What are the advantages and applications of DBMS explain?

Database is a collection of data which is interrelated and is used to retrieve, insert, and modify data efficiently. It can also be used to organize the data in the database in a schema, table, views, reports, etc.

Information retrieval, modification, deletion and insertion can be done using the database.

Database Management System

Database management system offers an interface for performing a number of operations like creation of a database, data storage, updating data, creating tables to store information in it and much more. DBMS also offers security and protection to the database and maintains data consistency in case there is more than one user.

DBMS enables users for the tasks as stated below:

  1. Data definition: DBMS is used for the creation of definition, their modification, and the removal of definitions that define the organization of data in the database.
  2. Data updation: DBMS is used for updating the data in the database through the means of modification, insertion, and deletion of actual data.
  3. Data retrieval: It is used for the retrieval of data by the application to perform various functions.
  4. User Administration: DBMS is used for registration and monitoring of users, concurrency control, maintaining data integrity, monitoring performance, enforcing data security, and recovering data lost due to critical failure.

Characteristics of DBMS

  • It establishes a digital repository on a server to store and manage the data in the database.
  • It provides a clear view and a logical view of the process manipulating the data.
  • DBMS offers automatic backup and recovery of the data.
  • DBMS maintains data in a healthy manner in case of failure due to ACID properties.
  • It has the ability to reduce the complicated relationship between the data in the database.
  • It is used for processing and manipulation of the data.
  • It provides security of data.
  • It can view the database from different viewpoints depending on the needs of the users.

Advantages of DBMS

  • Controls database redundancy: All the data is stored in one place, and that recorded in the database and hence controls the redundancy in the database.
  • Data sharing: DBMS allows users with authority to share the data in the database with multiple users.
  • Easy Maintenance: The centralized nature of the database helps in the easy maintenance of the data.
  • Reduce time: It reduces the maintenance need and development time.
  • Backup: It automatically backs up data to maintain its integrity in case of failure.
  • Multiple user interfaces: It offers a number of user interface to multiple users.

Disadvantages of DBMS

  • Cost of software and hardware: It requires a number of high powered processors and large size memory to run DBMS.
  • Size: a Large amount of storage size is required to run DBMS efficiently.
  • Complexity: DBMS adds an additional layer of complexity to the data.
  • Higher impact of failure: DBMS faces a higher risk of losing the data since all the data is stored at a single location and a catastrophic failure can wipe it all.

As the volume of your data increases, so does the need for a database management system (DBMS), which is a computerized system that helps orchestrate large quantities of information.

A DBMS can improve your data processes and increase the business value of your organization’s data assets, freeing users across the organization from repetitive and time-consuming data processing tasks.

The result? A more productive workforce, better compliance with data regulations, and better decisions.

What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?

A database management system is a software tool used to create and manage one or more databases, offering an easy way to create a database, update tables, retrieve information, and enhance data. A DBMS is where data is accessed, modified and locked to prevent conflicts.

A database management system also provides tools to administer the database schema – which dictates the structure of the database itself. In many cases, the database management system will be seen only by the database developer, because the developer will provide a different front-end for the customer. This front-end could be considered, by the most technical definition, to be a database management system in its own right — however, it is more likely to go by another name, such as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

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Business Benefits of a DBMS

Since quality data management implies a centralized view of data, teams need a solution that allows them to orchestrate everything, including monitoring who is accessing the system and where they’re accessing it from. A database management system helps improve organizational security, integration, compliance, and performance.

1. Improved data sharing and data security

Database management systems help users share data quickly, effectively, and securely across an organization. By providing quick solutions to database queries, a data management system enables faster access to more accurate data. End users, like salespeople, are able to speed up sales cycles and get more accurate in their sales prospecting.

2. Effective data integration

Implementing a database management system will promote a more integrated picture of your operations by easily illustrating how processes in one segment of the organization affect other segments. What once was done completely manually now can be fully automated and more accurate. The right DBMS will include flexible integration options to standardize data across multiple sources, remove duplicates, normalize, segment, and enrich data sets into custom workflows.

3. Consistent, reliable data

Data inconsistency occurs when different versions of matching data exist in different places in an organization. For example, one group has a client’s correct email, another the correct phone number. By using a proper database management system and data quality tools, you can be sure that an accurate view of data is shared throughout your organization.

4. Data that complies with privacy regulations

Database management systems provide a better framework for the enforcement of privacy and security policies. By orchestrating data in a unified manner, companies can manage privacy and data security centrally, helping unify their systems of record and lower the risk of regulatory violations.

5. Increased productivity

Deploying a DBMS typically results in increased productivity because a good DBMS empowers people to spend more time on high-value activities and strategic initiatives, and less time cleaning data and manually scrubbing lists.

6. Better decision-making

Decisions built on data are only as good as the information used. A database management system helps provide a framework to facilitate data quality initiatives. Better data management procedures generate higher-quality information, which leads to better decision-making across an organization.

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Database Management System (DBMS) is basically a collection of interrelated data and a set of software tools/programs which access, process, and manipulate data. It allows access, retrieval, and use of that data by considering appropriate security measures. The Database Management system (DBMS) is really useful for better data integration and security.

Advantages of Database Management System (DBMS): 

Some of them are given as follows below.

  1. Better Data Transferring: Database management creates a place where users have an advantage of more and better-managed data. Thus making it possible for end-users to have a quick look and to respond fast to any changes made in their environment.
  2. Better Data Security: The more accessible and usable the database, the more it is prone to security issues. As the number of users increases, the data transferring or data sharing rate also increases thus increasing the risk of data security. It is widely used in the corporate world where companies invest money, time, and effort in large amounts to ensure data is secure and is used properly. A Database Management System (DBMS) provides a better platform for data privacy and security policies thus, helping companies to improve Data Security.
  3. Better data integration: Due to the Database Management System we have an access to well managed and synchronized form of data thus it makes data handling very easy and gives an integrated view of how a particular organization is working and also helps to keep a track of how one segment of the company affects another segment.
  4. Minimized Data Inconsistency: Data inconsistency occurs between files when different versions of the same data appear in different places. For Example, data inconsistency occurs when a student’s name is saved as “John Wayne” on a main computer of the school but on the teacher registered system same student name is “William J. Wayne”, or when the price of a product is $86.95 in the local system of the company and its National sales office system shows the same product price as $84.95. So if a database is properly designed then Data inconsistency can be greatly reduced hence minimizing data inconsistency.
  5. Faster data Access: The Database management system (DBMS) helps to produce quick answers to database queries thus making data access faster and more accurate. For example, to read or update the data. For example, end-users, when dealing with large amounts of sale data, will have enhanced access to the data, enabling a faster sales cycle. Some queries may be like:
    • What is the increase in sales in the last three months?
    • What is the bonus given to each of the salespeople in the last five months?
    • How many customers have a credit score of 850 or more?
  6. Better decision making: Due to DBMS now we have Better managed data and Improved data access because of which we can generate better quality information hence on this basis better decisions can be made. Better Data quality improves accuracy, validity, and time it takes to read data. DBMS does not guarantee data quality, it provides a framework to make it easy to improve data quality.
  7. Increased end-user productivity: The data which is available with the help of a combination of tools that transform data into useful information, helps end-users to make quick, informative, and better decisions that can make difference between success and failure in the global economy.
  8. Simple: Database management system (DBMS) gives a simple and clear logical view of data. Many operations like insertion, deletion, or creation of files or data are easy to implement.
  9. Data abstraction: The major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of the data. Since many complex algorithms are used by the developers to increase the efficiency of databases that are being hidden by the users through various data abstraction levels to allow users to easily interact with the system.
  10. Reduction in data Redundancy: When working with a structured database, DBMS provides the feature to prevent the input of duplicate items in the database. for e.g. – If there are two same students in different rows, then one of the duplicate data will be deleted.

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