What are 5 ions that are isoelectronic with Ar?

First, let's define isolectronic. Using prefixes, iso- means same or equal, and electronic in this case is referring to electrons. So we are essentially looking for other atoms that have the same number of electrons as argon. Using the periodic table, we should refer to the atomic number since the number of protons in a neutral atom is the same as the number of electrons. So what is Argon's atomic number? 18. This means that it has 18 electrons.

The next aspect to this question relies on your understanding of ions. Remember - what's the definition of an ion? An atom that has lost or gained electrons. Many students get confused on whether the atom will become an ion with a positive or negative charge when it gains or loses electrons. Here's my analogy. Since electrons are negative, think about negativity in life in general. If you lose negativity in your life (get rid of negative thinking, negative friends/influences), then you become a more positive person. If you gain negativity in your life, you only become more and more negative. Thus... If an atom gains electrons, it will become a negatively charged ion. If an atom loses electrons, it will become positively charged.

Look at the elements close to argon such as sulfur, chlorine, potassium, and calcium. Calcium has 20 electrons. In order to get to 18 electrons (like Argon), what would have to happen? Would it have to gain electrons to go from 20 to 18? Or would it have to lose electrons?

It would have to lose 2 electrons. What happens when an atom loses 2 electrons? It becomes a +2 charge. Calcium ions with a +2 are isoelectronic with Argon.

Now let's look at sulfur. Sulfur has 16 electrons. What would have to happen for sulfur to go from having 16 electrons to having 18 electrons like argon? Would it have to lose 2 electrons to go from 16 to 18? Or would it have to gain 2 electrons?

It would have to gain 2 electrons. What happens when an atom gains 2 electrons? It becomes a -2 charge. Sulfur ions with a -2 charge are isoelectronic with Argon.

Now you should have a better understanding to determine which elements as ions with +1 and -1 charges would be isoelectronic with argon. An ion with a +1 charge would have to lose only 1 electron to become isoelectronic with argon. That would have to be potassium. Potassium ions with a +1 charge are isoelectronic with Argon. An ion with a -1 charge would have had to gain only 1 electron to become isoelectronic with argon. That would have to be chlorine. Chlorine ions with a -1 charge are isoelectronic with Argon.

Answer in summary: Ca+2, K+, Cl-, S-2

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  • Species with the same electronic configuration are said to be isoelectronic.1.

    Name Symbol Electronic
    Configuration shells subshells
    Helium He 2 1s2
    Hydride ion H- 2 1s2
    Lithium ion Li+ 2 1s2
    He, H- and Li+ are all isoelectronic species
    because they have the same electronic configuration.

  • Isoelectronic species must have the same number of electrons in total.

    Name Symbol Electronic
    Configuration Total Number
    of Electrons shells subshells
    Helium atom He 2 1s2 2
    Hydride ion H- 2 1s2 2
    Lithium ion Li+ 2 1s2 2
    He, H- and Li+ are all isoelectronic species
    and have the same total number of electrons.

  • To decide if two or more species are isoelectronic:
    (a) Write the electronic configuration for electrically neutral2 atoms of the elements.

    (b) Write the electronic configuration of any ions:

    ⚛ For positively charged ions (cations) remove electrons from the atom's highest energy level

    ⚛ For negatively charged ions (anions) add electrons to the atom's highest occupied energy level

    (c) If two or more species have the same electronic configuration they are said to be isoelectronic.

  • Note that isoelectronic species tend to have very similar chemical properties.
    Helium atom, hydride ion and lithium ion are all isoelectronic species:

    They all have the same ground-state electronic configuration as the Noble Gas helium: 1s2

    Just like helium, hydride ions and lithium ions are considered unreactive.

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Isoelectronic Configurations of Atoms and Ions

Consider an atom of the Nobel Gas (Group 18 element) argon, Ar.
Argon has atomic number of 18 (Z = 18).
An atom of argon has 18 positively charged protons in its nucleus and 18 negatively charged electrons "orbiting"3 the nucleus in the various energy levels:

First energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell Second energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 6 electrons in the p subshell

Third energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 6 electrons in the p subshell

In its simplest form, we could write the electronic configuration of an atom of argon in terms of shells (energy levels) as 2,8,8
In terms of subshells, the electronic configuration would be represented as 1s22s22p63s23p6

Argon is the ONLY element whose atoms have the ground-state electronic configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p6

But there are ions of other elements that can have the ground-state electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p6

Consider an atom of chlorine, Cl. Chlorine has an atomic number of 17 (Z = 17).

An atom of chlorine has 17 positively charged protons in its nucleus and 17 negatively charged electrons "orbiting" the nucleus in various energy levels:

First energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell Second energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 6 electrons in the p subshell

Third energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 5 electrons in the p subshell

In its simplest form, we could write the electronic configuration of chlorine as 2,8,7

In terms of subshells, the electronic configuration would be represented as 1s22s22p63s23p5

Like all Group 17 (halogen) elements, atoms of chlorine can gain an electron to form an anion (negatively charged ion) with a charge of 1-.

Now, let's consider what happens if this chlorine atom gains an electron to form the chloride ion.

chlorine atom + electron chloride ion
Cl + e- Cl-

Where will this "extra" electron go?
It will enter the 3p subshell to complete this subshell (and also complete this energy level).

  chlorine atom + electron chloride ion
  Cl + e- Cl-
1s22s22p63s23p5 + e- 1s22s22p63s23p6

The electronic configuration of the chloride ion, Cl-, is 1s22s22p63s23p6.
The electronic configuration of an argon atom in the ground-state is also 1s22s22p63s23p6.
We say that that the chloride ion is isoelectronic with the argon atom.

It is also possible for cations, positively charged ions, to be isoelectronic with the argon atom in its ground state.

Consider an atom of potassium, K, in its ground state. Potassium has an atomic number of 19 (Z = 19). There are 19 positively charged protons in the nucleus of an atom of potassium.

There are 19 negatively charged electrons "orbiting" the nucleus of a potassium atom in the ground state.

First energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell Second energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 6 electrons in the p subshell Third energy level: 2 electrons in the s subshell and 6 electrons in the p subshell

Fourth energy level: 1 electron in the s subshell

In its simplest form, we could write the electronic configuration of potassium as 2,8,8,1

In terms of subshells, the electronic configuration would be represented as 1s22s22p63s23p64s1

Like all Group 1 (alkali metal) elements, potassium will readily lose an electron to form a cation with a charge of +1.

  potassium atom potassium ion + electron
  K K+ + e-

The electron that is lost will come from the highest energy level, the fourth energy level:

  potassium atom potassium ion + electron
  K K+ + e-
1s22s22p63s23p64s1 1s22s22p63s23p6 + e-

And we can see that the potassium ion, K+, has the same electronic configuration as the chloride ion, Cl-, and the same electronic configuration as an atom of argon, Ar.
Therefore, Ar, Cl-, and K+ are said to be isoelectronic species.

Similary, we can see that an atom of calcium, Ca, (atomic number = 20) has en electronic configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
Like all Group 2 (alkali-earth) metals, calcium will lose 2 electrons from its highest energy level to form a cation with a charge of 2+.
The calcium ion, Ca2+, will have the electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p6
Ca2+ is said to be isoelectronic with Ar, Cl- and K+

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If we consider the possible ions of the first 20 elements of the Periodic Table, we can draw up a table summarising which of the species are isoelectronic with atoms of a Group 18 (Noble Gas) element:

Isoelectronic with
He: 1s2 Isoelectronic with
Ne: 1s22s22p6 Isoelectronic with
Ar: 1s22s22p63s23p6 Cations Anions Cations Anions Cations Anions
H- Na+

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Question : Which of the species below is NOT isoelectronic with Al3+ ?
    ⚛ Na+
    ⚛ O2-
    ⚛ B3+
Justify your answer.


(Based on the StoPGoPS approach to problem solving.)

  1. What is the question asking you to do?

    (i) Determine which species is not isoelectronic with the others.
    (ii) Justify your answer.

  2. What data (information) have you been given in the question?

    Extract the data from the question:

    Formula of the species:
        Al3+ (reference)
        ⚛ Na+
        ⚛ O2-
        ⚛ B3+
  3. What is the relationship between what you know and what you need to find out?
    Definition: isoelectronic species have the same electronic configuration.

    Write the electronic configuration of each species:

    Al3+ (reference)
        Al, Z = 13, ground-state electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p1
        Atom of Al loses 3 electrons from highest energy level (third energy level) to form Al3+:
        Al3+ ground-state electronic configuration: 1s22s22p6

        Na, Z = 11, ground-state electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s1
        Atom of Na loses 1 electron from highest energy level (third energy level) to form Na+:
        Na+ ground-state electronic configuration: 1s22s22p6

        O, Z = 8, ground-state electronic configuration 1s22s22p4
        Atom of O gains 2 electrons to form O2-:
        O2- ground-state electronic configuration: 1s22s22p6

        B, Z = 5, ground-state electronic configuration 1s22s22p1
        Atom of B loses 3 electrons from second energy level to form B3+:
        B3+ ground-state electronic configuration: 1s2

  4. Decide which species is NOT isoelectronic with Al3+

    All the species (Al3+, Na+ and O2-) have the same electronic configuration (1s22s22p6) EXCEPT B3+ which has the electronic configuation 1s2.
    B3+ is therefore NOT isoelectonic with Al3+

  5. Is your answer plausible?

    Check that Al3+, Na+ and O2- all have the same total number of electrons and that B3+ has a different number of electrons.
    no. electrons(Al3+) = Z(Al) -3 = 13 - 3 = 10
    no. electrons(Na+) = Z(Na) -1 = 11 - 1 = 10
    no. electrons(O2-) = Z(O) +2 = 8 + 2 = 10
    no. electrons(B3+) = Z(B) -3 = 5 - 3 = 2

    All the species have 10 electrons in total EXCEPT B3+, so B3+ can not be isoelectronic with the other species.

  6. State your solution to the problem "species that is not isoelectronic and justify answer":

    (i) B3+ is not isoelectronic with Al3+
    (ii) because the electronic configuration of B3+ (1s2) is NOT the same as the electronic configuration of Al3+ (1s22s22p6).

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