What are the similarities between the Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration?

Fred R.

asked • 09/29/15

The Declaration of the Rights and the french declaration 

1 Expert Answer

The United States Declaration, written in 1776, and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, written in 1789.he United States Declaration of Independence was composed in order to outline how the States had been wronged and oppressed long enough by the British. The French Declaration was written to outline and put into writing the natural rights that each citizen had. Each document was writing to inspire social and political change.

When looking at the similarities and differences between the United States of America’s declaration and France’s declaration, it is clear to see that both promised equality for men, sadly this was far from the truth. This is especially shown in “The French Declaration Of Rights of Man and Citizens” because how different their society was at the time. The Enlightenment was crucial in determining almost every aspect of America, mostly in terms of politics, government, and individual lives. Without the central ideas and figures of the Enlightenment, the United States would have been drastically different since these concepts shaped the country at the time of the revolution. These Constitutions had similar ideas to make a better political society, but the outcomes were completely different. The “Declaration of Independence” is the most important symbol of American national life and is perceived as one of the most cherished values of the American people. In the “Declaration of Independence” it states that “all men are created equal,” (Reilly ) but that only refers to men and only men that were white. First of all, slaves did not have equal rights as their masters, because these men, women, and children that are black were treated horribly by the white men and even the white women. White men had so much power back then and they definitely abused that power to only better themselves or their plantations. Before 1920 women couldn’t own property and had no legal claim to any money

The Bill of Rights was first written to get the Constitution ratified. One of the major purposes behind the Bill of Rights was to save the Constitution. Many delegates had wished to write a Bill of Rights to prevent government abuses. The U.S. Constitution would not have been ratified if it didn’t have a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was secondly written to limit the government. Many of these Bill of Rights were created in direct response to British actions during the colonial period. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to govern human nature. The French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was written as the first step of France writing a constitution. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and Jean Lafayette. This declaration was an important statement from the…show more content…
The basic idea of this constitution was that “all men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” The declaration became the cornerstone document for the French Revolution. The Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen have few similarities to each other. The first similarity is that both of these documents can cause social chaos. Both of these documents used the same ideas in some of their articles to compare same things. They both point out Freedom of Speech. The Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen also have some differences. For example the Bill of Rights covers the construction of the government while the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen sticks to just pointing out the problems of many governments. The Bill of Rights also points out how certain items shall be handled such as needing a judge to issue a search warrant on a probable cause while the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen only says there needs to be just on

The two documents that will be viewed is the United States’ Declaration of Independence and France’s Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen on what they are, what they do, and how they compare. Both are very important historical documents that molded France and the United States into the countries they are today. Learning about these documents is just learning more about how our home countries came to be and have achieved their greatness. The Declaration of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen stands for the common people’s freedom such as religion, speech, and equality. It started off back during the times of the French Revolution. At the moment, France seemed to be run by a monarchial regime who made all the decisions.…show more content…
The Declaration of Independence refers to the United States as being free, and mentions how the crowns of Great Britain stands more in the way of their people living freely and as they please. This is similar to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, where it is listed that anybody and everybody are to live in equality. This point seems to be made in all declarations. When people who end up being the leaders of these new found countries all gather together, and they never forget to remind everyone around them that everyone is born equal and free. These declarations all have in common that they have the perfect plan for everyone to be stress free and one-hundred percent equal with everybody else around them. The Declaration of Independence and The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen both stand for equality and freedom for their all of people. Even though the documents were written over a decade apart, both countries with their documents stood for the same cause. The United State’s declaration was fighting for their freedom and equality that they never had back when they were ruled by the crown of Great Britain, while the French’s declaration simply enforced the freedom and equality onto their

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