Why does soapy water kill yellow jackets?

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Updated on September 28, 2022

Wasps and yellow jackets are very helpful for the gardens since they feed on insects that could harm your veggies, but we obviously do not want them to nest near our houses.

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People are often afraid of them and rightly so, because they look angry all the time, and they can sting you multiple times if you disturb them.

But, if there is a wasp nest near your house, you have to take the risk of using the various wasp control methods to eliminate them, and one of them is using soapy water to get rid of these buggers.

But does soapy water really kill wasps? If yes, what are the precautions one should take while using this method? Let’s find out here.

Yes, soapy water does kills wasps; it is effective and works really well.

Not only does it kill wasps, but you can also kill yellow jackets, hornets, and other insects with soapy water.

But, before using any home remedy or product, make sure you wear proper clothes because they can sting you if they get a chance; protection from wasp stings is very important.

Related: Is It a Bee, Wasp, or Hornet?

How Does Soapy Water Kill Wasps and Yellow Jackets?

Soapy water is a good home remedy to kill them almost instantly.

When we spray soapy water on wasps, it is believed that it clogs their breathing spores, and therefore, they can’t breathe, making them die fairly quickly.

Note: While you may want to use this method to get rid of bees, please don't! Bees are far more beneficial to us and most beekeepers would be happy to come and take them off your hands.

Killing Wasps With Soapy Water (Step-by-Step)

If you want to use this home remedy, then you’ll need some hot water and dish soap. To make this solution, you need to:

  1. First, add 2 to 4 tablespoons (30-60 ml) of liquid dish soap to an empty spray bottle. Then add 2 cups (500 ml) of hot water.
  2. Screw on the top of the spray bottle.
  3. Swirl around the solution or gently shake the bottle so the dish soap and water mix to create the wasp killing solution.
  4. Spray the solution directly on the wasps or yellow jackets. You may need to experiment with stream/spray dial on the bottle to find a good combination of distance and spread.


Wasps get angry very quickly, and they can attack you before you realize it. So, be prepared. Wear full sleeves clothes, gloves, or mask. You can also use a garden hose containing an end sprayer for spraying the soap solution from a long distance.

Sounds Quite Easy, Right?

Killing wasps with soapy water sounds really easy. You just have to prepare the soapy water solution, which will take hardly a few minutes, and then, you just have to target those pesky insects.

Making this home remedy is not difficult however, the difficult part is the use of it.

First of all, don’t even think about using this home remedy without having proper precautions. Wear proper clothes and gloves and keep yourself covered from head to toe.

Most importantly, keep a clear path to exit in case things go wrong because you may have to run to protect yourself since they’ll try to follow you.

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A few years ago, my neighbor tried this home remedy, and it turned out to be a terrible mistake. He said he simply threw the soapy water on their nest, and wow, it worked! It killed a few wasps.

But soon, he realized there were still many alive, and they stung him quite a few times. So based on my neighbor’s experience, I wanted to share some precautions you need to take while using this remedy.

Read Also: What Does a Wasp Eat?

Precautions While Using Soapy Water to Kill Wasps

When you’re about to use the soapy water on yellow jackets or wasps, tell your family members (especially kids) nearby to stay away from the warzone; ask them to remain inside the house.

If you think there are only a few wasps and you don’t really need to worry about anything, then you’re wrong because even a few wasps can sting you multiple times. Even the toughest guys will realize getting stung dozens of times is not fun.

Before using this solution, wait until dusk when the wasps are calmer and all inside their nest. And be sure to close all the entrances to your house. There will be no use in running inside your house if there’s an open window nearby.

Another important thing before using this risky home remedy… think and ask yourself: Is it worth it?

If there are a few wasps, you can try this home remedy because it will be easier to deal with them. However, if there are many wasps having nests at multiple locations, then using commercial products like wasp bombs and foggers is a much better way to go.

In the end, if the situation is severe, then hiring a wasp exterminator is better than using any other method.

Dealing With Wasps Through Pest Control

Soapy water and other home remedies can definitely get rid of wasps; however they may not be 100% effective if there are wasp nests on your property.

Therefore, in the case of a full-fledge wasp infestation, it is best to hire a professional exterminator who can deal with this problem more efficiently and get rid of these stinging pests for a longer period.

To know more, click the link below to get free quotes from multiple local Pest Control companies to make an informed decision and choose an exterminator based on cost, effectiveness, and recommendations.

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Final Words

Killing wasps with soapy water is a good way to eliminate them from around your home. But keep in mind that there is a risk involved in it.

However, if you are determined to eliminate them by using just home remedies, then you should try everything that is known to repel or kill them. One such such similar home remedy is peppermint oil to repel wasps which you can read about here.

Regardless of the method you choose, please don’t forget about safety while dealing with these nasty pests. Use protective clothing, masks, or gloves and if nothing else works, enlist the help of a professional exterminator to deal with this problem more skillfully. Good luck!

Will soapy water kill yellow jackets?

The fact is, ordinary liquid soap in a spray bottle works as well as anything I've ever tried when it comes to dropping and killing wasps around the house.

Does Dawn dish soap kill yellow jackets?

Yes, you can kill wasps with dish soap. The soapy water can also kill bees and hornets. Dish soap works because it helps the water get through the exoskeleton of the wasp, which can then drown the stinging pest.

What does soap do to yellow jackets?

The safest way to eradicate the yellow jackets residing in the ground is with a mixture of boiling water and liquid soap solution. Once applied, the hot water will drown the majority of the insects, with the soap disabling motor skills and eventually killing them.


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