Why does my vinyl keep coming off?

Wondering why your heat transfer vinyl is not sticking?

Maybe you thought that it adhered properly, but after a few washes, you noticed the heat transfer vinyl peeling off.

Or maybe you could tell that your HTV was barely sticking after the press, so you weren't all that surprised to notice the heat transfer vinyl peeling off the shirt – but you really wish you understood what went wrong!?

Today we share the 7 most common reasons why your HTV did not adhere properly to your fabric so that you can learn how to prevent vinyl from peeling off shirts.

How to Keep Vinyl from Peeling Off Shirts

First of all, it is essential to know that it is pretty normal to have a heat press project go wrong (espesially if you are still a beginner). It happens to everybody, and these mistakes allow us to learn and improve.

So if you can't figure out why your heat transfer vinyl won't stick, we are here to help you learn more about the most common issues when it comes to applying your vinyl.

And while you are at it, make sure to read our post on how to ensure that your iron-on vinyl will last for longer.

Here are seven tips on how to prevent heat transfer vinyl from peeling:

1. Make Sure The Vinyl Will Work on Your Fabric Type

Did you know that it is vital to match your type of vinyl to the correct type of fabric?

So first of all, check the tag on your shirt to see what the shirt is made of.

Next, use our list below to see if you used the correct type of vinyl for your shirt.

Tip: You might like to do a tester on the shirt before you get into it because not all garments are created equal.

  • Nylon: Most crafters love working with Nylon shirts, which means that you need to purchase heat transfer vinyl for Nylon, and not all HTV will work well with Nylon. Look at Siser P.S. Film Extra – EasyWeed Extra or Siser Extrareflex.
  • Spandex: If you are working with Spandex, you should work with vinyl that loves sticking to Spandex. Try Siser P.S. Stretch – EasyWeed Stretch.
  • Other Types: For shirts made from cotton, poly, cotton/poly blends, and more, the safest choice is Siser Easyweed. Siser Easyweed is popular, and it is a great quality vinyl. Click here to grab some Siser Easyweed vinyl.

You might also like to hop over to our guide on the best heat transfer vinyl for shirts. The brands listed on that post have all been tested and work brilliantly on T-shirt fabric.

2. Make Sure to Follow the Instructions

All vinyl comes with instructions (sometimes, you need to do a quick Google search to find them). Follow them for the best results. It is crucial to get the time, temperature, and pressure settings correct, if you do not want your HTV to peel off soon.

This is why we prefer to use a heat press machine instead of an iron because then you can set and control each of these settings. With an iron it can be tricky to apply the correct temperature and the correct pressure.

If in doubt I suggest you increase the time a bit and increase your temp slightly.

3. Don't Adhere Vinyl to Zips, Buttons, Collars and Thick Seams

Have a good think about your vinyl transfer placement. Areas that are raised can cause more headaches than what it is worth!

You will lose a lot of pressure over areas that are raised, which will result in some vinyl adhering properly whilst other sections might still be a bit loose.

Fortunately, you can use a heat pillow if you are really set on the idea of adhering your design over raised areas. 

But if you are a beginner, we highly recommend that you keep things simple and just try to avoid these areas for now.

Click here if you want to grab a heat transfer pillow.

4. Does the Fabric Have a Coating?

Another common problem can sometimes be that the fabric has a coating on it. Some shirts have a waterproof coating, whilst others might have a fire-retardant coating.

Vinyl sticks to the fibers of the fabrics, so if there is a coating on top, it will stop the vinyl from adhering correctly. So best to grab some blank apparel that doesn't have a coating to keep life nice and easy.

We love grabbing our blank apparel from Happy Crafters. They have shirts, polos, caps, bags, activewear, and more. Click here to see their range.

5. Check Your Heat Press

Does your heat press distribute heat evenly? Some heat press machines tend to have hot and colds spots – which will obviously cause problems with how well your vinyl will adhere.

Sometimes the heating elements in a heat press will stop working properly. So it might be time for a new machine. Why not check out our handy guide to help you find the best heat press machine for vinyl.

6. Hot Peeling vs Cold Peeling

Are you peeling off the vinyl backing whilst your vinyl is hot, or do you wait for it to cool down? Which is the right way? Well as always, it is best to check your vinyl's instructions.

Some types of heat transfer vinyl require their backing to be peeled off straight away (so whilst it is still hot), whilst other types of vinyl require you to cool it down completely before you remove the plastic carrier.

Check the instructions on the packet.

7. Did you Use Fabric Softener?

Some crafters love to pre-wash their apparel. And sometimes, without even thinking you might add fabric softener, just like you would when washing your everyday clothes.

The trouble is that the softener creates a bit of a coating in between your fibers, and this causes problems when your vinyl tries to stick to those same fibers.

I recommend that you forget about pre-washing your clothes, or if you do feel the need to do so, at least stay away from the fabric softener.

Your Vinyl Will Eventually Peel Off!

Now, keep in mind that your vinyl will eventually peel off. How soon will depend on the brand of HTV that you use.

Cricut Iron-On Vinyl will outlast 50+ washes, whilst Siser HTV (our favorite) will outlast 100+ washes.

Not all brands of HTV are created equal, it is worthwhile to do your research and to choose a brand and to stick with it so you can become familiar with how it functions.

How to Look After Your New Shirt

So you applied the HTV correctly and right now it is stuck on properly. How do you make sure that the vinyl stays stuck?

Here are some tips:

  • Wait at least 24 hours before you wear/iron/wash the item.
  • When you wash the shirt/item make sure you turn it inside out.
  • Ideally wash the shirt in cool water (or at least warm but not hot).
  • Use a mild detergent.
  • Hang to dry, or use the low setting on the tumble dryer.
  • Vinyl doesn't like soaking, bleach, fabric softeners, direct heat from an iron or dry cleaning.

Tips for Getting your Vinyl To Stick when Using an Iron

Are you using an iron, instead of a heat press machine? It is much harder to get it all right when it is up to guesswork. So I thought I might share more tips about working with an iron (but if I can, I highly recommend you invest in a heat press instead).

Here is a video that has some great tips on how to get your HTV to stick when using an iron.

I'm curious to know if you managed to figure out what went wrong with your vinyl?

Please let us know below why your vinyl was peeling off. If you have any additional tips on how to help your HTV stay adhered to, please share them with all our readers in the comments below.

How do you keep vinyl from peeling off?

Keep reading to discover easy ways to keep adhesive vinyl from peeling..
Clean Your Surface. ... .
Use Heat To Help Dry Adhesive. ... .
Leave the Transfer Tape on the Vinyl. ... .
Use a Clear Coat of Paint..

Why is my vinyl coming off?

Time- Pressing or ironing for too short a time can cause HTV not to stick to your shirt. Pressing or ironing for too long can have the same effect. HTV works by using a heat activated adhesive so too little time and it won't heat enough to stick. Too long and it can actually burn the adhesive off.

What causes vinyl not to stick?

Setting the correct temperature on your iron or heat press is a crucial part of the heat transfer process. If the temperature is too low, the iron-on vinyl won't bond. If the temperature is too high, you'll end up burning or melting the heat transfer vinyl.

Why is my Cricut vinyl not sticking?

​​The most common reasons for your images not sticking: Cricut EasyPress did not make full contact with the base material. This could be because of seams, zippers, or anything else that will cause you to not have a flat surface.


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