the device and delete the items you no longer want. You could likely free up at least 50% of the used space this way. 

Add external storage. Your Samsung device comes with a limited amount of storage, about 8 g to be exact. Once you use all 8g of storage, you’ll either have to delete something or add additional storage to your smart TV. 

What’s the difference between internal and external storage? The internal storage is the amount that comes with the device.

The external storage is storage that you can buy and add to the device at a later date. External storage devices include flash drives and external hard drives. 

A flash drive is inexpensive and offers 32g of extra storage or more! If you have a laptop you know how valuable a flash drive can be for sharing files or storing files away from your devices for later use. 

A flash drive can be inserted into your Smart TV and function the same way. You can use your flash drive to store apps, videos, and photos to free up internal storage on the TV. Once you transfer the data from the internal storage to the flash drive, your Smart TV should function smoothly again. 

Another solution to your problem is an external hard drive. Your laptop or desktop computer comes with a hard drive when you purchase it from the store. The hard drive is home to all your saved files and data. 

Avid gamers, video producers, and others alike know that occasionally there is not enough space on your computer’s hard drive. This is when the external hard drive comes in handy! 

You can connect your laptop to an external hard drive and double the amount of storage for the device. Your Smart TV operates similarly.

By attaching an external hard drive, you will have more space and not need to delete any of your precious videos or apps from the Smart TV. 

The last option you should consider is resting your smart TV. The factory reset option will wipe out all data that was not already preloaded onto your smart TV. 

When you turn on your smart TV after the factory reset, it will be exactly how it was when you first purchased it. All files and apps will be gone.

If you decide to give factory reset a try, make sure you save any desired files onto a flash drive or external hardship. You will not be able to recover the files if you change your mind later.  

Clear Cache on Samsung TV

What is a cache and why should you delete it? The cache is a temporary storage place for most electronic devices. 

If you have ever needed to delete your browsing history on a computer, you are familiar with the cache.

The cache saves temporary files to make the program run faster and more efficiently. Unfortunately, all those temporary files can take up a lot of space over time. 

Everyone should clear their cache from time to time on all their devices. If you would like to clear your cache;

  • Start your smart TV
  • Click the home button on the remote controller 
  • Find settings
  • Click apps, then system apps
  • Select which apps need to have their cache cleared
  • Press clear cache
  • Finally, press Ok to confirm 

Insert Flash Drive or Hard Disk

You can purchase a flash drive or hard disk from most electronic stores. Flash drives are cost-effective and can double or even triple the amount of storage available to you.

A hard disk is similar to a flash drive, except most hard disks are slightly more expensive due to their file-saving capabilities. 

You can add space to your Samsung smart TV by inserting a flash drive or hard disk. Follow the steps below.

  • Buy your flash drive or hard disk. Note the amount of storage available. We recommend buying flash drives with at least 32g of storage.
  • You will be able to save several files on a drive that size.
  • Insert your external hard drive or flash drive into the back of the TV. There will be a port for the connection. 
  • Next time you download an app or file, save it to the external drive.

Use a Memory stick

A memory stick is the same as a flash drive. You can greatly increase the amount of space on your smart TV by inserting a memory stick into the port found at the back.

Follow these steps to add more space to your smart TV.

  • Buy a memory stick. The more gigabytes you buy, the more files you can save later! Aim for at least 32 g or more. 
  • Insert the stick into the back of the television. 
  • The next time you need to download a file, verify that it has been saved to the correct location. We recommend renaming your memory stick, so you do not confuse it with the smart TV’s internal storage. 
  • When you run out of space on your memory stick, take it out. Buy a new one. 

You may also want to consider transferring your files from the smart TV to your memory stick for safekeeping. 

You can never be sure when you will lose access to your data, so we always recommend backing up your files by saving them to more than one location. 

Reset Samsung TV

If you’re Samsung Tv is updated to the latest version of firmware but there is insufficient storage space then this is because your software still has old data and storage still stored in it.

One of the best ways of fixing this problem is to perform a factory reset on your Samsung TV. A reset will wipe all of the data that has been stored on that TV.

So all of the unsaved downloads that you have stored on your tv will be wiped when you reset your device. Other information like wifi passwords will also be wiped so you will have to keep this in mind.

All other things like apps will be deleted so you have to make sure that it is an important decision. One way to avoid all of this is to backup your Samsung tv as this will save all the data that is currently on there.

Once you have created a backup of your tv you will need to go into the Home section of your tv and then go into Settings. Once you’re in Settings you should click on General and then select Reset.

You will now be asked for a default reset pin which is always then click on Reset and tap on ok. Now follow the instructions that will be displayed on your screen to complete the reset.

Once you have completed the reset check if your television is still saying or showing insufficient storage. If so, look at my final thoughts.

Delete Unwanted Apps

The last thing you will want to do is to delete unwanted apps that you don’t use on your tv. These could be apps that you have downloaded that you haven’t used in a few weeks or months.

For example, these could be apps like Netflix and Spotify as these two apps take up the most storage on most devices.

You can choose to just clear the cache of these apps instead of deleting them but I would suggest deleting them. Here’s a good guide by Samsung on how to delete these apps.

Once you have deleted these apps this should have cleared some storage and fixed the insufficient storage problem.

If you still have this problem and have gone through the troubleshooting steps then look at my final thoughts.

Restart TV

If your TV hasn’t been turned off in a while then it may be causing software issues. When a TV hasn’t had time to reset or reboot, the constant running of said TV may cause it to malfunction.

This is very unlikely to happen but if you have noticed that your Samsung TV hasn’t been off in a while then this could be a reason why you may be seeing insufficient storage on your screen.

The best thing you can do is to turn it off for a few hours and then turn it back on. If your tv is usually off overnight then you can go onto the next solution as this means it has day-to-day downtime.

But if your TV is constantly running then leave it off for a day or so. Once you have left it off turn it back on and see if the issue is persisting.

To turn off a TV you can use the buttons on the actual tv. If your TV is a smart one then you can navigate the off button using the touch screen. You can always use the smart hub or just your remote.

Update Firmware

If your Samsung Tv still says insufficient storage and none of these solutions are working then it might be time to update the firmware on your on it as it may be outdated.

This mainly applies to smart TVs only and not normal Tvs but if your television does have this option then go for it as you will not be able to do this on all types of Samsung TVs.

If you don’t know what firmware is then that isn’t a problem. Firmware is the bridge between software and hardware. Firmware is what connects your Samsung Tv to Samsungs internal software.

For example, the firmware is what will connect your tv with the internal software. Updating it may patch up the problems that are causing the insufficient storage issue as old software generally uses up more space.

These types of updates also contain graphic drive updates. So you won’t have to worry about any random display issues. To perform this type of update read the steps down below.

Grab your tv remote and click on the Home section. Remember that these settings will be different depending on your tv.

Once you’re here go to Settings and click on the Support option or whichever option is similar on your tv as this mainly applies to certain TVs.

Tap on Software Update then click on Update Now. Once you have done this the update file should begin to download.

Follow the instructions on your screen to install the actual update and see if you’re still seeing insufficient storage.

samsung tv not enough memory for HBO max

Finally Thoughts

Your smart TV is a powerful gadget that allows for the streaming of multiple services in the comfort of your own home.

Smart TVs are sold with very little storage available. It’s up to the Samsung smart TV owner to purchase more storage when he runs out. 

Not a fan of flash drives or external hard drives? The space on your smart TV’s internal drive should be enough for users who are careful to delete unwanted files, mindful of how many apps they use, or infrequent users of their smart TV. 

If you want to have ample space on your smart TV without needing an external drive, clear your cache frequently and delete any applications you no longer want. 

If you follow these simple steps, you should be back to enjoying your Samsung TV in no time! If this is not the case then you can always contact Samsung or call in a technician but it won’t be cheap.



Dozie Ejizu

Dozie is the founder of Vergizmo.com, with 10+ years of experience in Social Media and consumer tech devices. Dozie has written hundreds of articles with tried and tested methods to provide you with up-to-date information.

How do I fix insufficient storage on my Samsung Smart TV?

About The Samsung TV Insufficient Storage Space Issue. Solution 1: Clear Unnecessary Apps and Cache. Solution 2: Insert Flash Drive or External Hard Disk. Solution 3: Factory Reset Samsung TV.

How do I clear storage space on my Samsung Smart TV?

Clear Cache and App Data of Your Samsung TV.
Tap the 'Home' button on your remote..
Open 'Settings' and choose the 'Support' tab..
Click on 'Device Care' and open the 'Manage Storage' tab..
Hover over an app and click on the 'View Details' menu..
Select 'Clear Cache'..
Choose 'Clear Data'..
Confirm and Close..

Why is my Samsung TV saying storage full?

Go to settings > apps > System apps and that point, select apps and start clearing the cache from the apps. This should free up space for you. Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

How do I deal with storage space running out on my Samsung?

Close apps that don't respond. Android manages the memory that apps use. You don't usually need to close apps. ... .
Uninstall apps you don't use. If you uninstall an app and need it later, you can download it again. ... .
Clear the app's cache & data. You can usually clear an app's cache and data through your phone's Settings app..


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