Why should you not sweat after laser hair removal?

Before starting a series of laser hair removal treatments, patients should know a few things, like avoiding sun exposure or waxing beforehand. But, what happens if you exercise after laser hair removal? Proper skin aftercare and following a list of what to do and not to do after laser hair removal sessions are essential for your comfort, including when you can exercise. Board-certified physician Dr. Mukhtar Anees and the dedicated team at Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)are proud to be leaders in advanced laser services for women and men in the Fort Worth and Burleson, TX areas. Contact one of our team members to schedule an in-person or online consultation today.

What areas of the body can have laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a popular elective procedure for both women and men who want a more long-term solution for unwanted hair. It is a safe and effective way to have smooth and healthier-looking skin while providing long-lasting results compared to more traditional methods, such as shaving, depilatory creams to dissolve hair, or waxing. We will discuss your cosmetic goals and areas of concern for hair removal during a one-on-one consultation at Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care). This allows us to understand your aesthetic needs and determine the right course of treatment. Laser hair removal is highly effective on various areas of the body, such as:

  • Face
  • Chest
  • Underneath the arms or armpits
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Legs

What is recovery like after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal recovery is relatively straightforward. For a day or two afterward, the treated area will feel and look like it's sunburned. Moisturizers and cool compresses may help. Fort Worth, TX patients can wear makeup the next day unless facial skin is blistering. Blisters are a rare side effect and more likely to occur in patients with darker complexions. Other potential laser hair removal side effects are swelling and redness for the first few hours. Over the next month, the treated hair will fall out. Patients should wear sunscreen to avoid sunburns and prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin. If you have a skin reaction almost immediately, a steroid cream may be applied to the affected area to reduce any discomfort.

Is exercise after laser hair removal prohibited?

Patients should avoid hot showers and exercise for at least 24 hours. During sessions, heat is applied to the treated area, resulting in swelling and redness around the hair follicles. While these are temporary laser hair removal side effects, it is essential to avoid any activity that could cause your skin to sweat or heat up, as hair follicles are extremely sensitive for 12 – 48 hours afterward. Body sweat also contains bacteria, which will aggravate sensitive hair follicles, resulting in a rash or possible skin infection. Patients should avoid exercise until temporary laser hair removal side effects have dissipated for best results and optimum comfort.

Are you looking for laser hair removal in Fort Worth, TX?

Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)is a leader in laser hair removal services and proudly offers the advanced Lumenis® LightSheer™ laser technology, which is efficient, faster, and effective for all skin types. Fort Worth and Burleson, TX patients should generally plan for at least 3 – 5 treatments over 3 – 4 weeks for optimal results. Sessions are spread out to allow the treated areas time to heal and dormant hair follicles to reach the active growth phase. During this process, exfoliating the skin, once redness and swelling have dissipated, can help treated hairs shed faster, leaving skin feeling smoother. If you are ready to learn more about laser hair removal, schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Mukhtar Anees today.

Having healthy hair is crucial to looking your best and expressing your individuality! Whether you’re bald, have coloured hair, or flaunt Rapunzel-long locks, your hair impacts your overall appearance.

However, although the hair on your head can be an instrument in expressing your personality and building confidence, hair on other areas of the body can do the opposite! Removing unwanted hair is a tedious and exhausting process—just imagine regularly waxing, shaving, and plucking, enduring the pain and bumps.

Luckily, you don’t have to go through removing unwanted hair yourself for the rest of your life, thanks to laser hair removal! As a highly effective hair removal method, you can live life without having to worry about unwanted hair again.

How to Achieve the Best Results

Of course, everyone wants the best possible outcome when getting laser hair removal. The first thing to keep in mind before getting this treatment is that you must be patient—you may have to schedule multiple sessions of laser hair removal to halt hair growth entirely.

The success of laser hair removal primarily depends on the clinic you go to and their technology. However, as a patient, you are responsible for being aware of the dos and don’ts to boost the chances of having a successful laser hair removal treatment.

While you can go to the best skin laser clinic in your area, you won’t achieve the best results if you don’t follow the precautions! As such, it’s essential to stay consistent with the aftercare and know what you should avoid, such as exercising.

Why Is Exercise Prohibited?

If working out has been part of your life, you’ll have to exclude it from your daily routine for a while! While you can engage in physically demanding activities right after shaving, waxing, plucking, or at-home laser hair removal, professional hair removal treatments are a whole other story.

Whether you like it or not, you won’t be allowed to exercise after laser hair removal to achieve the best results. After laser hair removal, the hair in the treated area will become sensitive to the external stimulus—even sweat aggravates the sensitivity of the hair follicles.

Although preventing sweating is virtually impossible, you must do your best to sweat as little as possible to avoid developing rashes, infections, and redness. Besides exercising, it’s crucial also to avoid exposing yourself to heat or sunlight that induces the body to sweat.

How Soon Can I Exercise?

The bright side is that you don’t have to avoid exercising for very long. Professionals recommend waiting around 24 to 48 hours between your treatment and intense workout for the best results.

During the 24 to 48 hours after laser hair removal, you must keep the skin as cold and quiet as possible, as the area around the follicles may develop redness and swelling. Whether you got your underarms, bikini line, or legs done, it’s not a good idea to try working out right after the laser hair removal.


The skin clinic where you’re getting your laser hair removal done is crucial to achieving the best possible outcome. Still, you also have a responsibility to follow the precautions and aftercare guide after the treatment. As long as you get the best laser hair removal near me and comply with the dos and don’ts, you’re sure to have a smooth, hair-free area!

If you’re looking for the best skin laser clinic in Point Cook, you’ve come to the right place! At Advanced Laser Clinic, we have a team of experts in cosmetic medical treatments, promising to provide the best solutions for your aesthetic concerns. Book an appointment today!

What happens if you sweat right after laser hair removal?

Body sweat also contains bacteria, which will aggravate sensitive hair follicles, resulting in a rash or possible skin infection. Patients should avoid exercise until temporary laser hair removal side effects have dissipated for best results and optimum comfort.

Can you workout and sweat after laser hair removal?

Following your laser appointment, it's important to avoid any exercise that will raise your internal body temperature and lead to a lot of sweating and redness. You can participate in low-impact activities like going for a walk (as long as it's not too hot outside) or stretching.

Does laser hair removal affect sweating?

Although laser hair removal does not stop sweat from forming, additional treatments like Botox injections could quell production, eliminating the issue even further.

How do I keep from sweating after laser hair removal?

Answer: Sweating After Laser Hair Removal It may have been caused by the sweat glands being over stimulated with the treatment. This can be controlled with Botox.


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