What annual installment will discharge a debt of rs 9800 due in 4 years at 15 p.a. simple interest



Hint – In this question use the concept that the ultimate amount that is to be paid by 3 years to clear off the debt will be the addition of the principal amount that is 1092 and the simple interest computed for 3 years. So let annual installments per year be some x rupees so for 3 years this installments will amount to 3x rupees. Thus use the direct formula for simple interest that is $SI = \dfrac{{P \times R \times T}}{{100}}$. This will help getting the answer.

Complete step-by-step answer:

As we know in simple interest, the interest is not added in the principle amount during the years.So the amount (A) has to be paid = 1092 as the principal amount + simple interest of the three years.Let the annual installments per year be X Rs.So we had to pay 3X annual installments in three years.Therefore,1092 as the principal amount + simple interest of the three years = 3X.......... (1)Now the rate of interest is given = 12%As we know simple interest is calculated as (S.I) = $\dfrac{{p \times r \times t}}{{100}}$Where p = principle amount, r = rate of interest and t = time in years.So during the first year simple interest is $S.{I_1} = \dfrac{{1092 \times 12 \times 1}}{{100}} = 131.04$ Rs.Now in second year the principle remains = (1092 – X)So during second year simple interest is $S.{I_2} = \dfrac{{\left( {1092 - X} \right) \times 12 \times 1}}{{100}} = 131.04 - 0.12X$ Rs.Now in final year i.e. in third year the principle remains = (1092 – 2X)So during third year simple interest is $S.{I_2} = \dfrac{{\left( {1092 - 2X} \right) \times 12 \times 1}}{{100}} = 131.04 - 0.24X$ Rs.Now from equation (1) we have,$ \Rightarrow 1092 + 131.04 + 131.04 - 0.12X + 131.04 - 0.24X = 3X$Now simplify this equation we have,\[ \Rightarrow 1092 + 3\left( {131.04} \right) - 0.36X = 3X\]$ \Rightarrow 3.36X = 1092 + 393.12 = 1485.12$$ \Rightarrow X = \dfrac{{1485.12}}{{3.36}} = 442$ Rs.So this is the required annual installment we have to pay that will discharge a debt of Rs.1092.Hence option (C) is the required answer.Note – There is a bit of confusion regarding the difference between simple interest and compound interest. A simple interest is based upon the principal amount of a loan, whereas a compound interest is the principal amount and in addition to the interest that accumulates over it on every period of loan duration tenure.

The RRB Group D Results are expected to be out soon! The Railway Recruitment Board released the RRB Group D Answer Key on 14th October 2022. The candidates will be able to raise objections from 15th to 19th October 2022. The exam was conducted from 17th August to 11th October 2022. The RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) is conducting the RRB Group D exam to recruit various posts of Track Maintainer, Helper/Assistant in various technical departments like Electrical, Mechanical, S&T, etc. The selection process for these posts includes 4 phases- Computer Based Test Physical Efficiency Test, Document Verification, and Medical Test. 

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