Why was The Outsiders book better than the movie?

A book and a movie can be both the same and different. In The Outsiders there are many similarities and differences with the book and movie. They were the same because Johnny kills a man, they cut their, there was the movie scene, and Johnny and Ponyboy went to the church. Some of the differences is when Darry slaps Ponyboy but in the movie he pushes him, Johnny doesn't bring a lot of food in the book but does in the movie he does, when Johnny killed the man it was more described but it wasn't in the movie, and Johnny says he wants to kill himself in the movie. In The Outsiders one of the themes is “friendship” In the movie and book there were many similarities. One similarity was that there was the movie scene where they meet Cherry and…show more content…
One theme in The Outsiders is “friendship” this is shown all throughout the book and movie . One example of this theme is when Johnny killed Bob, who was a socs, to defend his friends. This occurs a lot with Johnny, who had very poor home life, for him it was all he had was friends. Another example was when Ponyboy ran away with Johnny to help him get away so he wouldn't be caught. This is a big deal because if Ponyboy is scene with Johnny then he will be accused too. For the greasers friends was all any of them had. My third example is when Johnny and Ponyboy help the children in the burning church. This is showing friendship because it was showing love. You don't always show friendship to just your friends but to everybody. My last example of friendship is when dally helped Johnny out of the fire. If he hadn’t helped him then Johnny would have died sooner in the book. Books can be different and the same as movies. In the book and movie there were many similarities and differences and many themes. Some similarities are the movie scene, Johnny kills Bob, Ponyboy and Johnny run away to a church, and They both cut their hair. The differences are Dally pushes Ponyboy in the movie but not in the book, Johnny’s killing scene is more described in the book, Johnny brings more things to the church than in the book, and Johnny says he wants to kill himself in the movie. To me the best theme in the story is friendship. I believe that every person needs to show friendship to

When turning a book into a movie, many components need to be taken into consideration. Incorporating each and every detail exactly would challenge the directors, greatly. The Outsiders movie and book have no exceptions. People who worked on the movie did a great job portraying the book. However, the movie lacked some of the pivotal points coming from the book.
To start, The Outsiders author, S.E. Hinton, wrote the book in a first person point of view. If Ponyboy had no knowledge of an event, then the reader did not know either. This form of writing conveyed more of Ponyboy’s emotions and actions, helping readers understand more of the book. In this way, the book differentiates from the movie. Nevertheless, the directors of the movie attempted to show Ponyboy’s first
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But the gist of the story remained constant. Darry harmed Ponyboy which caused him to run away with Johnny. In the park, Socs attacked the two of them, forcing Johnny to kill Bob. Then, Johnny and Ponyboy had to run out of town to escape the police. With the help of Dally, the two boys landed themselves in an abandoned church. Later on, the church burst into flames, which led them to help the children. Eventually, Dally and Johnny died. Throughout the story, Pony, Dally, Soda, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Darry, had to fight against society. Facing many challenges, one being the Socs, they stuck together through thick and thin.
Another similarity between the movie and book had to do with Johnny’s role in the book. Not having a well balanced relationship with his parents, Johnny turned to his friends, instead. But, stressed in both the book and movie multiple times, Johnny’s relationship with Dally was unlike any other. Anyone could see that both of them possessed an unbreakable bond and loyalty toward each other. Eventually, Dally killed himself because he could not hand Johnny’s death. Specifically this part of both the movie and book pulled so

The movie was not good because it didn't have many details.This is about The Outsider’s movie and the book and in my opinion the book is better than the movie.The Outsider movie and the book both have some similarities. They have more different than similarities.

The film mostly stayed close to the original source of information. Similarities are how Johnny and Ponyboy hide in the church or how Johnny gets hurt in the church fire. How Dally gets shot by the police and how he die. Even Johnny death is the same. How he dies in the hospital bed. There's way more differences than similarities trust me.

One of the major change is between the novel and the film is, the book moves at a slower pace than the movie. The movie moves at such a fast pace that by the time any characters die you don’t feel much for them. The book has more character development than the movie,it make feel more for the characters in the book, but the movie does not make you feel for the characters. In the movie the acting feel fake and rushed, the book feels real and more well thought out.

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The most important difference between the movie and the book of The Outsiders' is….. drum roll please (drum roll noises) how Ponyboy shows us his thoughts in the book. When I was watching this movie, it just really annoyed me. Ponyboy is showing his thoughts in his mind and makes you feel more of what he's feeling. It shows more details about the story. The movie and the book both have many

How is The Outsiders book different from the movie?

The book is a coming-of-age novel, but the movie focuses on the characters' loss of innocence. The movie follows the story line very closely. The reader is only told that this story takes place in the southwest, but the movie places it in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the year 1966.

Why is the book Outsiders good?

What makes The Outsiders such an amazing book is the characters and their relationships. Each character is important and unique. They are all their own individuals and have complex backstories. They are all “real” people.

What was in The Outsiders book but not in the movie?

One of the main recurring side plots in the book is Soda's relationship with Sandy, but she doesn't appear in the movie at all. Soda was sure he and Sandy would get married but when Sandy becomes pregnant she's sent to live with her grandmother and it's assumed that they won't be getting back together.

Which version of The Outsiders is better?

The Outsiders: The Complete Novel is Coppola's preferred version of the story, with 22 minutes of additional footage, including a beginning and ending more true to the S.E. Hinton novel on which the film is based.


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