What are different strategies of sales presentation?

Do any of these comments sound familiar?

“Our standard sales presentation is boring… even I’m bored giving it. I often notice people’s eyes are glazing over.  It’s just not what they want to see or hear.”

“Our team really doesn’t have time to prepare, because we’re so busy, but then I notice in the meeting, some people on our team talk too long, give answers we wouldn’t want to give, and we just don’t look well coordinated.”   

“I just don’t have the utmost confidence that when we are talking to decision makers that we’re polished, prepared and ready to have a conversation at the C-Suite level.”

What’s Wrong with Our Sales Presentations?

Every organization knows that sales presentations are a key driver of the sales process.  Companies invest enormous time and resources developing materials for sales presentations.  Yet most sales leaders agree this doesn’t correlate to closing more deals!  What do you need to do to make sure that the presentation you deliver results in sales?

The truth is that there is far more to successful sales than the PowerPoint slide deck.  When the marketing team sends slides to the sales team, that’s only the first step in the process.  Even experienced professionals say there is a huge gap between what they have in hand, and what happens when they walk into the room to deliver it.  And it starts with a fundamental question - “What is a sales presentation?”   

How Do You Define a Sales Presentation?

What your prospect has in mind is not someone coming to talk “at” them.  What they are interested in is a conversation that might lead them to say, “well, this person has something of value to offer my business.”   

What a good presentation “isn’t:”

  • The PowerPoint slides  
  • The “client book”     
  • The “stand and deliver” presentation
  • The “leave behind”  

A great “sales presentation” is everything that happens in that room from the moment you walk in the door or start up the video meeting, to the moment you say goodbye.  Whether this is an initial meeting, a needs assessment, proposal stage or a finals presentation, a sales presentation is the conversation you are having with the client.  It’s what’s happening in the conversation!

Eliminating the Confusion about the Sales Presentation  

When you send your salespeople off to have a conversation with a slide deck, they may assume they are supposed to “present” this material.  Why wouldn’t they?  This is what you’ve given them.    

We have worked with thousands of sales professionals, in world-class organizations that have had lots of training and experience.  But they’ve told us they’ve been given their “marching orders” to go sell the “hot” new product or service.  Unfortunately that’s not usually why they got the meeting.

To be successful in sales, your sales team needs to think of the meeting as a dialogue.  They need to have the skill to go in to a meeting and make things happen.  This includes teaching them to have curious minds.  They must be able to ask questions, be consultative, and where appropriate, weave in the “presentation” of a product, service or solution.   

When we do sales training, we use a process of “asking great questions.” A lot of sales people believe they are good at this until we videotape “mock” sales meetings.  Even experienced salespeople are surprised at how quickly they stop listening and start “selling.”   They are selling before they understand.

The whole point of any meeting with a prospect or client is to get a conversation going, and keep it going until you identify something of value to them that is profitable to you.  Curiosity and the ability to ask questions leads to a genuine dialogue that helps them understand how to improve the client condition.    

Where to Invest in Sales Training

Most sales organizations invest in sales training.  They know it is important.  However, the pressure is on to focus only on product.  With new salespeople joining the organization and new products to sell, the reason for this is obvious.  But it constitutes over-investment in one area that is limited, in terms of generating sales and revenue.   

Many sales VPs and managers “assume” their people are doing the right things when they get into the room or onto the call.  Then, they attend a meeting with one of their sales associates and are disappointed.  They wonder if these skills can be learned.  They can.

Where to Start in Coaching Your Team

Start by sharing with your team that your expectation first and foremost is that they learn to get into a real conversation with a client.  The dialogue should be the center of the meeting.  Their question skills should include how to establish rapport, uncover client needs, explore options that work for them, establish urgency, cement the value in the mind of the buyer, and then explore implementation and next steps.   

Here are seven things you can communicate to your sales team, to immediately improve sales results:  

  • The focus of the meeting is not the “stand and deliver” slide deck– it’s the conversation you are having with that client, in every stage of the selling process.
  • Ask smart questions that indicate you’ve done your homework and you know something about the client situation. Never ask “what keeps you awake at night” or other hackneyed questions – they come across as lazy and disinterested.
  • Go into every conversation with a “curious mindset” and that will prompt you to go deeper than you thought you could. Explore every statement that is interesting or intriguing, or anything you don’t understand – never ever “assume” you know.
  • Don’t worry about “selling” anything until you understand precisely what the client is telling you – those small details will enrich your conversation and your proposal.
  • Use “their words, their way” when talking with a customer or prospect. Make it a point to understand their industry and company words, ways and jargon. When you understand their language, you control the conversation.
  • If you’re an extrovert, work hard to listen and ask questions – in your enthusiasm, you may jump in to “sell” before the client is ready to buy.
  • If you’re going into a client or prospect as a team, get your act together ahead of time. Get on the phone or meet via video and coordinate the meeting from beginning to end. If it is an important finals presentation, you must practice together to leverage each other’s knowledge, expertise and experience.
  • If you are going to be on video, make sure your background, your attire, your framing in the camera, and your lighting work for you and put you in your most professional and engaging light. Check the team for this while you are practicing your pitch.

ROI in Sales Presentation Training

ROI from sales training doesn’t come from doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.  Allocate more time and resources to sales presentation training, including asking questions, professional presence, consultative dialogue, and watch what happens.  If you’ve hired the right team of enthusiastic go-getters who are motivated to sell, arm them with these skills, and get out of their way.    

Most salespeople fail to deliver great presentations. Use these six techniques to deliver engaging sales presentations and stand out from your competitors.

At a recent industry conference, I saw and heard several different sales presentations as sponsors of the conference presented their products and services. Unfortunately, most of them missed the mark.

But they are not alone; many sales presentations are ineffective.

Having been subjected to dozens of sales presentation over the years, I have discovered that most salespeople fail to deliver a great presentation.

Yet, delivering an effective sales presentation is critical if you want to succeed.

Here are few key points you can use to start delivering engaging sales presentations.

Start with Impact

Don’t waste valuable time talking about your company or your products, services or solutions.

Instead, demonstrate that you understand your prospect’s pain, problem, concern or issue. This will capture their attention.

Don’t Waste Time Rambling About Your Company

One of the most fatal blunders salespeople make is to spend the first five to ten minutes of their presentation talking about their company.

I have heard far too many salespeople tell prospects how long they have been in business, about the awards their company has won, or what makes them different.

But this approach does little to interest or engage the prospect because it does not address their key concerns. Here’s an example.

Your Due Diligence

Instead of thanking your prospect for taking the time to meet with you, highlight a current problem that the prospect is facing and the potential impact on their business.

This means that you MUST conduct due diligence BEFORE you meet with a new prospect.

Once you know their problems, you can offer your solution to this problem. Repeat this process as you continue your presentation.

Show, Don’t Tell

Whenever possible, use props in your presentation. Instead of telling your prospect the results you can help them achieve, show them what you do.

During the conference I mentioned at the beginning of this article, one sponsor showed an example of her work to help people connect what she was saying to an outcome.

As she said, “I can help you develop marketing materials,” she held up a brochure, a postcard, and a letter she crafted for a client.

Third Party Testimonials

Third party testimonials are one of the most powerful presentation tools you can use.

Consider the late- night infomercial. The proven formula consists of identifying the problem followed by several testimonials that state how much better life is since using that particular product.

You can use this approach, too, by showing your prospect a testimonial letter or video that outlines a key outcome that is similar to a situation they may be facing.

Focus on Your Prospect

Most salespeople fail to make the presentation about the other person and use a lot of “I” or “me” or “we” language.

But your customer doesn’t care about you. They want you to talk about them.

They want to know how you, your product or service will help them solve a problem.

Rehearse First

Before you actually deliver your presentation or present your business case, run through it to make sure that everything focuses on the prospect, their business, their company, and their problems.

If possible, rehearse it at least one time and record it so you can hear exactly what you say and how you say it.

Show the ROI

Also known as the WII-FM theory-What’s In It For Me?

Every sales presentation MUST focus on how your customer will benefit from using your product, service, solution or company.

Will your product or service reduce expenses, improve productivity, eliminate errors, shorten shipping time, or increase sales?

Back Up Your Case With Numbers

When possible use figures, numbers, dollars or percentage to demonstrate actual results.

However, make sure that it is easy to understand the bottom line. The less you try to “sell them” and the more you focus on helping them solve a problem, the more you will stand out from your competition.

Address the Risk Issue

Virtually every new prospect you meet with has some concern about using your product, service or company or about changing vendors or suppliers.

In today’s tough sales environment, it is essential that you address this in your presentation. Don’t ignore it! Here is how you do it.

Ask Your Prospect About Their Concerns

First, ask your prospect, “What concerns, if any, do you have about changing vendors?”

This demonstrates that you recognize that they may be concerned about switching suppliers.

It can instill confidence, and in many cases, it will uncover additional information you can use to improve your presentation.

Pause briefly before offering a reason why it makes sense to make the change.

This is much more effective than simply telling your prospect why they should do business with you. It separates you from most of your competition.

Modify your approach and use these steps. You will quickly notice an improvement in your results.

This free guide on prospecting sequences will teach you how to develop a series of prospecting touches, arranged in an intentional sequence, to improve the probability that you engage your prospect. Download the FREE Seven Steps to Building Effective Prospecting Sequences ebook here.

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