Workouts to do at home to gain muscle

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10 At-home Workouts to Build Muscle in Under 20 Minutes

Estrada Anton / Shutterstock

You put in long hours at work, or maybe even work overnight shifts. You’re tight on money. You want to spend downtime with friends. A hurricane or global pandemic has you barricaded in your home. Whatever the reason, there are times when you just can’t make it to the gym. We’ve all been there. And so long as you don’t use that as an excuse to skip workouts, you’re golden. There are plenty of at-home workouts to build muscle.

There’s no reason you can’t build mass, strength, and size at home. It won’t take all day either. Training with minimal equipment, or even just bodyweight, is enough to get you in the shape you want.

Los Angeles-based personal trainers Ben Bruno and Anthony Yeung designed 10 at-home workouts to build muscle using just your bodyweight and dumbbells. These exercises will shred you to pieces. The best part of all? You don’t even need to leave your living room. The post-workout smoothie and shower are just steps away.

The first five workouts are courtesy of Yeung. The last five workouts are courtesy of Bruno.

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Can you gain muscle with home workouts?

This supposition is based on the notion that bodyweight home workouts are inferior for building muscle. However, fortunately, this notion is wrong. We actually have strong evidence to suggest bodyweight exercises can build muscle just as effectively as weights.

How can I build muscle fast at home?

Eight diet tips to help you build muscle mass.
Breakfast will help build Muscle Mass. ... .
Eat every three hours. ... .
Protein with Each Meal Helps Boost Muscle Mass. ... .
Eat fruit and vegetables with each meal. ... .
Eat carbs only after your workout. ... .
Eat healthy fats to help build Muscle mass. ... .
Drinking water helps you build Muscle Mass..

Can I gain muscle without gym?

Yes, it's possible to build muscles without weights through your workouts. That's because bodyweight training, a form of resistance training and strength training, is well-known to increase muscle mass.

Which workout is best for muscle gain?

The best way to build muscle is to perform compound exercises which recruit multiple muscle groups..
Bench press..
Shoulder press..

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