What are the good things about SNAP?

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Snapchat is one of the most popular social media apps around today. It can be a great way to get in touch with people and get to know people with similar mindsets. It is mainly used as a medium to share some great photos with people you meet online. But there are pros & cons of Snapchat. We will share them with you in this post.

Snapchat is likely nothing new for you, But we will discuss its prominent features briefly and then share some of the advantages and disadvantages of this popular social media platform.

In this modern world, our lives gravitate toward technology. Look around in any public venue and you’ll get to see a smartphone in every hand. Being a snap-oriented generation, we are always into downloading applications that add a zing to our snaps and selfies.

Snapchat has gone viral within no time. It is not only one of the best apps ever that has graced the stores but also has magnetized large audiences by its simplicity and creativity.

Before you dive into this platform, it’s better to know the pros and cons of Snapchat.

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17 Most Prominent Pros & Cons Of Snapchat

To know whether Snapchat is right for you or not, consider the pros and cons of Snapchat.

We’re here to shine some light on the pros and cons of Snapchat.

Let’s start with the brighter side – the Pros of Snapchat.

Advantages Of Snapchat:

Here are listed some of the advantages of Snapchat which hold significance in engaging the juveniles.

1. It Is Quite Easy to Get Started with Snapchat:

Creating your Snapchat ID is not at all a big deal. It is as easy as pie to set up your account on this platform. Due to privacy issues, it does not demand any personal detail. After signing up, you can connect and interact with people by sharing your Snapchat ID.

So, getting into Snapchat is very simple.

2. You are Safe and Secure:

In terms of privacy, Snapchat is an exceptional platform. There is no chance of breaching privacy or even bypassing the privacy settings because of highly secure Snapchat servers.

Snapchat Gives Safety To Users

You’re notified whenever someone views your snaps. This indicates that lurkers, which constitute a large fraction of internet users, cannot be kept out of sight. You’ll get to know whosoever is catching a glimpse of your images or is attempting to take a snapshot.

3. It Has a User-Friendly Interface:

In contrast to various other social media platforms, Snapchat has worked exceedingly well on its interface. Making it simple, appealing, and amusing has won millions of hearts within less time. Not only its clean interface enables the users to benefit from its snap features but it also makes this app run faster than any of its competitors.

It Has A Clean And Appealing Interface

4.The Amazing Face Filters Fuel Excitement In the Users:

It’s true many photo-sharing and editing apps offer crazy filters to the users but Snapchat filters are matchless. You can swap your face in any way imaginable. You can add hats, glasses, dog or bunny ears, and many other such spectacular filters can turn your snap into something worth sharing.

If you have Snapchat, try all these filters by just swiping left or right and see how you look.

5. You Can Use “Geofilters” With the App:

Snapchat is doing a great deal by providing the users with location-specific filters, called Geofilters. Once you enable location on your phone, you can access geofilters easily. These filters get activated whenever you’re in a certain area and you can then amuse yourself and others by adding fun designs to your snaps.

“Geofilter” Is A Distinct Feature of Snapchat

It is such a great tool that companies also use to share their fun and comical side to generate more leads and spread their brand awareness.

Snapchat entertains you as well as other people on your list by viewing your shared stories. Stories are more engaging as compared to traditional text messages. Creating content, sharing ideas, and interacting with others– are all mind-blowing features that let you know what others are doing.

Share Your Stories with Friends And Family


7. It Can Help Your Business Grow and Shine by Promoting Products:

You can update your potential customers by promoting your products and services. It allows customers to have one-to-one communication with businesses or companies. Using Snapchat, entrepreneurs can increase branding by snapping customers with their products. Your sales may increase by choosing your valued customers for your product advertisements. This builds a strong relationship between consumers and brands.

8. You Can Create and Display Content That You Wouldn’t Post On Any Other Platform:

Your videos and pictures on this platform are safe. Snapchat stores your images temporarily as they are ephemeral. You need not worry about your stuff being stored in the Snapchat database. Your story-associated snaps are also secure as they disappear within 24 hours.

9. It Offers a Useful “Discover” Feature:

Some of you might not know about this “Discover” feature of Snapchat. It permits users to explore premium video content and create brand awareness. This feature also gives you suggestions of people you may know so that you can connect with the concerned one easily.

Explore The “Discover” Feature

Just as a coin has two sides, similarly a situation or a thing may have more than one aspect. Knowing only the pros of Snapchat is not what’s intended here. Calling your attention to both the pros and cons of Snapchat best describes the aim of this article.

Let’s get you to the negative side- the Cons of Snapchat

List Of Cons Of Snapchat

Given below are some of the demerits of Snapchat which need to be considered before you get into the play store and download Snapchat.

1. The Snapchat Audience Is Limited:

Snapchat has no doubt captured the hearts of young adults but it isn’t gaining much popularity among the older adults. It has been predicted that it successfully targets people of the age range of 12 to 34. Hence, Snapchat needs to stretch out more and more to attract and engage larger audiences.

Your Snapchat community can only see your stories or content for a maximum of 24 hours. This implies that after 24 hours, your shared moments will automatically disappear. This is what we call the self-destructive nature of Snapchat.

Snapchat Content Is Self-Destructive

If you’re someone with a sole marketing aim, you’ll have to create and post new and engaging content every day for people who follow your stories. Otherwise, your content or message may easily be washed away from the minds of your target audience.

3. People Find Snapchat Rather Addictive:

Snapchatters remain glued to their phones for hours and hours just to get to know the ins and outs of Snapchat. As the filters are modified and new filters are incorporated from time to time, people remain hooked to this app. They never experience boredom as they keep on trying out different filters to know which filter best suits their taste.

Addiction to this social media platform is stressful as it may jeopardize your health.

4. There Is No Resharing Option:

Snapchat is at a great disadvantage by not having a re-sharing feature. Dissimilar to various other social platforms, it doesn’t allow content sharing with others. The only way one can reshare is by content screenshotting and then uploading it on other platforms. This is an obstacle in the way of building connections and engaging the community.

5. It Hides Real Identities Through Filters:

People have become so accustomed to using Snapchat that they have stopped turning to their natural cameras. They have become somewhat habitual of taking beautiful Snapchat filtered pictures. Filters do have the disadvantage of concealing one’s true identity. This trend, in the longer run, can be dangerous.

6. It Has a Video Time Constraint:

If you plan to make and post a video, it can be no longer than 10 seconds. To give your message within 10 seconds is a hard job. If you have longer content, then without any option you’ll have to post a segmented video. Viewing too many videos can be annoying and distracting.

Snapchat Allows Very Short Videos

If you’re running a business or are part of any organization, you’ll have to have a handsome amount if you decide to use Snapchat for advertisement purposes. You’ll need to have a high limit for the budget if you want to avail yourself of the Snapchat paid advertisement option.

It’s important to bring into your notice that for small and medium scale businesses, this can be more than a burden. This suggests that Snapchat fails to touch all sorts of businesses and markets.

8. It Is Not An Ideal Platform For Marketing:

Unlike Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Snapchat is not a perfect medium to market your products. The options to set up and promote a brand are very limited. The snaps or videos posted are self-destructive (disappearing after 24 hours) which allows limited engagement with potent customers.

What Is It About Snapchat That Is Compelling People To Hop Onto It?

Snapchat is a great social medium for sharing your stories with your loved ones, taking goofy pictures, and expressing yourself with superb filters, bitmojis, doodles, lenses, and all other kinds of fun effects. It’s all about HAPPY SNAPPING!

It’s a perfect photo-sharing platform that has gained the status of “must-have app” among teenagers. Although Snapchat is immensely popular among teens and tweens, it has begun to earn a good name in older adults as well.

It’s the creative power of Snapchat that makes it stand out from its competitors. The marvelous editing and filtering features offered by Snapchat make the heart of the consumers swell with happiness.

Swapping faces, adding bunny ears over your head, changing your head size, reversing your gender, and many other such filters are constantly blowing away millions of users each day. Adding text, stickers, captions, or doodles on your snaps- are also featured by Snapchat which can transform your ordinary snap into a masterpiece.

Is Snapchat Worth Using?

While Snapchat is a whimsical way to woo consumers, it does have downsides as well which might hold off some people from using it. If you’re someone just a click away from Snapchat, hold on.

FAQ – Frequently Ask Questions on Pros and Cons of Snapchat

What are pros and cons of Snapchat?

Pros: Every single social media platform permit users to cooperate with your followers. Be that as it may, with Snapchat, they get the chance to see an increasingly laid-back, cut of-life look to your item. Snapping clients legitimately is an incredible method to advance deals and other selective material.

Cons:The examination for Snapchat are still a piece in progress. Sadly, there is no similar to or share include that lets you measure the achievement of your substance. The best way to connect with watchers is through perspectives and screen captures. While you actually can spare your snaps and recordings, purchasers may have the option to see the substance on your story for 24 hours ONLY.

What is a good age to get Snapchat?

Snapchat has a base age prerequisite of 13 years of age, and clients who enter a date of birth under 13 can’t set up a record. Lamentably, it’s anything but difficult to go around this utilizing a phony date of birth and – as with Facebook – the administration has no chance to get of checking.

What are the Disadvantages of using Snapchat?

Oversaturation. Promoting can immediately become irritating once somebody’s edge for posts is reached. It makes something straightforward more confounded than it should be. Snapchat makes messaging somehow tricky as compared to other social media platforms.

Is Snapchat Dangerous?

Despite the fact that there’s nothing inalienably risky about Snapchat, it’s regularly alluded to as “the sexting application.” There’s no exploration demonstrating that is valid and a lot of recounted proof that it isn’t the concentration for adolescents, however—like any media-sharing help—Snapchat can be utilized for sexting, provocation, and so on.


We’d like to put forward our final thoughts about the pros and cons of Snapchat for you.

Snapchat offers you to display digital versions of yourself and your friends in a fun way and allows people to interact with each other alongside. It is indeed a brilliant platform to connect with and its best filtering options give immense pleasure to the users. But at the same time, you need to know about its demerits as well. Apart from being exciting, it is working to mask one’s true self.

After reading the above-mentioned pros and cons of Snapchat, if you see Snapchat from a business point of view, there is no harm giving it a try and exploring whether it is catering to your business needs or not. If not, you can stop using it anytime.

Now being familiarized with the pros and cons of Snapchat, what have you decided for yourself, to snap or not to snap?

We anticipate that this article on the pros and cons of Snapchat helped you know whether Snapchat is worth it or not.

Further Reading:

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